A Chance to Serve Boston’s Students

Bostonians have the chance to become civically engaged on behalf of the city’s school children when the terms of two School Committee members expire in January 2019. A third seat will open up later following a different schedule. Serving on the School Committee provides the opportunity to make a difference in the lives and education of thousands of students in the Boston Public Schools.

Impact the Future The School Committee plays an essential role in Boston and has significant authority if it chooses to use it. The most important decision on the School Committee’s horizon is the selection of the next Superintendent. The School Committee will lead the hiring process and those who serve on the Committee will make this most consequential decision. Other issues are student achievement strategies, school facilities, transportation, and school turnaround initiatives.

The process of filling vacancies is straightforward, which makes applying for a seat an option for anyone interested in this leadership role. The process requires written answers to education policy questions confronting Boston Public Schools and public interviews by the Nominating Panel. The goal is to present the Mayor with a list of applicants whose background, expertise, and views are well understood, not only by the Nominating Panel, but also by members of the public. This transparency is an essential component of the process, so Boston residents can be assured about the qualifications and priorities of those overseeing the schools.

Interested in focusing your energy on the future of Boston’s schools? Now is an especially important time to apply for a position on the Boston School Committee. Take this opportunity to work on behalf of the students of Boston.

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