Boston Tops All Cities in NIH Funding in FY16

Funding for health and science sectors is vital for local economy

Boston’s medical, educational, biotech and healthcare institutions received $1.85B from 3,592 research grants from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in FY16, topping all other cities in the country.  FY16 marked the 22nd consecutive year that Boston received more NIH funding than any other city according to a recent report by the Boston Planning and Development Agency (BPDA).

The importance of NIH funding for the City’s economy raises concerns about future funding from the Trump Administration.  The President’s proposal for FY18 reduced NIH funding by $5.8B or 18%.  The NIH appropriation in 2018 will be determined by Congress which previously has supported the NIH, but the President’s plan could have a longer-term impact.

Hospital and Medical Institutions
Boston hospital and medical institutions received $1.2B of NIH funding in FY16 or 65% of the Boston total.  The Longwood Area received more NIH funding than all but nine states in the United States.

NIH Grants Awarded to Boston Hospitals, ($M) FY16
MGH $364.98
Brigham & Women’s Hospital $349.52
Children’s Hospital $147.76
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center $132.23
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute $128.05
Boston Medical Center $27.15
Mass. Eye and Ear Infirmary $19.81
Tufts Medical Center $19.79
Hebrew Rehabilitation Center $6.98
Spaulding Rehab. Hospital $1.38

Educational Institutions
Higher education institutions in Boston received NIH research grants totaling $598M in FY16 or 32% of the total.


NIH Grants Awarded to Boston Colleges & Universities, ($M) FY16
Harvard Medical School $195.16
Boston University Medical $135.95
Harvard School of Public Health $123.09
Boston University $52.97
Tufts University Boston $52.49
Northeastern University $30.77
UMASS Boston $5.39
New England College of Optometry $0.84
MGH Institute of Health Professions $0.61
Emerson College $0.38

Biotech & Healthcare
Nineteen private companies located in Boston received NIH research grant awards totaling $16M. The top four companies to receive NIH funds are listed below.

NIH Grants Awarded to Biotech & Healthcare Companies, ($M) FY16
Immunetics, Inc. $5.75
Arietis $2.22
Cogito Health, Inc. $1.34
Klogene Therapeutics, Inc. $1.02

NIH funding for Massachusetts
Massachusetts as a whole received $2.6B in NIH funding in FY16 from 5,029 awards, of which Cambridge institutions received 580 awards totaling $334M.

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