Boston’s Capital Plan

Continuing to Move Boston Forward

The FY23-FY27 Capital Plan is the City of Boston’s long-term capital investment program for the next five fiscal years and is the first one proposed by Mayor Wu. The $3.6B Capital Plan supports 407 projects to update and improve City infrastructure. The Capital Plan indicates the City’s priorities for capital improvements, though it is subject to change annually. While the City expects to increase borrowing to fund capital projects, an uncertain economy post-pandemic warrants careful monitoring and flexibility to maintain Boston’s financial strength. What types of projects does it fund? What new projects are included? How will the City finance the Capital Plan? How much debt will the City take on?

This Special Report provides information and insights on:

• Planned capital spending in FY23-FY27
• Capital financing and debt management
• New projects and highlights by department

 Read full report>>

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