Bureau Updates

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October, 2024 Opportunity to Serve on the Boston School Committee
September, 2024 Managing Boston’s Pensions
April, 2024 Proposed Real Estate Transfer Fee Policies Explained
April, 2024 Mayor Recommends 8.0% Budget Increase
March, 2024 School Budget Process Needs Substantial Improvement
February, 2024 Decisions Ahead: Preparing for the End of ARPA
February, 2024 BPS School Spending Projected to Drop $83.8M
February, 2024 BPS Budget: The Crucial Role of the Boston School Committee
December, 2023 Maximizing ARPA: One Year to Commit $207.5M to Vital Projects
December, 2023 Boston Sets FY24 Tax Rates
November, 2023 Revised IDP Now Before Zoning Commission
October, 2023 Questions for the Candidates
September, 2023 Boston’s FY24 Budget Fortifies Basic City Services
August, 2023Election 2023: Boston City Council
July, 2023Opportunity to Join the Boston School Committee
May, 2023 City Council Must Prioritize Fiscal Health in FY24 Budget
May, 2023City Council Must Prioritize Fiscal Health in FY24 Budget
March, 2023 US Mayors Take on Climate Change
March, 2023 New Growth is Key to Boston’s Fiscal Health
Subject: Finance
March, 2023 Boston’s 2023-2024 State Legislative Agenda
February, 2023 Potential Fossil Fuels Ban on New Development
Subject: Climate
January, 2023Boston’s Small Businesses Withstood the MBTA Shutdowns
January, 2023New BPS/BTU Contract Driven by State Mandates
Subject:Education/Collective Bargaining
November, 2022Two Seats Open on the Boston School Committee
October, 2022
Mayor Wu Should Veto 20% Pay Raises for Elected Officials
September, 2022
Boston's FY23 Spending Plan Set
August 12, 2022
Future of BPS: Avoiding State Takeover with Partnership
June, 2022State Legislature Considers Boston Real Estate Transfer Fee
February, 2022Pandemic-Related Challenges for US Mayors
February, 2022Boston records $15.3M surplus for FY21
November, 2021Support Boston's Students: 4 School Committee Openings
November, 2021
What is the Question Anyway?

June, 2021The Boston School Committee Needs You!
April, 2021 Boston’s FY22 Budget & Recovery
April, 2021
Boston a Leader in NIH Funding
April, 2021
FY22 School Budget $1.3B, up $36M
March, 2021COVID 19 Effect on Mid-Year Budget

February, 2021Boston's Tax Rate Set for FY21
January, 2021Seat Open on the Boston School Committee
January, 2021BPS Ended FY20 With Small Surplus
Subject: Finance/Education
January, 2021 Boston Stands Out in Bond Sale
Subject: Finance
December, 2020 FOCUS 2020: Inspectional Services
Subject: COVID
December, 2020 Boston Ends FY20 With $15.3M Surplus
Subject: Finance
November, 2020 External Funds Critical for Boston
Subject: Finance
October, 2020 Open Seat on the Boston School Committee
Subject: Schools
October, 2020 Building Boston
Subject: Capital Plan/Finances
October, 2020 Addressing Boston’s Housing Needs Amidst COVID-19
Subject: Housing
June, 2020 Priorities for U.S. Mayors
Subject: Mayor
September, 2020 FOCUS 2020: Boston Public Health Commission
Subject: Public Health
July, 2020 Boston’s Police Budget in Context
Subject: Finance/Police
February, 2020
Boston’s Tax Rate Set for FY20
Subject:Finance /Tax rate
November, 2019 Time for School Committee Nominations
Subject: Schools/BPS
November, 2019 State Conducts Comprehensive Review of BPS
Subject: Schools/BPS
October, 2019 Ride-Hailing Companies = $3.5M for Boston
Subject: Transportation
May, 2019 Homework for the Next Superintendent
Subject: Schools/BPS
April, 2019 Top Concerns of US Mayors
Subject: Policy
March, 2019 Boston Shows Strength in Bond Sale
Subject: Finance
February, 2019 Boston’s Tax Rates Set for FY19
Subject: Property Tax
January, 2019 Boston Ends FY18 with a $21.2M Surplus
Subject: Finance
December, 2018 New Open Seat on the Boston School Committee
Subject: Schools
November, 2018 Boston’s Pension Liability Increased

Subject: Finance
September, 2018 Boston’s State Education Aid Plays Reduced Role

Subject: Finance
August, 2018 $22M Fall CPA Funding Round

Subject: Finance/Housing
July, 2018 Salary Changes for Boston’s Top Officials
Subject: Personnel
July, 2018 Boston’s Tax-Exempt Property Snapshot
Subject: Property Value
July, 2018 City Decides First Projects for CPA Funds
Subject: Finance
June, 2018 Boston’s Retiree Health Care Liability Increases
Subject: Finance
May, 2018 Boston Shows Market Strength
Subject: Finance/Bonds
May, 2018 Boston’s Abatement Applications at 28-Year Low
Subject: Property Tax
May, 2018 City and Unions Still Negotiating Employee Contracts
Subject: Collective Bargaining
April, 2018 Proposals for CPA Funds Requested
Subject: CPA
April, 2018 What Keeps 115 U.S. Mayors Up at Night
Subject: Policy
February. 2018 State Falls Short on Education Aid for Boston
Subject: Finance
October, 2017 Boston Ends FY17 with a $6.7M Surplus
Subject: City Finances
October, 2017 Serve on the Community Preservation Committee
Subject: CPC/Housing
October, 2017 Mayor to Appoint Two School Committee Members
Subject: School Committee
October, 2017 Government Owns 79% of Boston’s Exempt Area
Subject: Assessing/Tax Exempt/PILOT
September, 2017 Boston’s Legacy Costs Good by Comparison
Subject: City Finances
August, 2017 Revolving Funds Support Selected City Services
Subject: City Finances
August, 2017 CPC Ordinance Approved by City Council
Subject: Community Preservation/Housing
July, 2017
Revolving Funds Support Selected City Services

Subject: City Finances
June, 2017
BTU Contract Impasse Affects Key Reform Initiative

Subject: City Finances/Collective Bargaining
June, 2017
Boston Votes to Increase Its Pension Liability

Subject: City Finances/Pensions
April, 2017
Five-Year Trends Key to FY18 Budget Choices

Subject: City Finances
March, 2017 Boston’s Pension Liability Declines
Subject: City Finances/Pensions
March, 2017 Boston Sells $150M of GO Bonds
Subject: City Finances/Capital
March, 2017
Don’t Settle Teachers’ Contract Without Bold Reform

Subject: Collective Bargaining/City Finances
March, 2017
Boston Tops All Cities in NIH Funding in FY16

Subject: Health Care/City Finances
February, 2017
Fiscal 2017 Tax Rates Set

Subject: Tax Rates/City Finances
January, 2017
City Still Negotiating New Contracts with Its Unions

Subject: Collective Bargaining/City Finances
January, 2017
Boston Adopts 35% Residential Exemption for FY17

Subject: Classification/Property Tax
November, 2016
Applications for Boston School Committee Requested

Subject: Schools/School Committee
November, 2016 Boston Approved the CPA: What’s Next?
Subject: Housing/CPA Boston Approved the CPA: What’s Next?
Subject: Housing/CPA
October, 2016
BPS Schools Show Improvement

Subject: Schools/Performance
October, 2016
Boston Ends FY16 with a $1.9M Surplus

Subject: Finances/General Fund
October, 2016
Push for Teacher Contract Reform Is Stalled

Subject: School/collective bargaining/BTU
September, 2016
The City’s Surplus Property Disposition Fund

Subject: Finances
August, 2016
Massachusetts Set to Vote on 4 Ballot Questions

Subject: Elections
August, 2016
PILOT Revenues Increase Over First 5 Years

Subject: Finances
July, 2016
Wage Disparity Under Review by Walsh Administration

Subject: Finances/Personnel
June, 2016
Boston’s Pension System Struggles with 2015 Investments

Subject: Finances
June, 2016 Proposed Five-Year Capital Plan Totals $1.9 Billion
Subject: Finances
May, 2016
Mayor’s FY17 Budget Increases by 4%

Subject: Finances
April, 2016
Hidden Compensation Adds to Employee Costs

Subject: Finances
April, 2016
Boston's Retiree Health Care Liability Increases Slightly

Subject: Finances
March, 2016
Boston Retains Market Strength in 2016 Bond Sale

Subject: Finances
February, 2016
City Council Takes First Step on CPA

Subject: Taxes
January, 2016
Police Detectives’ Receive Costly Arbitration Award

Subject: Collective Bargaining
December, 2015
Boston’s Fiscal 2016 Tax Rates Set

Subject: Finance
December. 2015
Underperforming BPS Schools Remain a Challenge

Subject: Schools
December, 2015
City Revises IDP Policy to Increase Housing Units

Subject: Housing
August, 2015
City’s Linkage Program Under Review

Subject: Finance
November, 2015
Boston Leads All Cities in NIH Funding for 20th Year

Subject: Finance
October, 2015
Boston Ends FY15 with a $7.4M Surplus

Subject: Finance
October, 2015
Inflexible Costs Represent Increasing Share of Boston’s Spending

Subject: Finance
October, 2015
Candidates for Boston School Committee Sought

Subject: School Committee
September, 2015
Mayor to Appoint Two School Committee Members

Subject: School Committe
September, 2015
City and Police Detectives Now In Binding Arbitration

Subject: Collective Bargaining
August, 2015 PILOT Revenues Increase in 4th Year
Subject: Finance
July, 2015Profile of the 2015 Boston City Council Race
Subject: Elections
August, 2015Net State Aid Continues to Decline for Boston
Subject: Finance
July, 2015 MBTA Pacheco hold opens way for competition
Subject: Finance
June, 2015Sale of City-Owned Parcels for Housing
Subject: Housing
June, 2015Boston Retirement Board Approves 3% COLA
Subject: Pensions
June, 2015 Boston’s Pension System Struggles with 2014 Investments
Subject: Pensions
April, 2015 Excise Receipts: Boston’s Fastest Growing Revenue Source
Subject: Finance
June, 2015City Council Approves Fiscal 2016 Budget
Subject: Finance
April, 2015 Legislative Agenda 3
Subject: Legislation
May, 2015Proposed Five-Year Capital Plan Totals $1.8 Billion
Subject: Capital
April, 2015 New Salary Plan Approved for BPS School Building Leaders
Subject: Salaries
May, 2015 BPS FY15 Budget Shortfall Set at $3.2M in April
Subject: School Finance
February, 2015 Boston’s 2015-2016 Legislative Agenda 2
Subject: Legislation
April, 2015 Mayor's FY16 Budget Increases by 4.4%
Subject: Finance
February, 2015 BPS Graduation and Dropout Rates Improve in 2014
Subject: Schools
February, 2015 Mayor Walsh Selects Miren Uriarte for School Committee
Subject: School Committee
February, 2015 Boston’s Snow Removal Costs 2X the Budget
Subject: Finance
February, 2015 Boston’s Pension Liability Increased
Subject: Pension
March, 2015 Boston Shows Market Strength in 2015 Bond Sale
Subject: Capital
March, 2015
School Committee Approves FY16 Budget with a 4% Increase
Subject: Schools
March, 2015Still No Contract Agreement with City and Police Detectives
Subject: Collective Bargaining
March, 2015Second Year of Teacher Hiring Initiative Is Underway Set
Subject: Schools
January, 2015 Boston’s 2015-2016 Legislative Agenda
Subject: Legislation
January, 2015 City and Unions Commit to Five-Year Health Plan
Subject: Finance/Health Insurance
January, 2015 Fiscal 2015 Tax Rates Set
Subject: Finance
April, 2016 Hidden Compensation
April, 2016 Boston's Retiree Health Care Liability Increases Slightly
Subject: Pensions
December, 2014
Improved Promotion Exams for Police Superior Officers Given

Subject: Police
June, 2015Sale of City-Owned Parcels for Housing
Subject: Housing
April, 1988 The Mayor
Subject: Transmitted 1.3 billion operating budget to the City Council
April, 1988 The City Council
Subject: approved ordinance increasing city unions participation on Comparable Worth Commission
April, 1988 Central Artery
Subject: State said no absolute preference will be given to Boston residence
April, 1988 the School Committee
Subject: approved revised budget for fiscal 1989
April, 1988 the City Council
Subject: Suppleemental budget will fundpay increase for most municipal employees
April, 1988 The Bureau
Subject: will print it's special report on municipal and school personnel levels in Spanish
April, 1988 City Council
Subject: approved ordinance increasing womens' organizations participation on the Comparable Worth Commission
April, 1988 The City Council
Subject: Approvel Mayor's Supplement budget request for fiscal 1988
April, 1988 The Mayor
Subject: Collective bargining and expansion of the city labor force continue to drive up operating budget
April, 1988 Bond Rating Upgrade
Subject: The City's General Obligation bond rating was upgraded
April, 1989 The School Committee
Subject: voted against an order to close at least two schools by September 1989
April, 1989 The School Committee
Subject: approved series of hour, six month contracts, calling for semi-annual performance reviews
April, 1989 The Mayor
Subject: made public the report of his Special Advisory Committee on School Reform
April, 1989 Neighborhood Councils
Subject: home rule petition was sponsered that would give neighborhood councils some veto power in zoning
April, 1989 The School Committee
Subject: reduced fiscal 1990 school budget but it is still above the Mayor's recommendation
April, 1990 Fiscal 1991 Budget Plan
Subject: Mayor Flynn presented his $1.36 billion financial plan for FY 1991 to the City Council
April, 1990 Budgetary Fund Balance
Subject: On April 10, 1990, the Massachusetts DOR certified Boston's revised budgetary fund balance...
April, 1990 Boston Facts and Figures
Subject: This report is a practical resource that presents basic information on the City...
April, 1990 Shattuck Awards
Subject: Plans for the sixth annual Henry L. Shattuck Public Service Awards...
April, 1990 School Budget
Subject: The Mayor made his school budget number official...
April, 1990 Fees, Fines and Charges
Subject: An ordinance related to increasing various fees/fines & charges issued by the City of Boston
April, 1990 Quarterly Tax Bill Update
Subject: The quarterly tax bill plan accepted by the City Council on March 28th, was vetoed by the Mayor...
April, 1990 Parking Excise Tax Legislation
Subject: The Governor submits to Legislature an act implementing recommendations of the Task Force...
April, 1991 Fiscal 1992 School Budget
Subject: The recommends a budget which is $25 Millions dollars less than the School Committee's
April, 1991 Quarterly Tax Bills For Boston
Subject: City will issue quarterly tax bills beginning in fiscal 1992 thus reducing need for short term loans
April, 1991 Residency Requirement
Subject: Enforcement of residency law being called for rather then risking possible layoffs
April, 1991 Fiscal 1992 School Budge
Subject: Mayor insists that Committee issue layoff notices to tenured teachers to meet FY92 target budget
April, 1993 School Committee As Campaign Issue
Subject: Candidates for Mayor have talked about changing the composition of the School Committee once elected
April, 1993 Mayors's Fiscal 1994 Budget
Subject: The Mayor presented his 9th and final budget to the Council totaling a 1.5% increase
April, 1993 Police Force Changes
Subject: Budget cuts in the Police Force lead to rank changes
April, 1993 City Council Redistricting Proposal
Subject: With the support of Bolling and Yancey, minority representatives unveiled a plan to redraw districts
April, 1995 Ciolek Resigns
Subject: Chief Operating Officer resigns from MWRA
April, 1995 Lessons from Indianapolis
Subject: Mayor Goldsmith spoke at lunch about innovative approaches to managing city government
April, 1995 Hospital Merger Update
Subject: Three announcements regarding merger between BCH & BUMCH
April, 1995 Mayor's Fiscal 1996 Budget
Subject: April 12th submission of $1.48 billion budget, an increase of $64.4 million
April, 1996 FY97 Budget
Subject: Mayor's recommended budget $1.347 B, increase of $59.9 M, priorities similar to FY96
April, 1996 Assessing Web Page
Subject: Assessing Dept. provides assessed values in Boston via webpage
April, 1996 Hospital Agreement Reached
Subject: Negotiation teams reach agreement, 5yr. forecast released; BMRB plans report for early June on agree
April, 1996 Signs of Things to Come
Subject: Debates on school closings continue-Blue Ribbon Comm. recommended closings for new construction
April, 1996 BPS Reorganziation
Subject: Payzant did not renew 6 prinicpal/headmaster contracts, after evaluations of performance
April, 1996 M.A.T Goes A Long Way
Subject: MAT test replaced with Standford 9 Acheivement Test to assess student performance
April, 1996 Superintendent Wants You
Subject: Payzant looking for central office leadership team to plan/implement educational reform in BPS
April, 1996 Regionalization is Here!
Subject: Regionalization Comm. members appointed to study collaborative regional efforts; 1 yr. study
April, 1998 The City Council
Subject: began deliberations on the Mayor's budget
April, 2000 Union Contract Signed
Subject: AFSCME Council 93 settlement reached with Menino; City may have to evaluate staffing levels now
April, 2000 Standford 9 & Summer Schools
Subject: Based on test results, 12,000 kids to attend summer school (grades 2-9); Goal is fo 99% pass by '03
April, 2000 Fenway $ Model
Subject: Key funding principles of BCEC could help Fenway are: new revenue sources, share state funds, etc.
April, 2000 Teacher Contract Reforms Needed
Subject: Changes needed to improve student achievement; contract controls hirees/training/school organization
April, 2000 Fiscal Year 2001 City Budget Approved
Subject: FY01 Operating budget $1.692B, $86.1B over FY00; minor adjustments made to original April submission
April, 2000 Web Powered Purchasing
Subject: City can use e-commerce to provide services; Purchasing Dept. is logical choice for start,
April, 2000 Make Linkage Process Work
Subject: How linkage should be allocated fairly in S.Boston/City; Existing funds process defined by state law
April, 2000 School Budget Problems?
Subject: BPS rumored to spend $9M over budget, but 11 months remain for adjustments; (stems from $6M imbalanc
April, 2000 Restructuring 3 High Schools
Subject: School leadership ineffective, curriculum inconsistent, parental outreach non-existant; to remedyà
April, 2000 Taxi Medallion Sales Up
Subject: 210 of 260 sold, funds raised for BCEC $32.3 M(40% more than expected);
April, 2001 Progress, Partnerships & Priorities
Subject: Menino releases $1.8B FY02 operating budget; Adds 178 positions, property tax = 80% revenues
April, 2001 BPS FY02 Budget Update
Subject: School Dept. to receive largest revenue share; School Comm has approved $635.1M budget, with cuts
April, 2001 Salary Facts
Subject: Proposed Counicllor raise; Mayor should reward increases for performance & not straight increases
April, 2001 Fire Contract Status
Subject: Local 718 plans for long negotiations; in mediation with JLMC; Administration seeks lang. changes
April, 2001 Berkeley St. HQ
Subject: Sale & development of HQ is on schedule; Hotel to employ 200/open June 2003; $10.5M to housing
April, 2002 Recycling vs. Living Wage
Subject: refuse and disposal contract bidding conflicts with the City's Living Wage ordinance
April, 2002 Closing on Berkeley St.
Subject: details plans for selling the old police headquarters to the Saunders Hotel Group for housing funds
April, 2002 Washington St. BID Again
Subject: Mayor submitted a revised Washington St. Business Improvement District petition
April, 2002 FY03 Budget Update
Subject: Ways and Means hearings on the FY03 budget; new dollars are expected from state aid
April, 2002 ERI for City Employees
Subject: Mayor submitted early retirement incentive program to City Council; public safety employees excluded
April, 2002 House Questions BCEC
Subject: House of Representatives voted to create a commission to look at BCEC plans and alternatives
April, 2002 City Bonds Less for BCEC
Subject: City issues less bonds for BCEC due to excess revenue from taxi license sales and room excise fund
April, 2002 Will Costs Exceed $157.8M?
Subject: compares actual site costs to the total amount authorized in the Convention Center Act
April, 2006 Increasing Boston Police Officers
Subject: Police
April, 2006 Boston's FY07 Budget
Subject: Finance
April, 2006 Changes in the City Council
Subject: City Council
April, 2006 FY07 School Budget Continues Modest Growth
Subject: Schools
April, 2006 For Sale: City's North Street Building
Subject: Facilities
April, 2006 Salary Raises at City Hall
Subject: Personnel
April, 2006 Rating Boston in 2006
Subject: Finance
April, 2006 In the City Council
Subject: City Council
April, 2007 Rating Boston in 2007
Subject: What the rating agencies say about Boston
April, 2007 Who is Your Unsung City Hero?
Subject: Nominations for 2007 Shattuck Awards Due MAY 1
April, 2007 BPS FY08 Budget Soars with Salary Increases
Subject: Collective bargaining agreement adds to costs in FY07 and FY08
April, 2007 City's FY08 Budget Makes its Debut
Subject: Personnel costs continue as a budget driver
April, 2007 Measuring Boston's Service Delivery
April, 2007 Preliminary Special Election Results
Subject: District 2 Special Election
April, 2007 Department Head Performance Evaluations
Subject: Salary raises tied to first performance evaluations
April, 2008 Firefighters' Contract Update
Subject: Fire Union Delaying tactics continue with no progress made
April, 2008 Public Works Audit Impact
Subject: A look at the management needs of the public works department
April, 2008 Rating Boston In 2008
Subject: What the bond ratings say about Boston in 2008
April, 2008 Mayor's Recommended FY09 Budget
Subject: Personnel costs account for 75% of the total growth in the FY09 budget
April, 2008 Foreclosure Status in Boston
Subject: A look at the impact of the subprime mortgage crisis
April, 2009 Double Standard Exists for Managing Health Insurance
Subject: House budget shows wide gap between state and municipal control
April, 2009 Boston Puts Recovery Funds to Use
Subject: School and Police Departments use recovery funds for operations
April, 2009 State Pension Reform Targets "King for a Day"
Subject: Critical language changes are needed to define income and prevent abuse
April, 2009 State Quinn Bill Expenses Under Fire
Subject: Boston only required to fund its half of Quinn Bill police salary costs
April, 2010 Boston's Retiree Health Care Liability is Growing
Subject: OPEB
April, 2011 Mayor Restructures Finance Team
Subject: A&F structure is retained with a division of responsibilities between two leaders
April, 2011 Boston United for Students Hosts Teacher Contract Forum
Subject: BPS and BTU hold first public discussion on current contract negotiations
April, 2011 Mayor's Recommended FY12 Budget
Subject: Health insurance and pensions account for 55.7% of the budget increase
April, 2012 City Budget Faces Reduction in External Funds
Subject: Reduced and expiring federal and state grants require the City to absorb costs or curtail services
April, 2012 Boston's Retiree Health Care Liability Reduced
Subject: Negotiated agreement with unions and Medicare requirement cut OPEB liability
April, 2012 Mayor Recommends Stabilizing FY13 City Budget
Subject: Budget able to maintain or restore some services but a bigger challenge in FY14 looms
April, 2013 Mayor's Recommended FY14 Budget
Subject: City Finances
April, 2013 City of Boston Employee Contract Negotiations Still Ongoing
Subject: Collective Bargaining
April, 2013 Boston's 2013-2014 Legislative Agenda 2
Subject: Legislative Agenda
April, 2013 Mayor Menino To Appoint 1-2 School Committee Members
Subject: Appointed School Committee
April, 2014 Mayor Walsh Should Select Civilian Fire Commissioner
Subject: Fire Department
April, 2014 Mayor Walsh's FY15 Recommended Budget
Subject: City Finances
April, 2014 Proposed Five-Year Capital Plan Totals $1.9 Billion
Subject: Capital Budget
August, 1988 Revaluation
Subject: City intends to invoke Chapter 200 of the Acts of 1988
August, 1988 The School Committee
Subject: to work with City Hall and Mayor's consultants to develope a voluntary desegregation assignment plan
August, 1988 Pension Reform
Subject: City is taking steps to fully fund its pension system
August, 1988 The Mayor
Subject: A supplementary school budget request to the city council
August, 1988 Suffolk County Jail
Subject: overcrowding has forced Sheriff to accomodate detainees on mattresses on prison floor
August, 1988 Revaluation
Subject: City's Assessing department will begin two week public disclosure process
August, 1988 The City Council
Subject: referred the Mayor's supplementary school budget to the Committee on Education
August, 1988 Suffolk County Jail
Subject: construction of new county jail is under way but it may still be too small
August, 1989 School Bus Driver
Subject: Union, the United Steel Workers of America, Lacal 8751, accepted School Department's final contract
August, 1989 School Bus Drivers
Subject: some parents want to make them school employees to avoid further strikes
August, 1989 Fiscal 1990 Tax Rate
Subject: City expects to have its final 1990 tax rate certified by Department of Revenue in late September
August, 1989 Fiscal 1990 Tax Rate
Subject: aid cuts for Boston will be partially offset by increases in the original tax levy estimate
August, 1989 The Mayor
Subject: approved fair employment guidelines for companies doing business in Northern Ireland
August, 1989 The School Committee
Subject: won right to close and consolidate nine schools this fall
August, 1989 Budget Surplus in Fiscal '89
Subject: according to Priliminary year end closing reports, the City ended fiscal 1989 with a surplus
August, 1990 Tenured Teacher Layoff
Subject: This decision means that 40 teachers that are not needed will still be paid for the year...
August, 1990 State Solid Waste Restrictions
Subject: Stable mrkts for restricted items need to be dev. prior to ban's effect. date for cost effectiveness
August, 1990 Cancer Presumption
Subject: State enacted a law that entitles firefighters to disability pensions due to work related Cancers...
August, 1990 Hotel-Motel Excise
Subject: 7/85, cities and towns were authorized by the legislature to impose a hotel-motel excise up to 4%...
August, 1990 Superintendent Search
Subject: Mr. Riles set preliminaries that would need to be met to have a Superintendent in place by 1/1...
August, 1990 Local Aid Cut For Boston
Subject: Cut in local aid and the School Committee's budget gap of $10 million poses serious fiscal problem
August, 1990 School Committee Staff
Subject: The Committee should set the example and reorganize its staff for real savings of at least $600,000
August, 1990 School Budget
Subject: The School Committee must cut budget further...
August, 1991 Mayor and City Council Candidates
Subject: Preliminary election list
August, 1991 Council Candidates Issues Seminar
Subject: Seminar to present issues to City Council
August, 1991 Ask The Bureau
Subject: Statistics about Logan Airport and the Tobin Bridge
August, 1991 Northeastern University Study
Subject: NU presented four-month assessment of the Bosotn Public schools, proposed savings of $20M
August, 1991 School Committee Budget
Subject: School Committee's fiscal 1992 budget is now 4.7% over its authorized spending level
August, 1992 New BCH Financial Forecast
Subject: An anaylisis on Boston City Hospital's finances since the change in federal and state payment plans.
August, 1992 Health Care Commission
Subject: This new commission will address the health care needs of Boston residents and the role of the BCH
August, 1992 New School Committee Member
Subject: Dr. Robert Guen takes George Joe's seat
August, 1992 State School Grant Funds
Subject: Grant funds increase the fiscal 1993 BPS general fund budget
August, 1995 Hospital Merger Bill Moves in House
Subject: H5336 moved to full House - bill req, hositals to negotiate a merger (bill doesn't create merger)
August, 1995 Superintendent Transition
Subject: Sup. Payzant selected 21-ppl. Transition Team to analyze current BPS operations
August, 1995 Time Honored Tradition
Subject: Menino Admin. hired City Councils top budget expert to serve key financial position-Karen Connor
August, 1995 BPS Management Studies
Subject: School Cmt. contract w/ KPMG Peat Marwich to do 2 studies (1.Organization Analysis 2.External Funds)
August, 1995 School Accrediation Issues
Subject: NEASC will review 10-15 Boston Schools this yr; focus on 7 schools that received warnings.
August, 1995 Principal/Headmaster Bonuses
Subject: Improved school performance incentive-94-95 provide bonuses (1-8% of salary) for imp of schools
August, 1996 Boston Ranks 68th
Subject: Retirement Board's portfolio investment returns rank just below statewide average for 1995
August, 1996 At The Bargaining Table
Subject: All major unions (except Teachers) negotiating; Financial impact of salary/benefit propsals crucial
August, 1996 An Opportunity to Serve
Subject: School Committee Nominee Panel looking for residents interested in serving
August, 1996 BMC Moves Forward
Subject: BMC finished 1st tests of operation, but still have many merger requirements to overcome
August, 1996 Vote No on Question 2
Subject: No vote will keep appointed committee (schools), Yes vote would bring back elected committee
August, 1996 Regionalization At Work
Subject: Commission established 3 committees & organizing forums for experiments in regional collaboration
August, 1997 Captial Mess
Subject: Council refused reasonable FY98 cap. budget compromise; key issue: Lyndon School /accreditation
August, 1997 Hiring Slowdown
Subject: Hiring freeze established by Mayor is a management tool to examine vacant/new city positions
August, 1997 Teacher Contract
Subject: School starts Sept. 3, teachers will be without contract which expired on August 25th
August, 1997 Is Reorganization Here?
Subject: Report from Commission finds opportunities for Greater Boston municipalities to improve service/plan
August, 1997 The Race Is On!
Subject: Mayor un-opposed in re-election bid; four At-Large and nine District Council seats up for grabs
August, 1997 Cyberhall Update
Subject: Website updated; more departments and info added; Assessing still gets prize for being best
August, 1997 Cherry Sheets Are In
Subject: State budget signed-cherry sheet money released; State Aid to City expected at $444M, inc. of $26M
August, 1997 Mayor Signs Living Wage Into Law
Subject: Ordinance requires min. $7.49 wage for businesses who benefit from City; approved after negotiations
August, 1997 The City Council
Subject: Council approved $3.5M school supplemental appropriation request to cover FY97 deficit
August, 1997 Technology Bids Are In
Subject: Two bids for financial/hr payroll information system; review committee in process of evaluating bids
August, 2001 BPS Recertifications
Subject: 1st round completed; educators must earn120 Professional Devel. Pts.(every 5 yrs) or face dismissal
August, 2001 Living Wage Changes
Subject: Based on LWAC recommendations, Mayor to submit changes to ordinance for Council approval
August, 2001 Fire Contract Crossroad
Subject: Final negotiation efforts underway; if no contract made, both parties likely to go to arbitratration
August, 2001 Paying Teachers Pensions?
Subject: Pension reimbursement arrangement may change, potentially leaves city with $41M costs for FY02
August, 2001 Community Preservation
Subject: Housing advocates to put ballot question about CPA & 2% annual tax surcharge for affordable housing
August, 2003 New Way to Vote
Subject: New optical scan voting machines come to Boston in time for the next election - cost $1.5M
August, 2003 Reserves 101
Subject: City should not use reserves for collective bargaining.
August, 2003 Financial Team
Subject: Menino Administration keeps financial team
August, 2003 Election 2003
Subject: Nomination papers are in - Boston will see 3 races in the preliminary election
August, 2003 Personalty Growth
Subject: Personal Property values are growing due to changes by the state.
August, 2003 Loans, Hotels & Jobs
Subject: Hotel Development Loan Fund unveiled. Selected hotel developments to gain gap financing.
August, 2003 Research Bureau Wins National Award
Subject: GRA AWARD
August, 2004 Boston Housing Cuts
Subject: HUD cuts Fair Market Rents
August, 2004 Lottery Diversion To End
Subject: State agrees to stop withholding lottery funds from cities and towns over five years
August, 2004 Land Deal Creates Heritage Center
Subject: Boston buys a property that will be home to the City's archives
August, 2004 Residential Tax Bill Increase
Subject: The average single-family tax bill in Boston increases by 14.5%
August, 2004 $4.6M More For '05
Subject: The state sends $75.0M to cities and towns in a one-time supplemental
August, 2004 FY04 Surplus
Subject: Boston ends FY04 with a $4.4M surplus
August, 2007 Special Development Districts (Chapter 40T)
Subject: A new approach to fund public infrastructure improvments is being considered by the Legislature.
August, 2007 Governor Signs Pension Bill
Subject: Law requiring the transfer of assets of any retirement system not meeting newly established guidelines.
August, 2007 BPS Roadmap to Improvement
Subject: Leadership transition plan outlines challenges and opportunities for new Superintendent
August, 2007 Landlocked Tidelands Deadline Extended
Subject: Final legislation is of critical importance to Boston development
August, 2007 Boston's Restricted Local Control
Subject: Highlights of outdated state control over Boston
August, 2007 Tenant Negotiation Ordinance Defeated
Subject: A proposed ordinance requiring landlords to negotiate with tenants is defeated by the City Council, 8-5
August, 2007 City Council Elections
Subject: City Council District & At-Large elections for 2007
August, 2008 Fire Strategic Planning Committee Report
Subject: First Quarterly report of the Fire Departments SPC is released and points to positive implementation.
August, 2008 Interactive Mapping Applied to Capital Plan
Subject: New web feature provides a bird's eye view of capital spending
August, 2008 The Growing Importance of Boston's Foreign-Born Population
Subject: BRA report on foreign-born population in Boston is released.
August, 2008 Mayor Appoints O'Neill to School Committee
Subject: Banking professional has long history with BPS and at-risk youth
August, 2008 Boston Retirement System's Investment Returns
Subject: Annualized returns fall below state performance
August, 2008 No End in Sight for Boston Firefighters' Contract
Subject: Negotiations between the Menino Admin & Firefighters may not be settled until next spring.
August, 2010 Downtown Boston BID
Subject: City Council should approve Boston's first business improvement district
August, 2011 Boston Moves Forward with $1.7 Billion 5-Year Capital Plan
Subject: Bonds
August, 2011 Search Underway for Two Key City Positions
Subject: Fire Department and Retirement Board looking to fill key positions at critical times for both
August, 2012 After 27 Months, Teacher Contract Moves to Fact-Finding
Subject: BPS will implement an improved teacher evaluation system starting in September
August, 2012 Fitch Increases Boston's Bond Rating
Subject: General Obligation Bond Rating Increased
August, 2012 City Council Approves COLA Increase
Subject: City of Boston Increases Pension Base
December, 1987 The State House
Subject: Governor Dukakis - solid waste disposal plan
December, 1987 In the City Council
Subject: Ordinances: Child care, minority and women owned business, lease purchase agreements
December, 1987 About the Bureau
Subject: Annual meeting and New Officer and Directors election
December, 1987 Stay Tuned
Subject: Possible single ways and means in the Council and School Deficit report for January
December, 1987 Collective Bargaining - City Side
Subject: AFSCME, Counsil 93 and SEIU Local 285 and Patrolmens Association Contract
December, 1987 School Custodian Sick-out
Subject: Custodians without a contract since 1986
December, 1987 Committe on Neighborhood Services
Subject: Departmental compliance with annual budget objectives
December, 1987 The Boston Public Library
Subject: Operating Deficit due to collective bargagining
December, 1987 The State House
Subject: Chapter 613 Signed - personnel & contract responsiblities to the Superintendent
December, 1987 Format Change
Subject: Introduction of the new Bureau Update format
December, 1987 The New Boston City Hospital
Subject: Hospital Master Plan & Hospital Receipts
December, 1987 At the School Committee
Subject: Evaluation of Superintendent Laval Wilson
December, 1988 Linkage
Subject: another $5.4 million in linkage funds were committed in 1988
December, 1988 The School Committee
Subject: instucted the Superintendent to develope a proposal for implementation of student assignment plan
December, 1988 The Bureau
Subject: asked Mayor to convene the Compensation Advisory Board
December, 1988 The Bureau
Subject: released report showing that city expenditures have more then doubled over the past three years
December, 1988 The Bureau
Subject: called upon the city to reinstitute a single Ways and Means Committee
December, 1988 Condominiums
Subject: the value of residential condominiums has increased over five times from 1984 to 1989
December, 1988 The Mayor
Subject: won School Committee approval of new student assignment paln
December, 1988 Solid Waste
Subject: City still has no solution to its solid waste disposal needs
December, 1988 The Superintendent
Subject: must be willing to reach out to all constituencies to make student assignment plan work
December, 1991 School Committee Budget
Subject: School Committee's budget remains in excess of authorized level
December, 1991 Departmental Budget Cuts
Subject: Adjustments were made to balance the budget which will presented to the Dept of Revenue
December, 1991 Fiscal 1992 Tax Rate
Subject: The City of Boston set the tax rate and bills will be sent out on Dec. 31
December, 1991 City of Boston Code
Subject: City of Boston Code, Volume I Ordinances is now available for $125.00
December, 1991 The New School Committee
Subject: Mayor Flynn appointed seven individuals to serve on School Committee
December, 1992 Boston Recycling in 1992
Subject: Boston's recycling improved since first implemented in 1990
December, 1992 Council And Committee Presidents
Subject: Members elected Menino as the President of the Boston City Council
December, 1992 David Osborne At Annual Meeting
Subject: Osborne, advisor to Clinton and author, will be the featured speaker at the Bureau's Meeting
December, 1992 Assessor Watch-Month 4
Subject: The Assessing Department has been without a permanent Commissioner for four months
December, 1992 Police Force Cut
Subject: A new class of officers will be hired this year due to the cuts last year
December, 1992 Keep School Bus Drivers Private
Subject: Boston Finance Commission feels that school bus drivers should be private employees
December, 1992 Health Care Commission Meets
Subject: The Health Care Commission met to discuss issues and prepare reports due to the Mayor by 10/1/94
December, 1992 Tax-Exempt Property
Subject: 51% of Boston's land is tax-exempt so the Mayor called upon the State for compensation for services
December, 1993 Measuring School Performance
Subject: The Annual Systemwide Report on Performance Indicators and Accomplishments were released
December, 1993 Ways and Means Committee
Subject: There are issues of whether the single Ways and Means Committee should be retained or modified
December, 1993 School Department Senior Staff
Subject: Superintendent Harrison-Jones established a council to reduce the number of staff reporting to her
December, 1993 Supplementary Budgets Approved
Subject: The City Council approved six supplementary budgets totaling $18.9 million
December, 1993 School Committee Changes
Subject: By Dec. 30th, the Mayor will select two people to serve on the School Committee beginning on Jan. 3
December, 1993 Fiscal 1994 Tax Rate
Subject: The fiscal 1994 tax rate was set and the overall rate has a 7.8% increase over last year
December, 1995 Building New Boston Schools
Subject: Two early learning ctrs approved, third expected to be approved by School Comm.
December, 1995 Council and Committee Elections
Subject: Results of City Council Pres. Election (Kelly), Robert Gittens elected Chair of School Comm.
December, 1995 School Committee Appointements
Subject: Re-appoint. Arroyo and Melendez; all positions currently filled by Menino appointments
December, 1995 Businesses Pay More
Subject: Buiness prop. is 40% of total taxable, but pays 70% of the bill;
December, 1995 Tax Rates Drop, Values Go Up!
Subject: FY96 Tax Rates set, pennies less than FY95; property tax revenues increased $29.5M from FY95
December, 1995 Boston Joins the Internet
Subject: City gov't information, plus much more, is now available at www.ci.boston.ma.us
December, 1995 Snow Days Now, School Later
Subject: BPS left with no snow days, BTU contract req./FY begins - means school only until June 30th.
December, 1996 Early Retirements
Subject: Menino institutes Early Retirement Incentive program in response to increase in # city employees
December, 1996 FYI: MWRA and Boston
Subject: MWRA history, revenue sources for FY97, projected rate increases FY97-02 and impact on taxpayers
December, 1996 The Superintendent
Subject: School Dept.FY97 budget problem increased to $3.4 M; Recomm. revised exam school admission policy
December, 1996 FY97 Tax Rate Set
Subject: Tax Rates decline, yet most tax bills will increase; business tax accounts for 40% taxable property
December, 1996 Bargaining Challenge
Subject: Menino still negotiating with all major unions whose contracts expired on June 30, 1996
December, 1996 The Mayor
Subject: Appoints Margolis Pres. BPL, Interviews 5 sch.comm. applicants, didn't support S.Bost.football facil
December, 1996 The City Council
Subject: Labor Comm. held hearing on employee training/layoff decisions by Boston Medical Center
December, 1999 DPW Snapshot
Subject: Explanation of Department of Public Works, breakdown of spending, equipment, etc
December, 1999 Fiscal 2000 Tax Rate Set
Subject: Continued strong economy evident in tax rate; Table in text shows property valuation/tax levy & rate
December, 1999 City Adjusts Budget at Mid-Year
Subject: Setting tax rate mid-yr. allows city to adjust to revenues/expenditures; small bottom line decrease
December, 1999 School Budget Problem
Subject: BPS projected spending is $8.5M more than FY00 Budget; Underfunding, pilot school openings, etc.
December, 1999 Promotion Costs
Subject: BPS created 11-month year to help kids towards promotion, but plan needs careful fund planning
December, 1999 Class A Tower Values and Taxes Up
Subject: Assessed value Class A/A- commercial space increased by $2.8B since FY96; now 35% business tax base
December, 2000 $30M for Housing
Subject: $30M part of $163.7M city plans to spend in 3yrs. on housing; $30M only small % of 'very lg. pool'
December, 2000 MCAS Results
Subject: Significant % of high schoolers still failing MCAS; BMRB wonders if 5yrs high school is necessary?
December, 2000 Berkely St. HQ Sold
Subject: Old Police HQ sold for $14M to Saunders Hotel Group; 200 room hotel plans to open July 2001
December, 2000 Fenway Area Infrastructure
Subject: Ballpark proposal brought $100M for neighborhood improvements; Specific improvements listed in text
December, 2000 Linkage Settlement
Subject: Menino Admin. reaches settlement w/ housing plaintiffs; MOU 'no legal effect' (as was stated by BMRB
December, 2000 BTU Contract Part II: Implementation
Subject: Payzant tells Committee what BPS must implement (since BTU contract removed improvement obstacles)
December, 2001 Taxi Medallions
Subject: Sale of 237 medallions generated $36.2M (part of city's $157.8M share of BCEC);
December, 2001 FY02 Tax Bills
Subject: Tax rates expected to increase after 7 yrs of decreases; High residential increase (4.1%) due to..
December, 2001 Fire Management Team
Subject: Commissioner has restructured top management team; comm. can now focus on implementing reforms
December, 2001 Quinn Bill Standards
Subject: Board of Higher Ed requested CJRC study of Quinn Bill (due to criticizm); key findings included..
December, 2001 Council's Changing Faces
Subject: FY02: 4 Councilors interested in DA position, 1 in Register position; could lead to new faces
December, 2006 Tax Bills Reflect New Values and Rates
Subject: Taxes
December, 2006 City Settles With Five Small Unions
Subject: Collective Bargaining
December, 2006 State Pilot School Option for English High
Subject: Schools
December, 2006 The Rest Of The Story
Subject: Mayor Menino
December, 2006 BCEC Land Purchase Complete
Subject: Convention Center
December, 2008 Time to Reassess GIC Entry Requirements
Subject: Limited municipal membership falls far short of property tax relief promise
December, 2008 Academy Graduates Add to Police Force
Subject: Slight decline in overall force level countered with an additional class of 30
December, 2008 Property Tax Revenues During An Economic Slowdown
Subject: Why the tax levy will grow by 5% in FY09
December, 2008 Fiscal 2009 Tax Rates Set
Subject: Divergent values produce levy shift to business property
December, 2009 Boston's Use of Federal ARRA Funds in 2009
Subject: Capital projects received most dollars but funds for operational use are important.
December, 2009 Opportunity for Bold Education Reform At Hand
Subject: House draft is preferable but still requires modification to meet challenge
December, 2010 Boston Residency Requirement Still Active
Subject: Residency ordinance enforced despite questionable benefits and uneven application
December, 2010 Boston Weathers Pension Funding Crisis
Subject: Planned perfect strom comes together to avert significant cost increase in FY12
December, 2010 School Health Costs Outpace Chapter 70 Aid
Subject: BPS Health Insurance and CH70 review
December, 2010 Boston's Retiree Health Care Liability Revised
Subject: Annual required contribution reduced slightly but still far above City's appropriation
December, 2012 Fiscal 2013 Tax Rates Set
Subject: Taxable value increases as the real estate market stabilizes
December, 2012 The Challenge of Level 3 Schools in Boston
Subject: A review of low performing schools
December, 2012 Compensation Advisory Board Brought Back To Life
Subject: Salaries: Recent actions indicate interest in reviewing non-union salaries in 2013
December, 2014More on the Mayor’s Housing Plan – 2014-2030/>
Subject: Housing
December, 2014Mayor Walsh Appoints Jeri Robinson to the School Committee/a>
Subject: School Committee
December, 2014Improved Promotion Exams for Police Superior Officers Given/>
Subject: Police
December, 2014Outside Review of Eight City Departments Underway/>
Subject: Government Efficiency
February, 1988 The School Committee
Subject: approved collective bargining settlement with custodians
February, 1988 The City Council
Subject: Met sparsly with little debate
February, 1988 Department Head Watch
Subject: Comissioner of Elderly Affairs and Supervisor of Personnel appointed
February, 1988 The City Council
Subject: City Budget Dir. confirmed Hospitals receipts below estimates
February, 1988 The Bureau
Subject: kicked of years speaker series with Paul Levy
February, 1988 The Mayor
Subject: transmitted supplementary appropriation order
February, 1988 The State
Subject: Amended 1986 legislation that authorized the state to build 570 bed House of Correction
February, 1988 The State
Subject: Solution to Boston's long term waste problem, Gov. reponsibility
February, 1988 The Superintendent
Subject: Released results of the State's Basic Skills Test
February, 1989 The Superintendent
Subject: forwarded his fiscal 1990 preliminary budget to the Committee it included a close to 10% increase
February, 1989 The School Committee
Subject: voted to implement the new student assignment plan, all minority members voted against the new plan
February, 1989 The School Committee
Subject: voted to proceed with negotiations on the Superintendents contract
February, 1989 The City Council
Subject: voted to review teh City's minority set-aside ordinance in light of U.S. Supreme Court decision
February, 1989 The Mayor
Subject: submitted supplemental budget to the City Council to cover anticipated expenditures
February, 1989 The Mayor
Subject: submitted to the City Council loan orders, the largest being for building new Boston City Hospital
February, 1989 Bond Rating Upgrade
Subject: for the second time in two years the city's bond rating has been increased
February, 1989 State Aid
Subject: Chairman of House Ways and Means released budget calling for no new taxes or new local assistance
February, 1989 City Contract Limit
Subject: the Mayor and City Council are discussing ways to increase contract limit
February, 1990 Selling the Family Jewels
Subject: The City Councillor introduces a 13-point Boston Budget Survival Plan...
February, 1990 The State of the City: What the Mayor Didn't Say
Subject: The Mayor, in his State of the City speech, did not address the City's fiscal situation
February, 1990 Building Permit Fees
Subject: Fewer building permits will result in less new growth revenues for the City in FY 1991
February, 1990 Preliminary School Budget
Subject: The City has agreed to fund the BTU contract which will cost $29 million next year
February, 1990 Bureau Notes
Subject: New Electees and a Thank you
February, 1990 School Facts and Figures
Subject: Per pupil costs for fiscal year 1990
February, 1990 Governor's Fiscal 1991 Budget
Subject: The Governor's no-tax budget for FY 1991...
February, 1991 Boston's Capital Budget, FY 1991-1995
Subject: The budget supports planning and architectural services for a $41-50 million police facility
February, 1991 Decline in City Revenues
Subject: FY 1992 budgets below this year's appropriations because of substantial decrease in revenues
February, 1991 School Governance
Subject: The Mayor should appoint a seven member committee to four year staggered terms...
February, 1991 Fiscal 1992 School Budget
Subject: The School Committee's spending authorization for next year would be $371.8 million...
February, 1991 Fiscal 1991 School Budget
Subject: The School Committee's fiscal 1991 budget is now $395.5 million...
February, 1991 Budget Priorities Since Fiscal 1984
Subject: Proposed cuts in next year's budgets raise questions about how additional resources were allocated..
February, 1992 Bureau Celebrates Its 60th
Subject: Anniversary Dinner will be held on May 6, 1992
February, 1992 City Budget Buster
Subject: Health insurance costs were discussed in Mayor's State of the City Address.
February, 1992 City's A Rating Confirmed
Subject: Moody's and Standard and Poor's ratings stated that the city was well positioned to handle problems.
February, 1992 Facts & Figures Is Coming
Subject: The 1992 edition of Boston Facts and Figures will be available next month
February, 1992 Fiscal 1993 School Budget
Subject: Superintendent Lois Harrison-Jones presented her fiscal 1993 preliminary budget.
February, 1993 Workplace Smoking Ordinance
Subject: An ordinace that will apply to all busnesses in Boston will regulate smoking in the workplace
February, 1993 Moody's and S&P on Boston
Subject: Both Moody's and Standard & Poor' s ratings gave Boston an A rating
February, 1993 Boston's Capital Plan
Subject: The City released its 8th annual capital plan which totals $732.8 million for fiscal years 1993-1997
February, 1993 Boston Teacher's Strike Vote
Subject: The Boston Teachers Union will vote on whether to schedule a one day job action
February, 1994 Fiscal 1995 Education Aid for Boston
Subject: Chapter 70 aid is composed of 3 major categories, Base Aid, tax Equity Aid, Minimum Aid
February, 1994 Reorganizing Isn't Downsizing At BPS
Subject: reasons for the increase were to fill positions previously eliminated
February, 1994 City Bond Refunding
Subject: Bond proceeds will be used to purchase U.S. government obligations which will be deposited into an e
February, 1994 Mayor Appoints Ciolek COO
Subject: Mayoral appointees
February, 1994 Boston's A Rating Confirmed
Subject: prudent fiscal management and strong financial management are instrumental in Boston,s ability to
February, 1994 Charter Schools in Boston
Subject: A charter school is an independent public school within a community which is a center of innovationl
February, 1994 Early Retirement Incentive at BPS
Subject: The ERI will result ina net cost to Boston of several million dollars
February, 1994 Governor's FY 1995 Budget - State aid
Subject: The house passed a resolution approving $2.154 billion in local aid for fiscal 1995
February, 1995 Accredidation of Boston Public Schools
Subject: Eight schools are currently on probation or on warning
February, 1995 Preliminary FY 1996 School Budget
Subject: Superintentendent Harrison-Jones submitted a general school budget fund of $444.2 million
February, 1995 Health Care Commission Hearings
Subject: two hearings taken place in order to consolidate the merger with the two hospitals
February, 1995 Bureau Upcoming Events
Subject: First Speaker Series meeting of the year 3/9/95
February, 1996 Fiscal 1997 BPS Proposed Budget
Subject: Payzant presented $466.9 M budget, an increase of $22.2 M, and staffing proposals
February, 1996 What About Suffolk County?
Subject: Gov's recent proposal to abolish county government has led to funding of Suffolk Cty services q's
February, 1996 Time to Act on BPS Custodian Contract
Subject: 2 1/2 yrs. of negotiations failed to produce contract, which expired 1992; outline of demands listed
February, 1996 BPS Reorganization - Customers First
Subject: Superintendents plan focuses on customer service/shared accountability
February, 1997 FY98 City Budget Unveiled
Subject: Mayor submits FY98 budget of $1.42B, increase of $70.5 M over FY97
February, 1997 FY98 BPS Budget Approved
Subject: BPS budget of $491.5M was approved; submitted to Mayor/Council
February, 1997 The Superintendent
Subject: Report examining custodian performance released; identified options for BPS to enhance service/costs
February, 1997 Convention Center Report
Subject: Estimated total cost $695M; Recommended tax options for revenue, focus on existing/new hotels
February, 1997 Ever Vigilant
Subject: Senate Bill introduced by Police Association limits mgmt/admin powers of Police Commissioner;
February, 1997 The School Committee
Subject: Two supplemental appropriation requests approved; Purchase of 259 buses approved for $8.8M
February, 1997 The Mayor
Subject: Recommended $1.25B capital plan for FY98-02; Appointment of O'Brien as BRA Director/CEDO
February, 1998 School Budget
Subject: Superintendent released FY99 budget of $547.5M to School Comm; BPS projects $6.1M problem in FY98
February, 1998 BCAB Issues report
Subject: Board report on department head salaries & elected officials; recommendations for Mayors salary rate
February, 1998 Convention Center Phase 2
Subject: Debate over BCEC moves from state to city; plan must be approved by Council/Mayor
February, 1998 Charter Schools
Subject: State Board of Education approved 12 charter schools; Five in Boston,
February, 1998 Cellucci's FY99 Budget
Subject: Governor presents $19.1B FY99 budget; Increase of $648M over FY98; Key items listed in text
February, 1999 BPS Budget Released
Subject: School Committee adoped $573.9M budget, a $27.3M increase over FY99; priorities listed in text
February, 1999 Police Snapshot
Subject: Basic facts/figures about the police department - to be written each month about a different dept.
February, 1999 Pilot School Space Crunch
Subject: Facility needs not met, shows need for master plan; these indicate broader problems facing City/BPS
February, 1999 BRA Approves Land Takings
Subject: BRA began to take or buy parcels for Convention Center - data listed about parcels purchased/taken
February, 1999 Boston 400 Challenge
Subject: Comprehensive planning initative thru 2030; under BRA has conducted community needs planning, etc
February, 1999 Managing the Seaport Plan
Subject: BRA must manage ongoing development carefully; Seaport Plan report sets context for development
February, 2000 State Oversight of Boston
Subject: State oversight still of Boston Licensing Board, Mayor's Office of Consumer Affairs, Boston Finance
February, 2000 United States Census 2000
Subject: Stats help determine how federal funds are distributed, districts for electoral seats, business plan
February, 2000 Arcade for City Hall Plaza Coming
Subject: BRA to provide $1.5M for Arcade, 1st phase of renovation of Plaza, also includes new T-station/park
February, 2000 3 BPS High Schools to Change
Subject: Payzant intervenes @ 3 schools that fail at reform initiatives/low test scores; intervention explain
February, 2000 City Sells BAN's & GO Bonds
Subject: Sold $27.8M of BAN's & $120M GO's on Feb. 9th; BAN sale completes initial financing of BCEC costs
February, 2000 Boston Public Library Snapshot
Subject: A little history of the library, facts about funding, etc.
February, 2000 BPS Attendence Up, But Still Poor
Subject: Approximately 20% kids out 4 weeks/yr, rates better due to new requirements; still probs at high sch
February, 2001 BPS FY02 Budget
Subject: Payzant preliminary budget $635.1M, increase of $24.4M; new spending due to BTU contract, etc.
February, 2001 Contract Watch
Subject: Fire: City & Firefighters Local 718 moves mediation to Joint Labor Mgmt. (JLMC) - possible arbitrati
February, 2001 State Aid for Boston
Subject: Boston faces smallest aid increases if no additional aid approved; After Quinn bill, leaves $640K
February, 2001 Changes in Culture
Subject: Kaplan appointed Comm.Cultural Affairs; increased awareness of cultural activities increases funds
February, 2001 Contract Watch
Subject: Schools: BPS now can open post all positions on March 1, eligible BPS teachers still get 1st pref
February, 2001 Abatements for FY01
Subject: Revaluation year increase in applications (4,535) - greater than FY00, less than FY98 (last abate.yr
February, 2002 A Special Electionà
Subject: election for District 5 seat vacated by Daniel Conley when he took over as Suffolk County DA
February, 2002 Keynote Speech By Mayor
Subject: describes the Mayor's speech at the Boston Municipal Research Bureau's 70th Annual Meeting
February, 2002 Boston Sells Bonds
Subject: City sells $100M of GO bonds; J.P.Morgan was the lowest of 5 bids; proceeds to build 3 new schools.
February, 2002 Hayward Place
Subject: plans for Hayward Place in the Downtown Crossing area being discussed; proceeds to go to gap funding
February, 2002 Tax Exempt Property
Subject: facts about exempt property and PILOT agreements; 51% of City is tax exempt; 80% of which is public
February, 2002 Abatements FY02
Subject: charts decrease in abatement applications from FY95-02; FY01 was the second lowest filing since FY85
February, 2002 City Council Committees
Subject: City Council Committees are consolidated from 28 to 22; Ways and Means handles school budget
February, 2002 School Budget Woes
Subject: Schools have $14M gap in FY03 school budget; School Committee votes on 3/27
February, 2002 Non-BPS Enrollment
Subject: charts the minority student population in BPS and non-BPS schools
February, 2004 State Aid Stable So Far
Subject: The Governor's budget proposes a 1.5% increase in state aid for FY05
February, 2004 Mayor's Speech
Subject: Mayor Menino addresses Boston's business and civic leaders
February, 2004 Rating Boston in 2004
Subject: Boston's bond ratings upgraded by S&P.
February, 2004 State Housing $$$
Subject: MassHousing to finance 5,000 new units of mixed-income housing
February, 2004 Charter Schools
Subject: Governor Romney looks to remove caps
February, 2009 Federal Stimulus Funds Headed to Boston
Subject: One-time funds for school and police operations must be carefully targeted
February, 2009 Mayor Appoints PILOT Task Force
Subject: Payments-In-Lieu of Taxes to be re-examined
February, 2009 Superintendent's FY10 Budget Will Cut $46.2M
Subject: Only $21.6M in savings has been identified – 917 positions would be cut
February, 2009 Boston's 2009-2010 Legislative Package II
Subject: Bills filed to achieve governmental efficiencies
February, 2010 City Council Committees in 2010
Subject: Stability for key committees – new committees created
February, 2010 New Boston Retirement Board Member
Subject: Filling of a vacant position during a tumultus time.
February, 2010 Firefighter Contract Arbitration Status
Subject: Firefighter arbitration complete. City Council may play key role.
February, 2010 Superintendent Presents FY11 Budget Plan
Subject: Budget gap remains, requiring further cuts while moving forward with reform agenda
February, 2010 Quinn Bill Impact on Police Retirements
Subject: More police retirements are occuring as Quinn bill payments are reduced.
February, 2010 Boston Takes Advantage of Education Reform
Subject: Late designation of eligible schools creates a tight timeline for fall implementation
February, 2011 Superintendent Submits FY12 Budget with 1% Increase
Subject: School Finance
February, 2011 District 7 Primary and Licensing Board Appointment
Subject: Elections
February, 2011 Boston's 2011-2012 Legislative Package
Subject: Legislation
February, 2011 BPS Proposes New School Funding Model for FY12
Subject: Schools
February, 2012 Expanding Underserved Students Taking AP Courses
February, 2012 Superintendent Submits FY13 Budget With 0.3% Increase
Subject: School Budget
February, 2013 BPS FY14 Preliminary Budget Increases by 6.9%
Subject: School Budget
February, 2013 Boston's 2013-2014 Legislative Agenda
Subject: Legislative Agenda - IGR
February, 2013 Boston's Pension Liability Increased
Subject: Pension - Finance
January, 1988 The Mayor
Subject: Update on the Linkage Program - BRA
January, 1988 The City Council
Subject: Committee assignments and the defeat of single ways & means committee
January, 1988 The Governor
Subject: Has not produced a detailed plan to dispose of Boston's solid waste
January, 1988 The Superintendent
Subject: Submitted $360 M FY 89 budget - $5.5M in Boston Education Plan initiatives - $40M needed
January, 1988 The School Committee
Subject: Elected John Nucci President - John Grady Vice President- Courts out of student Assignment
January, 1988 Personnel Statistics
Subject: Increase in personnel levels
January, 1988 The Governor
Subject: Unrestricted state aid announced
January, 1988 The Bureau
Subject: Bureau election of Directors
January, 1988 Department Head Watch
Subject: Mayoral appointments
January, 1988 The City Council
Subject: Election of Chris Iannella President and started on time!
January, 1989 State Aid
Subject: House and Senate have not agreed to Governor's state aid numbers, further cuts to be expected
January, 1989 The Mayor
Subject: released fourth annual five year capital plan which outlined capital projects from fiscal 1989-1993
January, 1989 The Mayor
Subject: focused his State of the City Address on the youth of Boston and drugs
January, 1989 The City Council
Subject: reeelected president and established a single Ways and Means Committee
January, 1989 The City Council
Subject: introdued an ordinance authorizing the Mayor to appoint a special 7 member commission on education
January, 1989 State Aid
Subject: Governor announced his recommendation of new unrestricted state aid for cities and towns
January, 1989 The Superintendent
Subject: announced his own student assignment plan
January, 1989 The School Committee
Subject: greeted teh Surperintendents student assignment plan with less than unanimouos support
January, 1991 Municipal Register
Subject: An excellent reference source that contains excerpts from the City Charter and other statutes...
January, 1991 Personnel Changes
Subject: Mayor Flynn typically delays appointments to key positions but should act on ASD Director position
January, 1991 Superintendent Search
Subject: New search process is underway with School Committee scheduled to hire next Superintendent by 5/10
January, 1991 Abatement Status
Subject: January 22nd was the last day for the City to take action on the 9,328 abatements filed for FY 1991
January, 1991 Brockton Finance Control Board
Subject: City of Brockton, through home rule petition, agreed to creation of 5 member Finance Control Board
January, 1991 Annual Meeting
Subject: Re: Annual Meeting held on January 24th, 1991
January, 1991 Local Aid Cuts
Subject: More information is needed to assess the impact of the Recovery Plan on Boston...
January, 1991 City Council Committees
Subject: City Council President announced his appointments to the 14 City Council standing committees.
January, 1991 Election Year
Subject: The focus of this election may center on At-Large City Council races and School Committee seats
January, 1992 Pension Costs Reduced
Subject: $8 million for school supplementary appropriation may come from one time pension savings
January, 1992 School Committee in Action
Subject: School Committee's buget is now balanced
January, 1992 Governor Weld's Local Aid Plan
Subject: Boston's local aid for fiscal 1993 may be reduced by about $2.0 million.
January, 1992 Bureau Elects New Chairman
Subject: Joseph Mullaney was elected as Chairman of the Bureau
January, 1992 Bureau's 60th Anniversary
Subject: Anniversary dinner will be held on May 6, 1992
January, 1992 Police Management Review
Subject: Boston's Police Department Managemnet Review presented its report
January, 1992 Calling City Hall
Subject: Change in City Hall's telephone number
January, 1992 School Committee Terms
Subject: Staggered terms of the seven School Committee members have been announced
January, 1993 Osborne Challenges Government
Subject: At the Annual Meeting, Osborne spoke of the need for government to change with the changing society
January, 1993 Scope Of City's Problem
Subject: A Bureau report will attemt to find the root of City's financial problems
January, 1993 City Council Committees
Subject: Menino announced the 18 City Council Committee assignments
January, 1993 Bond Refinancing Save City $
Subject: The City refinanced $92.3 million of general obligation debt to take advantage of low interest rates
January, 1993 School FY93 Budget Problem
Subject: The Superintendent has been working on reducing expenditures during the year
January, 1993 Bureau Holds Annual Meeting
Subject: At the meeting officers were reelected and new directors were elected
January, 1993 School Accomplishment in 1992
Subject: Superintendent summarized the accomplishment of the Public School System in1992
January, 1993 BPS Central Administrators Search
Subject: To decentralize the School Department, the Superintendent reorgainzed the administrative structure
January, 1993 Assessor Watch-Watch
Subject: The Assessing Department has been without a permanent Commissioner for five months
January, 1994 City Council Committees
Subject: City Council President Kelly announced his appointments to the 21 City Council standing committees
January, 1994 School Committee Changes
Subject: Reilinger and Gittens take over for Guen and Velez whose terms expired. Culver will resign on 3/1
January, 1994 Mayor Menino Speaks at Annual Meeting
Subject: At the Annual Meeting, the Mayor outlined three goals to which he committed his Administration
January, 1994 Ways and Means Committee
Subject: School Dept. budget responsibility moves from the Ways and Means Committee to Education Committee
January, 1994 Caution Urged On Use Of City Artery $
Subject: Council's Ways and Means Committee is deciding where to use funds from the sale of land to the State
January, 1994 City Council Issues Seminar
Subject: The Bureau sponsored a seminar to present to the City Councillors critical issues facing Boston
January, 1994 Beal Elected Bureau Chairman
Subject: Robert Beal was elected as Chairman of the Board on at Annual Meeting. Officers were also elected.
January, 1995 Mayor's State of City Address
Subject: Mayor called for a strengthening of public-private partnerships with the business, academic and non
January, 1995 BCH/BUMCH Consolidation Update
Subject: commission on health care has hired several consultants to undertake the work necessary for cons.
January, 1995 Salary Raise Epilougue
Subject: department heads salaries were also increased after no change since 1987
January, 1995 BCH/BUMCH Intergration of Leadership
Subject: the respective heads of both hospitals have developed steps to establish shared leadership
January, 1995 Governor's Fiscal 1996 Budget
Subject: $16.7 billion, an increase of 2.6% over fiscal 1995
January, 1996 School Accreditation Update
Subject: NEASC put Charlestown High/Latin Academy on list of warning schools,
January, 1996 State of the City Address
Subject: Menino talked of economic security, jobs, public safety & health, oulined his 5yr. plans for 2001
January, 1996 Mayor Announces New Economic Policy
Subject: At Bureau meeting, Mayor outlined four proposals for economic development and job creation.
January, 1996 Council Committee's Set
Subject: Appointments of 21 City Council standing committees for 1996
January, 1996 Convention Center Report
Subject: Pre-Development Working Group issued report; answered questions about feasibility & development
January, 1996 House 1 & Boston's Local Aid
Subject: Weld presented $17.4 B House 1 budget prop. for FY97, inc. of $425 M; State Tax revs. growth 4%
January, 1996 Regionalization Commission Status?
Subject: 13 memb. commiss. to explore ways to promote collaborative efforts; not yet named 1 yr later
January, 1996 More Pilot Schools Coming
Subject: Number of pilot schools for second round not limited but based on proposal quality/avail. of funding
January, 1997 The School Committee
Subject: Naimark appointed; BPS budget problem at net $3.5M; Accredited Boston High (on probation since 94)
January, 1997 Weld's '98 Local Aid Budget
Subject: Filed House 1 - Proposed $18.2B FY98 budget; $520M increase over FY97; CherrySheet/Ch.70, etc
January, 1997 Mayor Unveils Economic Plan
Subject: BMRB annual meeting- Mayor tells FY97 economic/planning initiatives; agenda focuses on 4 key areas
January, 1997 The City Council
Subject: Re-elected Kelly President; Negotiating with Mayor about his veto of school bus ordinance
January, 1997 State of the City Address
Subject: Highlighted administration accomplishments from 1996 and spoke of goals for 1997
January, 1998 New Financial System
Subject: Contract given to PeopleSoft for software for financial & human resources/payroll systems
January, 1998 Convention Center Revenues
Subject: Commonwealth began revenue collection for center, excises/surcharges became effective Jan 1st
January, 1998 FY98 Tax Rates Decline
Subject: Tax base increased, tax rates decline; Text lists various rates for property/business tax
January, 1998 Council Approves COLA
Subject: Council accepts law (Ch. 17, Acts 1997); shift increases cities unfunded liability by $289.9M
January, 1998 Labor 1, Boston 0
Subject: Legislature easily overrode Governors veto of S1894; strips management authority of Commissioner
January, 1998 Boston Sells $90 Million
Subject: Sold $90M in GO Bonds to Fleet Securities, @ interest rate of 4.49%;
January, 1998 Rating Boston
Subject: Standard & Poor's/ Moody's rating of A+ & A1 remain same; Concern with revenue $, Prop 2 1/2
January, 1999 Taxi Medallion Sale
Subject: All 75 medallions sold at City's first auction; remaining 75 expected to be sold at auction in fall
January, 1999 BPS Drop-Out Rates Edge Up
Subject: Cohort rate measures # students graduating within 5 years; Drop-out rate increased to 26%
January, 1999 BPS Master Plan Needed
Subject: Building 5 new schools is good, but doesn't provide neighboorhood school plan; one is needed
January, 1999 New Teaching Standards?
Subject: Will revised standards be availabel to evaluate BPS teachers by 99-00? needed for contract negs.
January, 1999 State Aid to Cities and Towns
Subject: Cellucci's FY00 recommends Cherry Sheet aid increase of $238M; figures about state aid listed
January, 1999 Seaport Guidelines
Subject: Expected soon is BRA master plan for district, based on five objectives listed in text
January, 2000 Boston is on the Cutting Edge
Subject: Financial / human resources payroll computer system improves efficiency, information flow, etc
January, 2000 Abatement Requests Slope Down
Subject: Abatement apps. decreased by 33%, record low of 2,720, thanks to Assessing Dept. efforts to improve
January, 2000 City Faces State Aid Change
Subject: Gov. recommends FY00 increases in Ch.70 & Lottery; Additional Assistance would decrease by $47.6M
January, 2000 School News
Subject: FY01 Budget: prelim. $593M; 2000 Objectives: Sch. Comm. approved Superintendent's goals; New Schools
January, 2000 Triple Double A for Boston
Subject: Upgraded GO debt by all three rating companies; due to economic growth, increased financial strength
January, 2001 Fire Contract Reform
Subject: BMRB recommends Menino stand firm in contract negotiations; Changes not drastic, and much needed
January, 2001 Quinn Bill Comes Due
Subject: BMRB cautioned of expense of bill; Turning into high cost program; (FY01 paid $2.9Mmore than budget)
January, 2001 Tax Rate Drops as Values Grow
Subject: Taxable value increased 26.5%, resulting in decreases in tax rates; Tax rate facts listed in text
January, 2001 The State of the City
Subject: Menino focused on theme of investment in Bostonians; various proposals for goals listed in text
January, 2002 FY02 City Budget Revised at Mid-Year
Subject: Revised general fund budget, projects $3.4M decline from adopted; revenue/expenditure projections
January, 2002 Prop. 2 1/2 at 20
Subject: Prop. has been around 20 yrs; reduced city reliance on property tax, but it depends on state aid
January, 2002 Personal Property Break
Subject: Small businesses with $10,000 or less (personal property) pay no taxes FY02; exempts $17.4M in value
January, 2002 Tax Rates Rise, Values Slow
Subject: Boston's taxable assessed value $54.2B, increase of $3.7B. Tax rates also rose; value growth slows
January, 2002 Boston High as a Pilot School?
Subject: Faced with possible closing, headmaster gets conditional approval to create a pilot school;
January, 2004 BPS Budget Problem
Subject: BPS projects a $7.2M budget problem in FY04
January, 2004 FY04: Midpoint Check
Subject: Halfway through the fiscal year, Boston's budget is 2.5% more than the original budget.
January, 2004 Free Cash Certified
Subject: The City recently certified $61.1M in free cash - limiting what is available for use.
January, 2004 Service Accountability
Subject: Mayor's State of the City Address - new initiative: Neighborhood Response Teams
January, 2004 SCHOOL FY05 Budget Watch
Subject: A look at the current facts of the FY05 BPS Budget
January, 2004 Classification Shift OK'd
Subject: Governor signs new law allowing a shift in tax burden to businesses.
January, 2007 City Council Committees Set
Subject: City Council
January, 2007 BTU Contract Negotiations Update
Subject: Schools
January, 2007 Boston's 2007-2008 Legislative Package
Subject: Legislative
January, 2007 Boston's OPEB Liability Identified
Subject: Finance
January, 2007 State of the City
Subject: Mayor's speech
January, 2008 Governor's FY09 State Aid for Boston
Subject: Net General Fund state aid for BOston would increase by $3.1M
January, 2008 School Department Facing FY08 Budget Challenge
Subject: Declining enrollment and program initiatives create $12.8M problem
January, 2008 Boston's Bond Position in Subprime Crisis
Subject: City's high bond rating should result in no direct impact with March issue.
January, 2008 Fiscal 2008 Tax Rates Set
Subject: Boston's taxable property values increase by 4% in FY08 and total tax levy jumped by 5%. Tax rate drops for both residential and business.
January, 2008 Boston Firefighter Disability Retirement Trends
Subject: Disproportionate growth raises questions of legitimacy
January, 2008 Will New Pilot Schools Be Approved?
Subject: February 2006 agreement authorized seven new pilot schools.
January, 2008 Police Ranks Grow with New Classes of Graduates
Subject: BPS stengthend by 224 new patrol officers and 64 detectives in 2007
January, 2009 City Council & School Committee Leadership Changes
Subject: Ross elected Council President and Groover School Chairman
January, 2009 Boston Hit Hard By State Aid Cuts
Subject: Governor's local aid budget contingent on new taxes
January, 2009 Boston's 2009-2010 Legislative Package
Subject: Revenue bills re-filed but one-third of bills are new
January, 2009 JLMC Approves Arbitration for Firefighters' Contract
Subject: City limits issues submitted for arbitration
January, 2010 Boston Should Not Adopt Early Retirement Incentive
Subject: Short-term benefit not worth cost of increasing pension liability
January, 2010 New Members for Boston City Council & School Committee
Subject: Budget challenges will dominate early action taken by new members
January, 2010 Quinn Bill Pay Cut for Boston Police Officers
Subject: 41% Quinn Bill reduction will have lingering consequences on several fronts
January, 2011 Boston's Tax Rate Set for FY11
Subject: Finances
January, 2011 Mayor Menino's Speech Priorities
Subject: Mayor annual speech setting the agenda
January, 2011 City Council and School Committe Leadership in 2011
Subject: City Council/School Committee
January, 2011 BPS Prepares for Innovation Schools
Subject: Schools
January, 2012 Municipal Health Insurance Reform Status
Subject: Twelve communities have adopted changes for an estimated savings of $30 million
January, 2012 New Members for Boston City Council & School Committee
Subject: City Council and School Committee reelect leaders, Mayor makes bold appointment
January, 2012 Expanding Excellence in Boston Public Schools
Subject: Superintendent's plan to expand seats to high performing high schools and Pilot schools in the BPS.
January, 2012 Mayor Menino's State of the City Address
Subject: Speech for the neighborhoods has a strong education component for a reason
January, 2013 Now is Not the Time for Hybrid School Committee Proposal
Subject: Appointed/Elected School Committee
January, 2013 BPS Provides Extra Support for 21 Underperforming Schools
Subject: Schools
January, 2013 OPEB Commission Seeks To Manage $46 Billion Liability
Subject: Retiree benefits
January, 2013 Retirement Board Taking Prudent Steps Affecting Liability
Subject: Pension calculation adjustments
January, 2013 Leadership Changes for Boston City Council & School Committee
Subject: City Council & School Committee
January, 2015Search for a New School Committee Member is Underway
Subject: School Committee
January, 2015BPS & BTU Agree on Extra 40 Minutes of Instruction Time
Subject: Schools
July, 1989 Local Aid
Subject: Fiscal 1990 net state aid to Boston decreased$20.6 million over the House I budget
July, 1989 English High School
Subject: if closed may caost City $8 million in state aid of next twelve years
July, 1989 The Mayor
Subject: approved the Police Superior Officers' contract almost two years after effective date
July, 1989 The School Committee
Subject: approved a school consolidation plan and several school will be closed or merged
July, 1989 The Bureau
Subject: says that School Committee should reflect the racial and socioeconomic diversity of the City
July, 1989 The Mayor
Subject: supports nonbinding referendum question on having a 7 member School Committee nominated by a panel
July, 1989 Local Aid
Subject: Fiscal 1990 net state aid to Boston decreased by 6 times what the City expected and prepared for
July, 1989 The School Committee
Subject: Teh Boston Teachers Union and the City Wide Parents Council filed suit to block school closings
July, 1989 The Bureau
Subject: recommends that the School Committee bereduced in size and appointed by Mayor
July, 1990 Stay Tuned...
Subject: Re: Bus Driver Strike...
July, 1990 Strike Ordinance
Subject: Designed to regulate private employers in Boston who attempt to replace employees on strike...
July, 1990 CDBG Funds On Hold
Subject: On June 26th, HUD informed the City that its fair housing plan was deficient...
July, 1990 Superintendent Search
Subject: New Superintendent will not be on board by 1/1, when Acting Superintendent planned to leave
July, 1990 State Fiscal 1990 Tax Collections
Subject: For fiscal year 1991, DOR is forecasting revenues to grow by 1.0% over FY 1990...
July, 1990 Hotel Occupancy
Subject: Hotel room occupancy in the Boston/Cambridge area is up by 1.6% from May, 1989 to May, 1990
July, 1990 New Local Aid Plan
Subject: The COMPACT Fund- Local aid for municipalities will be level-funded for the next 2-3 years...
July, 1990 Recycling Ordinance
Subject: The City is lacking a long-term solution to the disposal of the solid waste that can't be recycled.
July, 1990 School Budget
Subject: The School Committee must approve a $400 million budget that is real...
July, 1991 MAT Test Improvements
Subject: Boston Metropolitan Achievement Test (MAT) results for 1991 showed improvement in most grades
July, 1991 Chelsea and Boston
Subject: option for Chelsea to be incorporated into the City of Boston is being studied by special committee
July, 1991 Revenue Mix Change
Subject: Local aid cuts over past three years have caused a significant shift in the revenue mix
July, 1991 Appointed School Committee
Subject: petition for a seven member School Committee appointed by mayor was signed into law by Governor
July, 1991 Superintendent Harrison-Jones
Subject: the final contract for for Superintendent of Boston Pubic Schools was signed by all parties involved
July, 1991 Local Aid Reduction
Subject: Boston's discretionary state aid for fiscal 1992 is cut 11.5% from the prior year
July, 1991 Chelsea and Boston
Subject: Distressed Cities Account intended to assist cities with severe fiscal problems was vetoed
July, 1992 Additional State Aid for Boston
Subject: The Legislature overrode the Governor's veto of local aid for education
July, 1992 Pension Investment Return
Subject: Boston's Retirement Board's investments produced a return of 21.5%
July, 1992 School Senior Staff Reorganization
Subject: Superintendent Lois Harrison-Jones presented a reorganization plan for senior staff positions
July, 1992 No Change in Proposition 2 1/2
Subject: The Legislature didn't try to override the Governor's veto of the budget section
July, 1992 School Committee Vancancy
Subject: School Nominating Panel to submit 3 to 5 names to the Mayor
July, 1993 School Committee Vacancy
Subject: Anna Mae Cole resigned from School Committee and Mayor Menino will appoint new person
July, 1993 Boston's FY 1994 Cherry Sheet Aid
Subject: The state estimated giving Boston $371.6 million in aid
July, 1993 Boston's Cost of Convention Complex
Subject: State expects Boston to share in capital and annual costs of new convention conplex
July, 1993 Quinn Bill On Hold
Subject: The Quinn Bill, a police educational incentive pay program, has been placed on the table by Council
July, 1993 Teacher Early Retirement
Subject: Under ERI program, teachers will be credited an additional 5 yrs. of service or age or a combination
July, 1993 Menino Becomes Acting Mayor
Subject: Mayor Flynn resigns and Menino takes over for the next four months
July, 1993 Health Center Funding
Subject: The City will provide $5 million in funds for the needs of community health centers
July, 1994 Fire Department Audit
Subject: the purpose is to recommend greater efficiencies in each departments management, organization.
July, 1994 City/State Central Artery Contract
Subject: city signed a joint management and construction agreementwith the commonwealth
July, 1994 City Council Salary
Subject: President Kelly has proposed the salary of the 13 city coucillors be increased
July, 1994 City Bids Financial Services
Subject: selected the law firm Palmer and Dodge to serve as the city's bond consel and firm of Evenson Dodge
July, 1994 BPS Pilot Schools
Subject: A new teachers contract provides for the establishment of up to six pilot schools in the 1995-96 ye
July, 1995 City Council Candidates
Subject: 15 at-large, 23 district; preliminary & general election dates;
July, 1995 Hospital Merger Bill Stalled
Subject: Bill sits in House Ways/Means; proposed amends. cause delay; bureau concerned with changes
July, 1995 Search Committee Gets An A
Subject: Three finalists listed for Super. position for submission to school committee.
July, 1995 Superintendent Selection
Subject: Private & Public meetings for each candidate; @ end of process, school comm, held open forum
July, 1995 Superintendent Pyzant
Subject: Thomas Pyzant's employment and experience history, program initiatives,etc.
July, 1996 Payzant Appoints New Principals
Subject: Six new principals appointed to replace those whose contracts were not renewed
July, 1996 BMC Trustees Named
Subject: 30 Trustees to BMC named to serve 5 yr. staggered terms
July, 1996 Where's Your Affidavit?
Subject: Property owners required to fill out affidavit of address/phone & return to city by August 1st.
July, 1996 FY97 Budget Grows
Subject: Council approved $1.349 B, original submittal $2.9 M less; inc. to cover BPS collect. barg. agreemen
July, 1996 More State Aid
Subject: Weld signed FY97 state budget $17.45 B - Boston should see inc. of $24.6M in state aid over FY96
July, 1996 Financial Reporting Kudos
Subject: Auditing Dept. gets GFOA's Certificate of Acheivement for Excellence in Financial Reporting
July, 1996 What About the Six?
Subject: Super. negotiates six admins that didn't get contracts; any court cases will affect reorg, of BPS
July, 1996 Stadium Project Funding
Subject: Table by Governmental Research Assoc. compares stadium funding (public/private)
July, 1997 The Mayor
Subject: Public Finanical Mgmt to be city financial advisor; request for integrated financial/hr payroll syst
July, 1997 On Beacon Hill
Subject: Comm.on Public Service reported favorably S1894, severely limit Police Commissioners mgmt powers
July, 1997 House Approves Convention Center Bill
Subject: House approved bill authorizing financing/construction of center; operated by MA Convention Ctr.Auth
July, 1997 The School Department
Subject: Superior Ct. transfers sped program to BPS; 22 schools get Annenberg grants; 18 new principals 97-98
July, 1997 FY98 Capital Plan in Limbo
Subject: Capital plan under scrutiny due to swift and unquestioned approval of FY98 operating budget
July, 1997 The City Council
Subject: Status of BMC/PHC hearing; failed approval BPS '97 supplements; Truth in Political Ads hearing
July, 1997 1997 Stanford 9 Results
Subject: Encouraging/disappointing: high school score below ave. in math/science; mid.school improved from 96
July, 1999 State Budget Impasse
Subject: No direct impact on City operating budget, despite legislatures failure to approve FY00 budget
July, 1999 Pilot Payments Rising
Subject: City & Harvard University agreed to new 20-yr. $40M PILOT, leads to additional revenues for city
July, 1999 No To Binding Arbitration
Subject: Bureau opposes re-introducing binding arbitration for police,etc due to financial implications
July, 1999 Sale Proceeds For Housing
Subject: Council voted to surplus old police headquarters as of Sept.1; to use proceeds for housing
July, 1999 Library Gets More funds
Subject: Council approved $10M supplemetal for Library Dept; covers insurance deductible of BPL flood (98)
July, 2001 AIM: Literacy Improvement
Subject: Payzant strengthens Literacy Initative Plan (due to MCAS failures); 5 goal strategy to be implemente
July, 2001 Salary Increases Advised
Subject: Boston Comensation Advisory Board recommended increase of up to 9% for Dept.Heads; etc..
July, 2001 Review of Living Wage
Subject: Mayor asks Commission for ordinace recommendations; ordinance has applied to 219 contracts as of '01
July, 2001 Charter Crisis Averted
Subject: 5-hour emergency Council session approved $5.1M Law Dept. Budget & averted Charter crisis;
July, 2002 Local Aid Lower in '03
Subject: FY03 state aid for the city is cut; Charter schools and Additional Assistance most affected by cuts
July, 2002 Council Redistricting
Subject: redistricting plans will be discussed in neighborhood hearings; final plan will be voted on in Sept.
July, 2002 Student Assignment
Subject: a task force on student assignment will decide how to assign student to 3 new schools and others
July, 2002 Urban Regionalism
Subject: collaboration with the Metropolitan Mayors Coalition can promote cost control and savings
July, 2002 City Approves Washington Street BID
Subject: the proposed Business Improvement District for Washington Street was accepted with a 5 year term
July, 2002 Police on the Street
Subject: officers in admin or clerical positions will be transferred to direct service; civilians will cover
July, 2003 Municipal Relief
Subject: State Municipal Relief package
July, 2003 New Pilot Schools - 2004-05
Subject: Applications for Pilot schools in 2004-05 schoool year
July, 2003 BIDFA: Bonds for Jobs
Subject: Boston Industiral Development Financing Authority and how it works.
July, 2003 Teacher Layoffs
Subject: Teacher layoffs to be minimized this year. Annual staffing process adds complications
July, 2003 Still The One
Subject: Boston is the highest ranking city in the US ofr NIH grant awards.
July, 2003 Boston's Budget Begins Anew
Subject: Boston's FY04 approved budget.
July, 2004 Supermarkets Have Doubled
Subject: Boston neighborhoods have seen 20 supermarkets erected since 1992
July, 2004 Pension Cost Spike
Subject: FY06 will see a 25% increase in the City's pension costs
July, 2004 Police & Fire Contracts Settled
Subject: Arbitration results in salary increases
July, 2004 Quinn Standards Become Law
Subject: Board of Higher Education adopts statutorial guidelines for the Quinn Bill
July, 2004 Budget Hitch
Subject: Union concerns almost delay City Council's approval of the budget
July, 2004 Shattuck Public Service Awards Announced 2004
Subject: The Bureau congratulates this year's honorees
July, 2006 New Face on the City Council
Subject: Election
July, 2006 State OPEB Liability Released
Subject: City Finances
July, 2006 Underperforming Boston Schools
Subject: Schools
July, 2006 Soccer in Boston
Subject: New stadium for soccer in Boston
July, 2006 Economic Development Bill Awaits Legislative Vote
Subject: Economic Development
July, 2009 Mayor Menino Files In-District Charter School Bill
Subject: Charter Schools - Two BTU grievances contributed to Mayor's new reform push
July, 2009 Legislature Ends "King for a Day" Disability Pensions
Subject: Disability pension based on twelve months compensation, not one day
July, 2010 Downtown Boston BID
Subject: City Council should approve Boston's first business improvement district
July, 2010 Boston's FY11 Budget Approved
Subject: Third year of state aid cuts makes budget tight but deeper cuts expected in FY12
July, 2010 Rating Boston in 2010
Subject: Boston takes full advantage of federal stimulus bond opportunities
July, 2012 Linkage Revenue Supports Affordable Housing
Subject: Boston-controlled affordable housing funds increase 3 years running
July, 2012 City Council Approves $2.5 Billion FY13 Operating Budget
Subject: Final City budget is bolstered by additional state aid used for selected departments and pension COLAs
July, 2012 Using Technology to Improve Services: BAIS Financials Upgrade
Subject: BAIS financials upgrade to improve business performance and add electronic procurement
July, 2012 Boston Should Appoint the Members of Its Licensing Board
Subject: Bill to authorize the Mayor to make appointments still in legislative committee
July, 2013 City Council Approves $1.8 Billion 5-Year Capital Plan
Subject: Higher GO bond issue plans to support focus on new construction and major renovations
July, 2013 City Approves $2.6 Billion Operating Budget for Fiscal 2014
Subject: Change from original April submission decreases by $4.2 million
July, 2013 Boston's Violent Crime Rates Continue Downward Trend
Subject: All Part 1 violent and property crimes decrease since 2008 except rape
July, 2014 Two New Horace Mann Charter Schools Proposed for Boston
Subject: Horace Mann in-district charters continue to be a powerful tool for reform within the BPS
July, 2014 BRA Audit Reveals Business Weaknesses but Questions Remain
Subject: Audit focuses on business protocols, but larger operational questions remain unanswered
July, 2014 State Senate Rejects Education Reform Legislation
Subject: Boston's 60 Level 3 schools remain without the flexibility needed to improve performance
June, 1988 Tax Classification
Subject: Chapter 200 of the Acts of 1988 was signed into law, tax burden will be shifted to business property
June, 1988 The School Committee
Subject: reduced their fiscal 1989 budget
June, 1988 The City Council
Subject: approved City and County operating budget for fiscal 1989
June, 1988 State Aid Changes
Subject: Governor increases Lottery Aid
June, 1988 State Aid Changes
Subject: Governor cut Local Aid Distributions in an effort to balance the fiscal 1989 state budget
June, 1988 The City Council
Subject: approved, in full, the Mayor's appropriation order for the school department
June, 1988 The City Council
Subject: identified series of issues which may have adverse impact on city operations in the future
June, 1988 The School Committee
Subject: position of Superintendent of school for Brookline was accepted
June, 1988 The Mayor
Subject: appointed new City Treasurer
June, 1989 The School Committee
Subject: votes to reject Commission's report only one month after voting to accept it
June, 1989 The City Council
Subject: approved a city and county budget for fiscal 1990
June, 1989 The School Committee
Subject: voted to direct the Superintendent to appoint a Secondary School Commission
June, 1989 The School Committee
Subject: voted to accept Commission's recommendations for fall 1989 closings
June, 1989 Solid Waste
Subject: Collection and disposal of residential solid waste in Boston will cost 7.4% more in 1990
June, 1989 Solid Waste
Subject: City opted for series of one year contrats rather then a three year deal
June, 1989 The Mayor
Subject: committed to use the proceeds from the sale of surplus school buildings for school capital projects
June, 1989 The School Committee
Subject: failed to bring its fiscal 1990 budget down to Mayor's recommendation
June, 1989 The Mayor
Subject: signed the fiscal 1990 City and County operating budgets
June, 1990 Deeds Excise Tax
Subject: Legislation was signed into law which doubled the deeds excise tax to provide additional revenues
June, 1990 City Budget
Subject: The City Council, on June 27th, approved the fiscal 1991 city, county and school appropriations...
June, 1990 School Budget
Subject: Committee should reduce budget below $400 million before the Mayor provides additional funds
June, 1990 Search Committee
Subject: School Committee set 1/1/91, as the outside target date for the new Superintendent to begin...
June, 1990 Local Aid Payment
Subject: On June 30th, Boston expected to receive its second-half state local aid payment of $183.7 million
June, 1990 Mayor Vetoes Strike Ordinance
Subject: The Mayor was correct in vetoeing this proposed ordinance...
June, 1990 State's Solid Waste Master Plan
Subject: State's master plan doesn't address the long-term solution to the disposal of Boston's solid waste
June, 1990 New Suffolk County Jail
Subject: Re: The Nashua Street Jail
June, 1990 School-Based Management
Subject: Teachers',principal contracts will cost about $30 million this year...
June, 1994 Teacher's Contract settled
Subject: School committee and BTU agreed to a 3 year contract, through 96-97 school year
June, 1994 Upcoming Bureau Events
June, 1994 Fiscal 1994 BPS Budget Update
Subject: The BPS projected it would end fiscal 1994 with a surplus of about $90,000
June, 1994 Bureau's Health Care Forum
Subject: consolidation between BCH and University Hospital was essential
June, 1994 Small Change for Correctional Budget
Subject: Would the commonwealth assume a larger share of the Suffolk County correctional budget?
June, 1994 Principles and Headmasters contracts
Subject: superintendent and school committee still need to negotiate individual contracts with each principle
June, 1995 First Step of Hospital Merger Is Reached
Subject: Council approved Public Health Act, the 1st step in creating Public Health Commission
June, 1995 Changes in Title 1
Subject: Feds. change distribution of Title 1 funds to 32 BPS, intended to focus on needy students
June, 1995 The Busses Will Roll in September!
Subject: School Comm. approved 1 yr. contract with National Bus Co., - contract $1.2M more than budet
June, 1995 Council Approves Budget
Subject: Approved Mayor's $1.481B FY96 budget on June 26th; rejected 1st submission,
June, 1995 More $ for Boston
Subject: Cherry Sheets FY96 finalized; Growth of $11.9M in state aid from FY95
June, 1995 Charter School Facts
Subject: Misinformation b/w City Hall & BPS, Points that follow to clarify discussion of facts
June, 1995 School Budget is Set for FY96
Subject: Council approved BPS budget of $444.2M, a $19.4M increase over prior year;
June, 1997 A Political Tug of War
Subject: Councillors approved Mayor's budget without any amendments; 'loose ends' not tied before approval
June, 1997 The School Committee
Subject: Final report from Blue Ribbon Comm. received; est. of Student Task Force to improve parental input
June, 1997 COLA'S: Boston's $17 Million Problem
Subject: COLA will cost city far more in long run; funding from investment income acct. of Retirement System
June, 1997 Moving Forward on FY98
Subject: Council approved FY98 operating buddtet of $1.419M, $70.5M more than FY97; expenses/revenues
June, 1997 Hotels: Will Enough Be Built?
Subject: Hotel construction most important in debate about convention center financing;
June, 1999 FY00 Budget Approved
Subject: Council approved Mayor's $1.6B operating budget basically unchanged with few exceptions;
June, 1999 Old Police HQ for Sale
Subject: City offering the seven story building for $9.5M or best offer
June, 1999 Stanford 9 Test Results
Subject: Payzant released 1999 results; progress made, but not as fast as expected
June, 1999 Fire Snapshot
Subject: Facts & figures about department
June, 1999 Still Bidding for a Bid
Subject: Union is first challenge for Washington St. BID; the BPPA fears BID's proposal may supplant officers
June, 2001 High School Squeeze
Subject: Enrollment increase plus class reduction requirements means squeeze on schools;
June, 2001 Boston Private Employers
Subject: BRA survey of largest private employers highlights importance of non-profit sector; (8 of top 10)
June, 2001 City Budget Watch
Subject: Three differences b/w Council & City budgets: school supplies, housing account, Council legal couns
June, 2001 CITISTAT For Boston?
Subject: Menino learns more of Baltimore's CITISTAT program (computer stats to help city dept. services)
June, 2001 BASAS Contract
Subject: BASAS is affected by BTU contract; BPS offered BASAS standard 3% for 3yrs;
June, 2001 Regionalism Retry
Subject: Metropolitan Area Planning Council convened 9 mayor meeting; regionalism has eluded Boston in past
June, 2002 MFA Economic Impact
Subject: lists results of an economic impact study by the MFA; highlights MFA's role as employer, vendor, etc
June, 2002 FY03 Budget Approved
Subject: describes anticipated revenues and expenditures in the newly approved FY03 budget
June, 2002 Telecom Fee
Subject: the Mayor's proposed telecommunications right of way rent was rejected by the council
June, 2002 Round 2: Recycling vs. Living Wage
Subject: three bidders for recycling contracts have stated they will not pay the Living Wage; talks continue
June, 2002 $33M for Housing
Subject: details the non-recurring revenue being used to fund the Leading the Way housing initiative
June, 2002 Special Election Results
Subject: Rob Consalvo won the District 5 seat vacated when Dan Conley was appointed interim DA
June, 2002 ERI Update
Subject: City adopts an Early Retirement Incentive program; excludes public safety and caps at 370 employees
June, 2007 FY08 BPS Budget Aims at Achievement Gap
Subject: School Department budget totals $782.5M in FY2008
June, 2007 Property Tax Relief in Name Only
Subject: Municipal health insurance legislation with new title passed House and Senate
June, 2007 City's FY08 Budget OK'd
Subject: $3.1M added for employee salaries and youth services
June, 2007 Most School Employee Contracts Not Settled
Subject: Contract negotations are influenced by BTU contract
June, 2007 Capital Budget Set to Grow
Subject: City plans to increase capital spending over next five years
June, 2008 Fire Commissioner Appoints Two Civilian Deputies
Subject: Civilian appointees with the goal of improving the adminstration and managment of the Fire Department and strengthen the Commissioner's management authority.
June, 2008 Boston Metro Area Ranks HIgh in Education Impact
Subject: Boston area educational institutions rank in top four our of 50 largest metropolitan areas according to a study by the Atlanta Regional Council for Higher Eudcation.
June, 2008 Boston's FY09 - FY13 Capital Plan
Subject: 5-year capital plan for Boston is released, calling for the issuance of $120M in GO bonds over the next five years.
June, 2008 Boston Leads All Cities in NIH Research Grants
Subject: Nonprofit Institutions in City received $1.6B in fiscal 2007 in National Institutes of Health grants.
June, 2008 The Status of Charter Schools In Boston
Subject: Demand for Charter School Seats exceeds available seats.
June, 2009 City Sucessful in Debt Refunding Issue
Subject: Recent sale produced savings to reduce debt service costs
June, 2009 Charter Schools Endorsed by Mayoral Candidates
Subject: Existing caps for charter schools prevent more seats for Boston students despite demand
June, 2009 Legislature Cuts Boston's State Aid Deeper
Subject: Steep cuts to state aid and grants overshadow new local revenues.
June, 2009 Boston Moves to Single-Stream Recycling on July 1
Subject: Waste haulers must offer commercial customers recycling collection and disposal services
June, 2010 Mayor Menino's Resubmitted FY11 Budget
Subject: The Mayor's revised $2.3B budget for FY11 is $49.4M or 2.2% higher than the FY10 budget and it represents a net increase of $4.1M over his original April submission, excluding the teacher pension reductions in revenues and expenses.
June, 2010 Potential Ballot Initiatives for November Election
Subject: Steep reduction of sales tax and curb on affordable housing may appear on the ballot
June, 2010 Impact on Future Spending is Key for Firefighters' Contract
Subject: The Boston City Council should not be quick to accept Local 718 offer as the panacea for the vote they must take. Multi-year financial implications are at stake.
June, 2010 Health Insurance Double Standard Continues
Subject: The Massachusetts Legislature has approved its recommended FY11 operating budget but no provisions were adopted to enable cities and towns to better manage its employee health insurance costs, the #1 budget buster for every municipality.
June, 2011 Boston Demographic Update
Subject: Population, employment and other changes from the last decade.
June, 2011 Boston Police Sworn Officer Levels Increase in 2011
Subject: The number of Boston's sworn police officers increased in June for the first time in 31/2 years.
June, 2011 New Teacher Evaluation Regulations Approved by State
Subject: Student achievement to be an important factor in measuring teacher effectiveness.
June, 2011 Candidates Running for Boston City Council in 2011
Subject: An overview of the upcoming fall elections in Boston
June, 2012 City Begins to Settle Contract Agreements with Civilian Unions
Subject: A look at the recently settled AFSCME and SEIU contracts: the reforms and the price tag.
June, 2012 City Council Approves $1.8 Billion 5-Year Capital Plan
Subject: Higher GO bond issues in budget intended to support Dudley Plan and underfunded projects
June, 2012 Boston Elected Officials Advocate for Reform in Teachers' Contract
Subject: Members of the Boston Legislative Delegation and City Council sign letters urging reform for the BPS BTU contract
June, 2013 Boston Retirement Board Maintains COLA Base
Subject: Pensions, Retirement Board
June, 2013 Compensation Advisory Board Recommends Salary Increases
Subject: Salaries, Personnel
June, 2013 Mayor Menino Fills School Committee Seat
Subject: Appointed School Committee
June, 2014 Boston Leads All Cities in NIH Funding
Subject: Economy
June, 2014 Mayor's Revised FY15 Budget Mainly about Contract Costs
Subject: Finance
June, 2014 Better Preparation of BPS Students Required for College Success
Subject: Schools
March, 1988 The Mayor
Subject: Appointed Educational Advisor and Mayor will support spending plan for school operations
March, 1988 The Bureau
Subject: Mayor Flynn will attend and speak at Semi-Annual Meeting of Board of Directors
March, 1988 The City Council
Subject: Bureau believes city councillors should focus on city issues
March, 1988 The City Council
Subject: Councillor heard testimony from departments on need for supplemental appropriations
March, 1988 The City Council
Subject: debated about Councillors' sending letters to save the forrest
March, 1988 Linkage
Subject: Housing Committee considered expenditure of linkages funds from the Neighborhood Housing Trust
March, 1988 Linkage
Subject: Government Operations Committee began discussions on acceptence of provisions of Chp. 697 of 87 Acts
March, 1988 the City Council
Subject: office of Budget and program evaluation should take more active role in labor negotiations
March, 1988 The School Committee
Subject: Mayor, City Council, School Committee should discuss budget in terms share of total city budget
March, 1988 The School Committee
Subject: Approved 368.2 Million budget for fisical 1989
March, 1988 Linkage
Subject: Bureau testified before Goverment Operations Committee on failure to file annual department reports
March, 1989 Proposition 2 1/2 Limits
Subject: Governor and House leaders are suggesting that it is time to look at changes in Proposition 2 1/2
March, 1989 The School Committee
Subject: approved budget which is more then Mayor is willing to support
March, 1989 The 90-Day Review Period
Subject: Court ordered, 90-day student assignment review process began on Febuary 14th
March, 1989 Flying Tiger Line Inc.
Subject: State Supreme Judicial Court affirmed decision of that airline was not subject to local taxation
March, 1989 Management Performance
Subject: Administration recently initiated a Management Performance and Development Program
March, 1989 The Mayor
Subject: warned that 1000 city positions may need to be cut to balance fiscal 1990 budget
March, 1989 The School Committee
Subject: postponed decision on Superintendent's contract
March, 1989 The City Council
Subject: approved plan to ban sale and possession of assult weapons
March, 1989 The School Committee
Subject: failed to take action by specified time in new student assignment plan on certain items
March, 1989 School reform
Subject: Bosotn School Committe is bigger and spends far more money then typical large urban school boards
March, 1989 The City Council
Subject: cut $1 million from Mayor's $16 million supplementary budget request
March, 1990 Superintendent's Contract
Subject: Superintendent Laval Wilson accepted, on March 14, 1990, the school committee's buy out offer...
March, 1990 Parking Excise Tax Proposals
Subject: Flynn submitted to the Governor legislation establishing a local option parking excise tax
March, 1990 School Budget
Subject: FY 1991 school budget was submitted to the Mayor
March, 1990 Teachers Contract
Subject: The City Council, on March 13th, approved the Mayor's supplementary appropriation request...
March, 1990 Property Tax Bill Schedule
Subject: Local option legislation permits cities and towns to adopt a quarterly tax payment system...
March, 1991 Fiscal 1992 Local Aid Cut
Subject: Governor recommended that cities and towns recieve in increase in lottery funds
March, 1991 Fiscal 1992 Local Aid Cut
Subject: when governor presented fiscal 1992 budget local aid was cut
March, 1991 Modification of Proposition 2 1/2
Subject: House approved increasing motor vehicle excise tax
March, 1991 Modification to Proposition 2 1/2
Subject: House approves option to allow municipalities to adjust the growth of total annual tax assessment
March, 1991 School Governance
Subject: Boston School Committee could not be abolished by City's home rule petition
March, 1991 Property Tax levy increase
Subject: property tax levy will increase but will be less than in past years
March, 1993 Boston New Commissioners
Subject: Mayor Flynn appointed permanent Commissioners to the Assessing and Transportation Departments
March, 1993 Shattuck Award Nomination Due
Subject: Nominations are being accepted for the Shattuck Public Service Award
March, 1993 History of the Acting Mayor
Subject: City Council President Thomas Menino will be only the 5th person to serve as Acting Mayor since 1873
March, 1993 Election Calendar for 1993
Subject: Election dates from June to November
March, 1993 The Acting Mayor
Subject: Due to the mayor-weak council, the Acting Mayor has sufficient authority to manage city activity
March, 1993 Boston to Elect a New Mayor in 1993
Subject: Mayor Flynn will resign to work for President, Menino will act as Mayor
March, 1993 Election Will Change City Council
Subject: There may be at least six vacancies on the City Council to fill in November
March, 1993 Boston's $40 Million Problem
Subject: Mayor will submit his budget recommendation for fical 1994 to the City Council
March, 1994 City Spending FY 1989-94
Subject: The fiscal 1995 city budget increase of 3.2% is the largest annual increase in the past five years
March, 1994 Shattuck Award Nominations Due
Subject: The Bureau is seeking nominations for recipients who will be honored in October
March, 1994 Boston's Fiscal 1995 Budget
Subject: Mayor Menino submitted his recommended budget for fiscal 1995 to the City Council on April 13th
March, 1994 Boston's Capital Budget
Subject: On March 15th Menino unveiled the city's 1994-1998 capital spending plan
March, 1994 Boston Charter Schools Approved
Subject: Piedad Robertson announced the conditional approval of five Boston charter schools
March, 1994 Transition Committee Report
Subject: centered on establishing an effective, customer-foused government that strives to improve productivi
March, 1995 School Building Commission Update
Subject: commisssion is charged with developing a 10 year master plan for school buildings
March, 1995 Mayor Goldsmith of Indianapolis To Speak
Subject: Goldsmith is the featured speaker at the Bureaus luncheon on April 24th
March, 1995 Boston Facts and Figures Is Available
Subject: report that provides basic information on Boston's demographics, spending revenues
March, 1995 Boston's Fifth Charter School
Subject: The Academy of the pacific Rim will open in September of 95
March, 1995 Regionalization Conference
Subject: Officials from over 50 communities in Greater Boston Area gather together for conference
March, 1995 Massport and City Agree On New Pilot
Subject: new pilot agreement will increase Massports annual payments from 6.0M to 10.0 M
March, 1995 Hospital Merger Update
Subject: both hospitals agree not to change size and composition of their respective work forces
March, 1996 Construction Ahead
Subject: Mayor presents $1B (97-01) for capital plan, assumes continued net borrowing of $75 million/yr
March, 1996 Merger Deadline Looming
Subject: Intense negotiations (personnel/finance matters) held as merger deadline approaches
March, 1996 Where's the Regionalization Commission?
Subject: What is keeping Mayor from appointing commission to get started analyzing regional collaboration?
March, 1996 Cleaner Schools and Access
Subject: Custodian negotiations completed; salary increases, flexible work week, on-call custodians all incl.
March, 1996 T.V. Yes, Internet on Hold
Subject: Councillors fought hard to get televised meetings, only Keane expaned his website to inlcude info
March, 1996 Mayor Sent BPS Budget
Subject: School Comm. adoped FY97 budget $469M, sent to Mayor/Council for approval
March, 1996 For Sale - 15 Beacon Street
Subject: Sale of building that housed school committee for years for sale by city
March, 1996 Accreditation Picture Improves
Subject: NEASC returned Latin Academy/South Boston High to full credit; Boston Latin, Dorchester on probation
March, 1998 BPS FY98 Budget Deficit
Subject: BPS pojects budget shortfall of $5.2M, due to overspending in salary/wages, benefits, service accts.
March, 1998 Washington Street Bid Proposed
Subject: Business Improvement District (BID) submitted to Council; Discussion about City's authority of BID
March, 1998 Living Wage is Back
Subject: Hearing to examine concernces about ordinance; Bureau recommends necessary amendments
March, 1998 Rating the BWSC
Subject: Moody's upgrades BWSC from A2 to A1; Standard's increased rating from A to A+
March, 1998 Boston's New Bond Rating
Subject: Fitch IBCA gave city AA- (comparable to A from Moody's/Standards), first time Fitch has ranked city
March, 1998 The Rest of the Story
Subject: Patrolman's Association joins AFL-CIO after legislature overrode Gov's veto Commissioner power bill
March, 1998 Future Teacher Shortage
Subject: News articles highlight future shortage, Boston's actuarial report shows stats of ages of retirement
March, 1998 G.O. Bonds
Subject: City prepares to refund $63.4M in bonds, at a savings of $2.3M in interest costs over 18yrs.
March, 1998 BPS FY99 Budget
Subject: $547M for BPS in Mayor's budget; increase of $40.1 M from FY98; New priorities are listed in text
March, 1998 FY99 Budget Unveiled
Subject: Mayor presented FY99 budget of $1.523B, increase of $103.9M from FY98; List of Mayor's priorities
March, 2000 Financing Fenway Park
Subject: Mayor feels new stadium should be financed like BCEC, meaning City use capital budget for support
March, 2000 Managing Linkage
Subject: Menino's home rule petition to increase linkage by 44% should trigger two changes (noted in text)
March, 2000 Paying for 3 New Schools
Subject: Maybe impossible to fund all 3 BPS capital programs; Text outlines costs of 3 new schools/problems
March, 2000 A Plan for City Housing Dollars
Subject: Administration to decide use of $25M non-recurring revenue; Menino pleged $ to housing, not linkage
March, 2001 Rating Boston
Subject: Recent GO rating increase reflect good economy; City expected to continue conservative fiscal policy
March, 2001 Mayor Delivers Keynote Speech
Subject: At 69th Annual BMRB meeting, Mayor focused on businesses and tax incentives; housing etc.
March, 2001 Quinn Bill for Firefighters
Subject: Governor pushing bill for firefighters; questionable cost benefits at best for legislation
March, 2001 BPS Deadline Met
Subject: Met March 1 posting deadline; 712 positions posted, 407 employees can re-apply for their position
March, 2003 How Boston is Rated
Subject: Rating agencies maintain Boston's ratings - high marks are given for financial performance and careful debt managment.
March, 2003 4-Part Bond Sale
Subject: City sells bonds of $162M, for: capital program, 1010 Mass Ave, conversion of school BANS and Refunding of 1993 bonds.
March, 2003 Boston Is the Locomotive
Subject: Highlights of Mayor Menino's speech to the Research Bureau's annual meeting
March, 2003 Charter School Growth
Subject: More Charter Schools for Boston
March, 2003 New BPS Bus Contract
Subject: Boston School Committee Awards 5-year transportation contract to First Student, Inc.
March, 2003 FY04 Budget Watch
Subject: City Council & School Committee action on the Budget and new retirement incentive program
March, 2003 Romney Budget Slashes Aid
Subject: Impact of Governor's budget for FY04 on Boston's FY04 budget
March, 2004 Step Increases
Subject: Employees receive automatic pay raises
March, 2004 BPS FY05 Budget
Subject: School Committee approves a 1% budget increase for FY05
March, 2004 2004 Taxes Set, Budget Revised
Subject: Average single family tax bill increases by 14.5%
March, 2004 Regional Savings
Subject: Collaboration between Boston area cities saves money
March, 2004 Supplemental Tax Decision
Subject: City should reject supplemental tax on new value
March, 2007 Governor's FY08 State Aid for Boston
Subject: FY08 Governor's budget has been released. A 2.1% increase in local aid for Boston.
March, 2007 BPS Budget Proposes Slight Growth
Subject: BPS FY08 preliminary budget is $747.1M an increase of $13.2M or 1.&% not including funds for collective bargaining.
March, 2007 Boston's 2007-2008 Legislative Pacakge Continued...
Subject: Phase 2 overview of bills in Boston's FY07-08 legislative package.
March, 2007 More Changes for City Management Team
Subject: A review of open positions in the Menino Administration.
March, 2007 Governor's Municipal Partnership Act
Subject: Overview of Bill designed to provide new revenue and efficiency measures to assist municipalities in fiscally difficult situations.
March, 2007 Boston Receiveds Bond Rating Upgrade
Subject: Boston's bond rating was raised from AA to AA+ by S&P. Boston is ranked at the highest AA rating from both S&P and Moody's.
March, 2008 City Council & School Committee
Subject: Leadership Changes for 2008
March, 2008 Abatement Applications Drop In FY08
Subject: Abatements continue on a downward trend
March, 2008 Boston Succeeds in March Bond Sale
Subject: City receives excellent rate in uncertain market
March, 2008 Boston's Tax-Exempt Property
Subject: Government represents 79% of total exempt area
March, 2008 Boston Schools Face FY09 Budget Challenge
Subject: Multi-year strategy for efficient change should be high priority
March, 2008 BPS Looks to Busing to Reduce Costs
Subject: Student assignment and policy choices involved in any change
March, 2009 FY10 School Department Budget Approved
Subject: Damaging staff cuts could be lessened if BTU accepts wage freeze
March, 2009 Rating Boston in 2009
Subject: Boston succeeds in bond market in turbulent financial times
March, 2009 Medical and Educational Tax-Exempt Values Updated
Subject: These institutions make a significant contribution to Boston's economy
March, 2011 FY12 School Budget Approved
Subject: School Committee Approves a $829.5M school budget for FY12, next stop City Council
March, 2011 Boston United for Students Coalition Update
Subject: Education and mobilization efforts underway with a major event on April 6
March, 2011 Boston's Bond Sale in 2011
Subject: Boston demonstrates its strength in a challenging market for municipalities
March, 2011 Boston's 2011-2012 Legislative Package 2
Subject: A review of bills from the Mayor's Legislative Package - a continuation from February
March, 2011 The Mayor's Other Research Bureau Speech
Subject: Issues of health insurance and collective bargaining in addition to the Dudley Plan were addressed by the Mayor at the Research Bureau's annual meeting
March, 2012 BPS Graduation Rate Reached Record High in 2011
Subject: Schools see improvement in graduation and dropout rates, but achievement gap remains
March, 2012 Boston's Bond Sale in 2012
Subject: Sale involved bonds for capital expenditures and two refunding issues for $14M in savings
March, 2012 Significant School Reform in Teachers' Contract Still Expected
Subject: Urgency for systemic change requires a leap rather than small steps for BPS reform
March, 2013 Boston's Bond Sale in 2013
Subject: Boston sold bonds at excellent interest rates to further advance capital projects. However, certain factors are being watched.
March, 2013 Abatement Applications Continue Long-Term Decline
Subject: Applications for property tax abatements in Boston continue on a downward trend.
March, 2014 Education Bill Important for Level 3 School Reforms
Subject: BPS Level 3 schools
March, 2014 School Committee Approves New Transportation Policy
Subject: school transportation
March, 2014 Boston Receives AAA Bond Rating from Standard & Poor's
Subject: City Finances
March, 2014 City Council and School Committee Leadership in 2014
Subject: City & School
March, 2014 Boston Superintendent Search Is Underway
Subject: BPS - Schools
May, 1988 Boston City Hospital
Subject: City is proceeding with plan to build a new 356-bed Bosotn City Hospital
May, 1988 The School Committee
Subject: BMRB supports the school budget the Mayor submitted to the City Council
May, 1988 The City Council
Subject: began review of Mayor's fiscal 1989 operating budget, recently this has become a mere formality
May, 1988 The Bureau
Subject: was presented Distinguished Service Award from Governmental Research Association
May, 1988 Department Head Watch
Subject: Human resources Director assumed position of Director of Affirmative Action
May, 1988 Department Head Watch
Subject: Commissioner of Real Property,and Commissioner of Health and Hospitals were appointed
May, 1988 City Employees
Subject: after rapid growth over the past two years the number of city employees has begun to stabilize
May, 1988 The Mayor
Subject: Submitted new condominium conversion ordinance to City Council
May, 1989 The Superintendent
Subject: and the Boston Teachers Union have reached agreement on new contract
May, 1989 The City Council
Subject: approved loan order for new Boston City Hospital
May, 1989 City Council
Subject: Sheriff testified that he will fight for right to double-bunk prisoners in new jail
May, 1989 The City Council
Subject: continued its review of the Mayor's fiscal 1990 budget
May, 1989 School Governance
Subject: Bureau told Special Commission on Public Education, that it favored an appointed school board
May, 1989 The Superintendent
Subject: announced his intention to reorganize the administrative structure of the Boston Public Schools
May, 1989 The City Council
Subject: Hospital Commissioner told Committee that the Administration's budget requestis not sufficient
May, 1989 The School Committee
Subject: has not taken action to reduce fiscal 1990 budget
May, 1990 Superintendent Search
Subject: The selection of a Superintendent is the most important responsibility of the School Committee...
May, 1990 Fair Housing Law Awaits Approval
Subject: Mayor Flynn signed a home rule petition designed to discourage housing discrimination...
May, 1990 School Budget
Subject: The School Committee must take steps to reduce its budget further...
May, 1990 School-Based Management
Subject: SBM/SDM is a very expensive program that needs to produce positive educational improvements
May, 1990 Boston Facts and Figures
Subject: The 1990 edition of Boston Facts and Figures is now available for distribution...
May, 1990 Local Aid
Subject: The final tax package that comes out will determine if $210 million will actually be paid...
May, 1990 Layoff of Tenured Teachers
Subject: The School Committee has stated that it does not want to layoff any tenured teachers...
May, 1991 Appointed School Committee
Subject: Seven member schools committee appointed by the Mayor has been approved
May, 1991 City's Bond Rating
Subject: Boston's single 'A' rating was confirmed before City's negotiated general obligation bond sale
May, 1991 City Budget
Subject: Budget for police, library department. and registry of deeds were approved
May, 1991 New Superintendent
Subject: Boston signed a new superintendent to a four year deal, her biggest chanllenge is to decrease budget
May, 1991 Audit Committee
Subject: Mayor submitted nominations for Audit committee
May, 1991 City Budget
Subject: City Council approved 1992 operating budget
May, 1992 The Update Is Back
Subject: The Update is back on schedule reporting issues affecting the City.
May, 1992 Artery Land Sale
Subject: State buys 27 acres of land from Boston for the Central Artery.
May, 1992 School Budget Approved
Subject: The City Council approved a School Department appropriation of $374.0 million
May, 1992 Boston Health Service Study
Subject: Neighborhood health centers and street talk about the financial feasibility of the new hospital
May, 1992 City's Fiscal 1993 Budget Approved
Subject: The City's total operating budget of $1.318 billion was approved
May, 1992 What A Wonderful 60TH
Subject: BMRB 60th anniversary - first time former Mayors Collins, White and Flynn were together.
May, 1993 Teacher Contract Negotiations
Subject: Boston School Committee and Boston Teachers are negotiating new contracts under Conflict Mgt. Inc
May, 1993 City Council Passes Fiscal 1994 Budget
Subject: Mayor resubmitted Boston's fiscal 1994 butget and Council passed it
May, 1993 Collective Bargaining Contracts
Subject: New contracts for city employees would call for an 11% increase over three years
May, 1993 Council Ways and Means Committee
Subject: The Ways and Means Committee suggs that the Mayor prepare an all funds budget
May, 1993 Mayor, You're Absolutely Wrong
Subject: The Mayor wants a continuation of the appointed board to take place in 1994 instead of 1996
May, 1994 Cherry Sheet State Aid
Subject: The House and the Senate have approved a local aid resolution which allowed the state to send cherr
May, 1994 Health Care Commission Apointed
Subject: Menino appoints new commission on health care, chaired by Patricia McGovern
May, 1994 Forum on Boston City Hospital
Subject: A group of experts will be brought together to discuss this critical issue, health care
May, 1994 Funding for County Corrections
Subject: change in funding for suffolk county correctional services
May, 1994 Fiscal 1995 School Budget
Subject: The fiscal 1995 budget would fund 6,872 positions, up144 or 2.1% from March 1st fiquires
May, 1994 School Bus Contract Approved
Subject: School Committee unanimously approved exercising it's option to renew it's school bus contract
May, 1995 City Council Dilutes Its Influence
Subject: Recent resolutions indicate influence of spec. interests & unions; Rule 33;
May, 1995 Hospital Merger Principles Outlined
Subject: Recommendations 1. Boston Public Health Commission, 2. New Medical Ctr, 3. Public Health Advisory Bd
May, 1995 A Black Eye for the City
Subject: Accrediation Task Force plan to get high schools up to standards; Burke High stripped of accred.
May, 1996 Mayoral Reallocations
Subject: Reallocation of $3M among 15 Depts. in FY96; can have significant effects on small depts.
May, 1996 Hospital Merger Report Released
Subject: June 20th, BMRB reported on merger proposal: Recommended BMC merger as best option for city
May, 1996 Contract Settled
Subject: 3 yr. bus driver contract @ $3.9M for taxpayers; provides wages, health, pensions
May, 1996 Lost Opportunity
Subject: City Council rejected budget for city/school - BMRB cites problem lack of attendance of council
May, 1996 The Secret Is Out!
Subject: The names of 13 people appointed to the Regionalization Commission
May, 1996 F.Y.I. on Residency
Subject: Seven person committee formed to evaluate suspected cases of non-resident Boston employees,
May, 1996 Fees Go Up
Subject: Council approved increase of Registry Division fees - antiipated increases & incorp. in FY97 revenue
May, 1998 Living Wage Review
Subject: Menino appoints 7 to City Assistance Advisory Comm, to examine living wage ordinance
May, 1998 Teacher Retirement
Subject: Re-draft Rule of 90 bill to House Ways/Means; est. new state early teacher retirement incentive
May, 1998 Sharing Teacher Training
Subject: Intermunicipal cooperative agreement between techology training Boston & Watertown teachers
May, 1998 Where's Regionalization?
Subject: Comprehensive report issued in 1997; not much planning action at all;
May, 1998 BPS Staff Changes
Subject: Deputy Superintendent Jackson leaving; Bureau recommends Superintendent evaluate organization of BPS
May, 1998 The School Committee
Subject: Held public hearing discuss changes to student promotion policy; anticipates small FY98 BPS surplus
May, 1998 Civil Service Change
Subject: H5518 Boston home rule petition would require Personnel Admin. certify provisional employees to perm
May, 2001 BPS Passes Test #2
Subject: Benchmark #2 passed by listing vacant positions on web by May 1st; Bilingual & sped teachers needed
May, 2001 Linkage Redux
Subject: Menino 2nd attempt to raise linkage fees; Key home rule petition recommendations include.. (in text)
May, 2001 Planning $ For BRA
Subject: Why is BRA not funded in FY02? City should continue BRA support, to fund infrastructure expenses,etc
May, 2001 State Budget Watch
Subject: House passed their FY02 Budget without changing city's state aid;
May, 2001 FY02 Capital Budget
Subject: Menino's 5yr. capital budget (02-06) $1.485B; Bond/BAN revenues will help fund capital work
May, 2001 Linkage Distributed
Subject: Neighborhood Housing Trust approved $4.3M disbursement of linkage funds for 7 projects thru city
May, 2003 City Severance Pay
Subject: Early retirement incentive leads to additional cost of severance pay.
May, 2003 Redeploy Sworn Force
Subject: Fire & Police departments should redploy workforce in order to deal with a reduction of sworn staff.
May, 2003 Future Urban Renewal
Subject: The future role of the City Council in Urban Renewal plans for the city.
May, 2003 Limited Relief
Subject: House approves a municipal relief package with minimal impact for cities & towns.
May, 2003 New Fees, No Process
Subject: City Council approves fees & fines increase without holding a public hearing.
May, 2003 Budget Brightens
Subject: City Finances
May, 2005 Boston's $2B FY06 Budget
Subject: Boston's first $2.0 B budget makes clear that the city faces long-term fiscal challenges that will require continued strong management and restraint.
May, 2005 Boston's Bond Rates Increase
Subject: City's rating increses come after three years of tight finances
May, 2006 Inclusionary Development Policy Change
Subject: Development
May, 2006 City Council Approves Salary Increases
Subject: Salaries
May, 2006 Linkage Fees Increase
Subject: Linkage
May, 2006 FY07 City Budget Moving Forward
Subject: Finances
May, 2006 Charter School Funding
Subject: Charter Schools
May, 2006 Police Officer Numbers Increasing
Subject: Police Staffing
May, 2007 Superintendent Schools Worth Watching
Subject: Superintendent Schools intended to transform underperforming schools
May, 2007 Boston's Growing Hotel Supply
Subject: Room demand and other indicators show an improving market.
May, 2007 Quinn Bill Reform Under Attack
Subject: Bill would increase costs but not improve police services.
May, 2007 Winthrop Square Garage Sale
Subject: Use of proceeds from the garage operation and sale requires a public discussion.
May, 2007 Boston Sworn Police Officers Trend Upward
Subject: Class of 82 graduates boosts uniformed ranks
May, 2007 Tenant Collective Bargaining Plan Proposed
Subject: City Council ordinance would require negotions and create penalties
May, 2008 The Accidental Disability Retirement Process
Subject: Why are Boston firefighter disability retirements so disproportional?
May, 2008 Senate Budget Allows Added Pension Cost for Municipalities
Subject: COLA Change could increase Boston's annual pension costs by $7-$10M.
May, 2008 The Drug and Alcohol Testing Bill That Wasn't
Subject: New Firefighters' contract should include operational changes in several areas
May, 2008 Muncipalities Wait for State Approval of OPEB Reserve
Subject: Legal authority to establish a trust fund for OPEB would reduce overall liability
May, 2008 The Greening of Boston
Subject: City takes action to reduce threat of climate change and bring efficiencies to operations
May, 2010 Can Boston Afford the Firefighters' Arbitration Award?
Subject: Cost of four-year contract can be covered but implications for the fifth year raise concerns
May, 2010 Can Boston Afford the Firefighters' Arbitration Award?- PDF VERSION
Subject: Cost of four-year contract can be covered but implications for the fifth year raise concerns
May, 2011 Boston's Largest Private Employers
Subject: BRA report highlights importance of private tax-exempt institutions to local economy
May, 2011 House and Senate Act On Local Health Insurance Reform
Subject: Health insurance plans are similiar but key differences still need to be addressed
May, 2011 New BPS Schools to Open in September
Subject: Enrollment in traditional BPS schools will continue to drop as schools with more flexibility grow
May, 2011 I-Cubed Development Tool Used for Fan Pier Project
Subject: Fan Pier Project will be first to use investment incentive tool.
May, 2012 Using Technology to Improve Services: Assessing Department
Subject: Improvements allow certain property information to be transmitted electronically
May, 2012 Increasing State Assessments Limit State Aid for Operations
Subject: Growing charter school and MBTA assessments represent 95% of the total
May, 2012 BPS Access To Excellence Plan Moves Forward
Subject: City Council approved bond issue to allow capital plan to proceed after cautious review
May, 2012 Boston Retirement Board Votes to Increase COLA Base
Subject: Raising base to $13,000 will add $21.4 million to Boston's pension liability
May, 2013 Boston Leads All Cities in NIH Funding for 18th Year
Subject: NIH Funding - Economy
May, 2013 Classification & Residential Exemptions Benefit Homeowners
Subject: Property Tax
May, 2013 High Support Schools Buoyed by Budget Changes
Subject: Schools
May, 2014 Hidden Compensation Adds to Employee Costs
Subject: Salaries/compensation
November, 1988 Boston Edison Agreement
Subject: City reached an agreement with Boston Edison Company concerning tax abatement claim
November, 1988 The City Council
Subject: approved the new property tax classification formula and increase in residential exemption
November, 1988 Tax Rate
Subject: State Department of Revenue approved the City's tax rate for fiscal 1989
November, 1988 School Budget Woes
Subject: City Auditor reported deficit for the School Department for fiscal 1988
November, 1988 The Mayor/School Committee
Subject: released an outline of new student assignment plan
November, 1988 School Budget Woes
Subject: School deficits over past two years due to overly optimistic revenue assumptions by the city
November, 1988 The Bureau
Subject: is developing a position paper outlining issues facing the Health and Hospitals Department
November, 1988 The Mayor/School Committee
Subject: After a series or public hearings the student assignment plan will be phased in September 1989
November, 1988 The Mayor/School Committee
Subject: is considering a plan that recommends three educational zones for elementary and middle schools
November, 1988 The Superintendent
Subject: realeased results of assesment program test, Bosotn scores were below statewide average
November, 1988 The Superintendent
Subject: realeased the latest dropout statistics which showed decline in annual and cohort dropout rates
November, 1989 A One Year Contract For The BTU
Subject: The Bureau supports a one year contract for the BTU
November, 1989 Bureau Notes
Subject: Annual Board of Directors meeting
November, 1989 Classification Alert
Subject: Vivaros would raise the classification ceiling on business property 200%
November, 1989 Local Aid Held Hostage-Again
Subject: The Governor hints he may withhold the semiannual local aid payment
November, 1989 Linkage Update-1989
Subject: The Program introduces a unique financial mechanism designed to speed up housing production
November, 1989 Should Teachers Wear Uniforms?
Subject: The Mayor assures that no uniformed personnel will lose their jobs
November, 1989 Supplemental Appropriations
Subject: The City Council approved two supplemental appropriations orders
November, 1989 A $40 Million Problem
Subject: The city's fiscal 1991 budget
November, 1991 41% Voted -- The Mayor Gets 71%
Subject: Mayor Flynn won the November 5th mayoral election
November, 1991 Banking Update
Subject: Hearing held to clarify data concerning disparities in loan denial rates
November, 1991 School Butget Update
Subject: School budget is $16.5 million over its authorized appropriation more cuts are being presented
November, 1991 Schools Must Past Test
Subject: BTU contract calls for annual assessment of Public Schools
November, 1991 Vacancy Rates Rise As Rents Decline
Subject: 16.8% vacantcy rate for class A office space in Boston
November, 1991 More City Budget Cuts
Subject: Mayor annouced plans to cut departmental appropriations
November, 1991 Boston PIC #1
Subject: Congratulations to the Boston Private Industry Council
November, 1991 Fiscal 1992 Values Drop 18.7%
Subject: The City's taxable assessed value dropped
November, 1992 Boston's Work Force Cut
Subject: From December, 1991 to December, 1992 the number of city funded position decreased by 3.5%
November, 1992 Boston's Fiscal 1993 Tax Rate
Subject: The fiscal 19993 tax rate was set on December 18, 1992-taxable value declined by 8.4%
November, 1992 Ways and Means Committee
Subject: Councillors are deciding if the budget review should be divided among twelve committees
November, 1992 School Committee Staff
Subject: Mr. Consalvo resigns, however, his job will be filled by a replacement
November, 1992 Commissioner of Assessing Status
Subject: Tax rate was set quickly and quietly even though the City does not have an Assessing Commissioner
November, 1992 Boston Ends Fy 1992 With Surplus
Subject: Fiscal 1992 is the seventh consecutive year that the City has posted an operating surplus
November, 1992 Culver Reappointed to School Board
Subject: Mayor Flynn reappointed Culver to the School Committee to serve a full term
November, 1993 The Update is Back
Subject: After missing 3 months, the Update is back on monthly schedule
November, 1993 Principal and Headmaster Contracts
Subject: Contracts are still needed for headmasters and principals in Boston.
November, 1993 Mayor Names Transition Committee
Subject: Mayor introduces Transition Committee to review and evaluate the city's departments and agencies
November, 1993 School FY 1994 Budget Problem
Subject: There are no funds for this year's collective bargaining contracts because of excess spending
November, 1993 Boston Teachers Contract
Subject: The school committee approved a one-year contract with the Boston Teachers Union
November, 1993 School Committee Nominating Panel
Subject: Victoria Williams is the new Chairperson of the School Committee Nominating Panel
November, 1993 Boston Ends FY 1993 with a Surplus
Subject: The city ended the fiscal year with an 8th consecutive surplus
November, 1994 Mark Your Calendars
Subject: Menino will be featured speaker at Annual Meeting
November, 1994 Fiscal 1995 Tax Rate
Subject: a combo of increased assessed value and a slight decrease in the tax rate will increase tax bill
November, 1994 School Committee Appointments
Subject: 12/31 the mayor appointed 3 new members to the school committee for terms beginning 1/2/95
November, 1994 New Water and Sewer Head
Subject: Vincent G. Mannering is selected by Mayor Menino as the new Executive Director of the BWSC
November, 1994 City Signs Reginalization Agreement
Subject: Menino and Spence sign aggreement to develop ways to share municipal services
November, 1994 City's Legislative Agenda
Subject: Menino presents his first legislative package at the state house on 12/7
November, 1996 The City Council
Subject: Mayor's special law requires vote on school gov. every 6 years sent back to committee for revision
November, 1996 The Rest Of The Bond Rating
Subject: Increased ratings in both Moody's and Standard & Poor's due to three factors (listed in text)
November, 1996 The Mayor
Subject: Received 5 School Comm. nominations, expected to set FY97 Tax Rate, released FY97 legislation
November, 1996 Technology in the City
Subject: Exploring upgrade of financial & management information systems
November, 1996 Three New Pilot Schools Approved
Subject: Schools to open in 1997; Total # of pilots 11 & they operate independent of union/sch. com. regs.
November, 1996 The School Committee
Subject: Received Exam School Task Force, modified Student Assignment Plan, received budget update
November, 1997 The School Committee
Subject: Nomination Panel gives Mayor names; Student Assignment Task Force report received, recomm. analysis
November, 1997 It's Your Money
Subject: Council appropriating $4.7M during Nov/Dec; List of departments receiving appropriations and amount
November, 1997 Boston's Seaport Plan
Subject: Master plan presented by Mayor & BRA for S.Boston waterfront area; Bureau recommendations in text
November, 1997 Electric Deregulation
Subject: Cellucci signed electric deregulation, expected to lead to competative pricing/improved services
November, 1997 BPS Projects $7.5 Million Budget Problem in FY98
Subject: BPS estimated $4.8M problem in Oct; due to over-spending in employee benefits, sped, salaries
November, 1997 Whatever Happened To..?
Subject: City's 10yr. plan for school facilities; Public Health Advisory Comm, req. by merger legislation?
November, 1997 Governor Vetoes S1894
Subject: Cellucci vetoed, cites negative public safety impact; Sustain veto difficult; Bureau supports Gov.
November, 1998 FY99 Values Up, Tax Rates Down
Subject: 5th year city's tax base increased, rates decreased; data about rates included in text
November, 1998 For The Record
Subject: Councillor Kelly re-elected for 6th President term; Mayor re-appoints Spring/Harris to School Commit
November, 1998 City Ends FY98 In The Black
Subject: FY98 has $7.4M surplus, to be applied to city fund balance, unsure if free cash surplus will happen
November, 1998 Taxi Medallion Auction
Subject: City to auction 75 of 260 new taxi medallions to support costs of BCEC
November, 1998 School Facilities Plan
Subject: BPS expects to release another working draft of facilites master plan in January
November, 1998 BID Proposal Goes to State
Subject: Mayor signed BID petition, now must negotiate 'cooperation agreement' between city and BID committee
November, 1998 School News
Subject: Promotion Policy report received, recommended ways to improve; BPS submitted 3 FY99 supplements
November, 2001 Back Streets
Subject: Menino announces program to raise priority of smaller businesses that have received less attention
November, 2001 BPS Budget Deficit?
Subject: School Dept projected spending $4.8M more than FY02 operating budget (before cuts);
November, 2001 Breaking Up Is Hard To Do
Subject: Councilor Turner proposed 2 district changes; for numeric balance, 'minority/majority' district etc
November, 2001 2001 MCAS Results
Subject: Improvement seen in all Boston high schools; still more than 1/2 fail , so intense remedial required
November, 2001 State Budget News
Subject: Legislature finally submitted FY02 Budget to Governor; Little negative impact on Boston is expected
November, 2003 $40M for Hotels & Condos
Subject: City selects recipients of Hotel Development Loan funds
November, 2003 Fire Overtime = Money
Subject: WIll the Fire dept stay within its FY04 overtime budget?
November, 2003 Circuit Breaker Funding
Subject: Special eduction grant expected to direct more funds to the BPS
November, 2003 BID Not Yet Ready
Subject: Washington Street Business Improvement district legislation needs more work.
November, 2003 FYI - Port of Boston
Subject: Facts regarding Boston's port
November, 2003 Tax Classification Issue Heats Up
Subject: The Legislature is taking a longer look at the property tax classification issue and how to fix the problem.
November, 2004 Rent Control, Again
Subject: New rent control act is in the City Council. Targets elderly and low income residents.
November, 2004 Spike in Available Office Space
Subject: Almost 2M square feet of office space added back to the market in 3Q2004.
November, 2004 School Board Search
Subject: Boston's appointed school board has an opening for a new member. Details on the current school board included.
November, 2004 Public Improvement Commission
Subject: The role of Boston's Public Improvement Commission.
November, 2004 CDBG Turns 30
Subject: CDBG Marks 30 years of over $700M in funds coming to the City of Boston.
November, 2006 Incentive Pay For Teachers
Subject: Schools
November, 2006 Preliminary FY07 Tax Bill Increases
Subject: Taxes
November, 2006 Boston Ends 2006 With Surplus
Subject: City Finances
November, 2006 Ordinance Requiring Tenant-Landlord Negotiations Filed
Subject: Housing
November, 2007 Governor Signs Classification Law
Subject: Business classification factor returned to 175% in FY08
November, 2007 BPS Facing Unsustainable Budget Trends
Subject: Lower enrollment levels affect funding sources while staffing continues to rise
November, 2007 Two New Faces on the City Council
Subject: The November 07 election has a voter turnout that was the lowest in over 50 years
November, 2007 Paid Detail is Also a Municipal Issue
Subject: Boston police officers earned $33.5 million for paid details in 2006
November, 2007 City Increases Health and Board of Appeal Fees
Subject: Existing fees increased 50-100% and new fess established to meet costs
November, 2007 Five Towns Join Group Insurance Commission
Subject: The first deadline for joining the GIC has passed and only five municipalities have joined
November, 2008 Paid Detail in Boston Should Be Changed
Subject: Detail ordinance should be amended to give the Police Commissioner flexibility
November, 2008 School "Pathways to Excellence" Plan Approved
Subject: Plan to trim spending misses the mark in needed savings to be achieved
November, 2008 Three New Pilot Schools Approved for 2009
Subject: Plans for new Pilot schools and expansions fall short of BTU contract agreement
November, 2008 Boston Projects Budget Shortfall in Fiscal 2010
Subject: Early projections do not reflect latest turmoil – bigger problem now expected
November, 2009 Consider Serving on the Boston School Committee
Subject: Deadline for School Committee Application Extended
November, 2009 Boston Ends Fiscal 2009 With A Small Surplus
Subject: Finance
November, 2010 Superintendent to Present New School Closure Plan
Subject: School Closings
November, 2010 Boston School Committee Deadline Extended
Subject: Appointed School Committee
November, 2011 Two Key City Positions Filled, New Search Opens
Subject: Fire Department and Retirement Board positions are filled, Inspectional Services search begins
November, 2011 Boston School Committee Deadline Extended
Subject: Applications for School Committee Still Being Accepted - November 28 DEADLINE
November, 2011 Boston School Budget Will Be A Challenge In Fiscal 2013
Subject: BPS faces increased operational expenses and cuts in federal grants
November, 2011 Boston Ends Fiscal 2011 With A Surplus
Subject: Revenues come in $20M over budget, but spending exceeds plan by $14M
November, 2011 Boston Waiting for SJC Decision on Quinn Bill Case
Subject: At stake is a liability of $18.6M and new annualized costs of $10M
November, 2012 Inspectional Services Department to Launch E-Plan Submission
Subject: Inspectional Services
November, 2012 City Faces Financial Challenge in Fiscal 2014
Subject: City Finances
November, 2012 Expanded AP Initiative for 10 Boston High Schools
Subject: Schools
November, 2013 Boston Public Schools Snapshot 2013-2014
Subject: School demographics
November, 2013 State Chapter 70 Education Aid Plays a Reduced Role in Boston
Subject: state aid
November, 2014 New PILOT Program Raises Receipts in Third Year
Subject: Tax-Exempt Property
November, 2014 Superintendent Search Committee Sets Schedule
Subject: Schools
November, 2014 Mayor’s Comprehensive Housing Plan: 2014-2030
Subject: Housing
November, 2014 City Utilizes Sixteen Revolving Funds for Specific Services
Subject: Boston Finances
October, 1988 The School Committee
Subject: Superintendent offered new contract
October, 1988 The School Committee
Subject: is preparing to negotiate a new collective bargaining agreement with the Boston Teachers Union
October, 1988 The City Council
Subject: Bureau is offered support for model which establishes uniformed procurement procedures
October, 1988 The City Council
Subject: Boston redevelopment authority does not see expenses increasing in the forseeable future
October, 1988 The City Council
Subject: Boston's redevelopment authority operated entirely on it's own source revenues, plans same for 1989
October, 1988 The School Committee
Subject: the Boston Teachers Union wants to play a bigger role in school's policy formulation and decisions
October, 1988 Department Head Watch
Subject: Mayor has yet to appoint a new Executive Director to the Boston Water and Sewer Commission
October, 1988 The Bureau
Subject: Fourth annual Shattuck Awards honors 6 city employees
October, 1989 City Council In Show of Solidarity
Subject: Will pay the minimum amount due on all city bills
October, 1989 Vocational Education
Subject: Expansion of the Humphrey Center program and a new approach to vocational education
October, 1989 Solid Waste/Recycling
Subject: A Three-Part Recycling Program
October, 1989 Legislative Revenue Package
Subject: One percent local option sales tax
October, 1989 Police Overtime
Subject: BPD Overtime Expenditures
October, 1989 Student Assignment Update
Subject: 410 Kindergarten students not assigned to any school system
October, 1989 The BTU Contract
Subject: The Boston Teachers Union Contract was approved
October, 1990 School Budget
Subject: School spending must be controlled and both sides will need to compromise...
October, 1990 Abatement Applications
Subject: As of Oct. 22nd deadline, 9,306 abatement applications were filed with the Boston Assessing Dept.
October, 1990 New Boston City Hospital
Subject: The new hospital is expected to be a self-sustaining project with the BCH generating revenues...
October, 1990 Superintendent Search
Subject: As of the Oct. 30th deadline, 36 resumes were submitted to Wilson Riles, search consultant...
October, 1990 Ozone Ordinance
Subject: This proposed ordinance will have a direct impact on businesses now operating in Boston...
October, 1990 Boston After Question 3
Subject: The City should plan on reducing its expenditures for FY 1992...
October, 1990 Facts and Figures Quiz
Subject: Re: An open book quiz...
October, 1991 From 230 To 21
Subject: 230 applications have been submitted fo the appointed school committee's 21 positions
October, 1992 1992 Shattuck Public Service Award
Subject: The Bureau thanks the success of the awards program to the corporate sponsors
October, 1992 School Committee Opening
Subject: Nominating Panel has extented deadline for applications for the School Committee
October, 1992 More School Cuts For Fiscal 1994?
Subject: Budget cuts are estimated at $10.0 million plus collective bargaining increases
October, 1992 Governance of Boston City Hospital
Subject: Hearing was held discuss ways in which BCH could improve operating efficiency
October, 1992 Health Care Commissiion Status
Subject: This commission, appointed in July, has yet to hold first meeting
October, 1992 Fy93 School Budget Forecast
Subject: School Department will spend over budget but they're still in a better position than in past years
October, 1994 upcoming Bureau event
Subject: meeting with Pat McGovern on November 17th
October, 1994 Citywide recycling Starts in Boston
Subject: The City of Boston announces its expansion of its blue box from 12,500 to 150, 000 residents
October, 1994 School Committee Changes
Subject: school committee is looking for new candidates as 3 members step down
October, 1994 Six Pilot Schools To Open Doors
Subject: six schools will open in september of 1995
October, 1994 School Financial Systems Task Force
Subject: purpose is to reorganize and design the financial, budgetary and programmatic systems task force
October, 1994 Compensation Board should finish job
Subject: board created to provide independent judgement in a periodic review of salaries of elected officials
October, 1994 Community Policing Grant for Boston
Subject: goal is to increase the partnership and ties between BPD and its neighborhoods
October, 1994 City Ends Fiscal 1994 with Surplus
Subject: City ends year with $1.5 million surplus, 9th year of operating surplus in city
October, 1995 School Improvement Awards
Subject: Superintendent presented cash awards to 50 schools for achievement in standards/improvement
October, 1995 School Committee Nominations
Subject: Panel selected 10 interviewees who will then be selected by the Mayor to serve on the BSC
October, 1995 BPS Reorganization
Subject: Pyzant developed 2-phase reorg. plan; description of Phase 1 & 2 is bulleted out in update piece
October, 1995 Hot Topic for Election '95
Subject: Home rule petition auth. merger for hospitals, some councillors backed off their vote for petition
October, 1996 School Accountablity Wins
Subject: No vote (70-30%) retains appointment as means of establishing school committee
October, 1996 Boston Rates An A1
Subject: Moody's increased rating from A to A1 - highest bond rating ever;
October, 1996 Big Dogs Eat First
Subject: Dept. Public Utilities plans to deregulate electric power industry by 1998;
October, 1996 Surplus in the City
Subject: FY96 ended with $2.2 M surplus (11th consecutive);
October, 1996 And In The Schools
Subject: School Committee ended FY96 with $16,325 surplus based on their $456.2 M budget
October, 1996 Accreditation Watch
Subject: NEASC fully accredited 4 schools; 8 schools still on list of warnings, probation, or not accredited
October, 1997 Stanford 9 Final Results
Subject: Open-Ended test results positive; cohort analysis revealed less improvement; Bureau recommendations
October, 1997 City Election Is Quiet
Subject: Unopposed Menino gets 71% votes in re-election; Scapicchio defeats veteran Modica by 6%
October, 1997 Convention Center Vetoed
Subject: Compromise center bill approved by House/Senate; Vetoed by Governor on 11/12/97, leg. will override?
October, 1997 Whatever Happened To..?
Subject: BPS custodians study? The BFD audit released in 1995, which gave Mayor 83 recommendations
October, 1997 Legislature Gut Authority of Police Commissioner?
Subject: Senate passes 1894, now before House; Bureau strongly opposes bill, cites public safety problems..
October, 1998 Bureau Notes
Subject: 5th annual Shattuck Awards & release of Boston Facts & Figures
October, 1999 Why No Washington Street BID?
Subject: Why is BID stuck in legislature? 1.City BID's differ from State BID's; 2.BPPA concerns about patrols
October, 1999 Mayor's Planning Speech
Subject: Planning and development speech to business leaders led to themes for future development;
October, 1999 Water Transit Has Big Potential
Subject: Ridership projected to triple in next decade; need to expand capacity/quality of facilities,etc.
October, 1999 City Ends With Budget Surplus
Subject: Ended FY99 with $7.7M surplus; 14th consecutive; Menino should establish a free cash surplus by now
October, 1999 Boston's Tax-Exempt Property
Subject: 51% city property exempt; Stats and figure in text regarding specifics about property exemptions
October, 1999 Living Wage Regs Under Review
Subject: Issue is whether regulations will strictly resemble ordinance, or if it will expand the laws reach
October, 2002 New BPS Bilingual Plan
Subject: school committee approved new bilingual education policy providing increased services
October, 2002 Preparing for FY04
Subject: cost controls must be applied to prepare for further cuts in FY04
October, 2002 School Committee Wants You
Subject: applications being accepted for two school committee positions until 11/13/02
October, 2003 Classification Shift
Subject: Property tax burden expected to shift from business to residential class.
October, 2003 COOP Tax Break
Subject: Should cooperative housing units qualify for the residential tax exemption?
October, 2006 Boston Police Numbers Continue to Rise
Subject: Police
October, 2006 The Unsung Heros
Subject: Shattuck Awards
October, 2006 It Pays To Be Elected
Subject: Salaries
October, 2006 BPS Teacher Retention Faces Challenges
Subject: Schools
October, 2006 Tax-Exempt Institutions Increase Pilot Payments
Subject: City Finances
October, 2008 When Will the JLMC Act on Boston Firefighters' Contract?
Subject: State committee was established to resolve disputes, not extend them
October, 2008 School Pathways Plan – Good Start But More Savings Needed
Subject: Superintendent releases "Pathways to Excellence" plan to create savings and improve academic achievement.
October, 2008 A Renewed Look at Boston's Retiree Health Insurance Costs
Subject: Segregated trust and Medicare enrollment receive new interest.
October, 2008 How Boston Fares In National Economic Turmoil
Subject: City's conservative financial approach pays dividends in uncertain times
October, 2009 Boston Sells ARRA Qualified School Construction Bonds
Subject: Boston is the first Massachusetts city to sell new stimulus QSCB tax credit bonds
October, 2009 Suffolk County Government Effectively Eliminated
Subject: Sheriff's functions transferred to state but cost to Boston will stay the same
October, 2009 Mayor Will Appoint Two New School Committee Members
Subject: An opportunity to serve the City - applications due November 12
October, 2009 New Firefighters' Contract Not Expected Until 2010
Subject: Cost of firefighters' contract should reflect City's fiscal position
October, 2010 Charter Schools Will Expand In Boston
Subject: Charter Schools
October, 2010 Boston School Committee Accepting Applications
Subject: Appointed School Committee
October, 2011 An Opportunity to Serve on the Boston School Committee
Subject: School Committee openings
October, 2012 City Has Settled Contracts With 11 Employee Unions
Subject: New personnel policies are included in union contracts
October, 2012 Nominations for Boston School Committee Sought
Subject: School Committee
October, 2012 Boston Ends Fiscal 2012 With a Surplus
Subject: City Finances
October, 2013 Three School Committee Members To Be Appointed
Subject: School Committee
October, 2013 Boston Ends Fiscal 2013 with a Surplus for 20th Year
Subject: City Finances
October, 2013 Mayor Appoints Margaret McKenna to School Committee
Subject: Appointed School Committee, Mayor walsh
October, 2014 A Chance to Serve the City on the Boston School Committee
Subject: School Committee
September, 1988 The City Council
Subject: approved ordinance improving the rent, eviction, and condominium conversion protection for tenants
September, 1988 The City Council
Subject: approved a supplement appropriation for the school department
September, 1988 The City Council
Subject: passed a resolution that the city and school department not buy Icelandic seafood products
September, 1988 Comparable Worth
Subject: Mayor annouced group to spearhead reclassification and compensation study
September, 1988 The Mayor
Subject: created special advisory Committee on School Reform
September, 1988 School Potpourri
Subject: Survey says Boston had lowest teacher/pupil ratio and ranked second in per pupil expenditures
September, 1988 Tax Bills
Subject: Last years operations and this years budget causing a delay in tax bill mailing
September, 1988 The School Committee
Subject: failed to take remedial action after being informed that the system was headed for operating deficit
September, 1988 The Superintendent
Subject: while Boston's average SAT scores rose, the average is still far less then the nations average
September, 1988 Tax Bills
Subject: The unmailed tax bills will cost the city $30,000 in lost interest per day,
September, 1989 Council Follies
Subject: Call for city to withhold payment of its phone bill until Nynex labor dispute is settled
September, 1989 Student Assignment Plan
Subject: Controlled choice plan assignments
September, 1989 School Department Deficit
Subject: School Department to record a fiscal 1989 operating shortfall
September, 1989 School Ballot Question
Subject: City Council approved public policy question concerning the governance structure of School Committee
September, 1989 Tax Rate - Fiscal 1990
Subject: Department of Revenue certified Boston's fiscal 1990 commercial and residential tax rates
September, 1989 Fiscal 1990 Budget
Subject: City is able to absorb state aid cuts without reducing appropriations
September, 1990 Boston Fiscal 1991 Tax Rate
Subject: The tax rate is part of the City's fiscal plan for the year...
September, 1990 CLT Impact on Boston
Subject: The DOR analysis is the first effort to quantify the direct impact of the CLT Petition...
September, 1990 Superintendent Search
Subject: Question remains whether plan to have new Superintendent on board by 1/1 will limit candidate pool
September, 1990 Fiscal 1990 Surplus
Subject: This marks the fifth consecutive year the City has generated an operating surplus...
September, 1990 Shattuck Awards
Subject: October 10, 1990 Shattuck Awards Ceremony...
September, 1990 Fiscal 1991 Assessments
Subject: City believes its values accurately reflect mrkt levels & overall changes in value needn't be made
September, 1990 School Governance
Subject: The Bureau still believes that a 7 member committee appointed by Mayor is best option for Boston
September, 1990 Tax Levy and New Growth
Subject: The City's levy is at its maximum limit and can't be increased further except through an override...
September, 1991 Water & Sewer Rate Changes
Subject: BWSC planning rate change to increase business bills and reduce residence bills
September, 1991 Shattuck Awards, A Smash Hit
Subject: Thanks to all those who were involved
September, 1991 Pension Funding Change Proposed
Subject: Home rule petition approved to lower pension costs
September, 1991 Drivers, Start Your Buses
Subject: Striking bus drivers reach an agreement
September, 1991 School Budget Battle Heats Up
Subject: City urges School Committee and Superintendent to reduce budget
September, 1991 Last Call to Serve
Subject: Deadline extended to apply for appointed School Committee Postition
September, 1991 City Squeaks Out Surplus in FY 1991
Subject: 1991 budget fot the city
September, 1992 Business Pays a Larger Share
Subject: Business preperty pays increasingly more in taxes than residential property
September, 1992 Monthly Water and Sewer Bills
Subject: Boston Water and Sewer Commission will issue bills on a monthly basis
September, 1992 Is Boston Reaching Its Levy Ceiling?
Subject: Boston's property tax levy could reach the levy ceiling cap in fiscal 1995
September, 1992 One Committee At A Time\
Subject: Dr. Guen will serve on both the Hospital Board and the School Committee
September, 1992 The 8th Annual Shattuck Awards
Subject: Seven people honored for their service to the City of Boston
September, 1994 A New Look at School Buildings
Subject: menino announces establishment of the community learning centers blue ribbon commission
September, 1994 17 Seek Pilot Status
Subject: The school department received 17 proposals for the development of pilot schools within the BPS
September, 1994 BPS '95 Budget at $425 Million
Subject: increase of 16.7 million
September, 1994 Fire Study Heats up
Subject: Menino selected MMA consulting to undertake the management oper. of the needs analysis of the BFD
September, 1994 More Students Stay in Class
Subject: dropout rate for 93-94 was 8.3% down from 92-93
September, 1994 Shattuck Celebrates it's 10th
Subject: Shattuck Public service award recipients for 1994
September, 1994 Hospital merger team begins to operate
Subject: the commission has established seven committees to assist in it's implentation work and recommendati
September, 1994 Boston rates an A
Subject: the City of Boston sold 70 million in general obligation bonds through a competitive bid process
September, 1995 Wanted: School Committee Nominations
Subject: Panel seeks nominations to submit to Mayor for his appointment of the positions
September, 1995 Bricks & Mortar & Technology for BPS
Subject: Community Ctrs. Commission releases plan for improvement of BPS facilities for the 21st century
September, 1995 A Decade of Surpluses
Subject: Ended FY95 with $1.997 M operating surplus; 10th consecutive surplus yr;
September, 1995 Boston Rates An A+
Subject: Standard & Poor's increased bond rating from A to A+ , highest rating ever for Boston
September, 1995 Governor To Sign Merger Bill
Subject: Legislature approved hospital merger bill,for approval by Gov, then hospitals will negotiate merger
September, 1995 Presenting the 1995 Shattuck Recipients
Subject: Eight awards given
September, 1997 Surprise! Voter Turnout Low
Subject: Preliminary election turnout low, only 14.5% voters participated, down from 50.3% in 1993
September, 1997 COLA Vote Expected
Subject: Retirement Board to accept/reject new COLA law, then must be approved by Council & Mayor
September, 1997 BTU Contract Signed
Subject: 9/17/97, 3yr. contract approved with BTU for $75M; list of key provisions and changes in text
September, 1997 Talking Trash
Subject: Collect/Disposal contract costs $25.1M based on tonnage; Estimations on tonnage, bids examined
September, 1997 Convention Center Update
Subject: BCEC approved in separate Senate/House Bills; Bureau recommends $1.00 revenue for rental surcharges
September, 1997 The School Committee
Subject: Spring chairs joint BPS-BTU Restructuring Task Force; English High accredited; Preformance indicator
September, 1997 Capital Budget Approved
Subject: Final approval from Council for Mayor's 5yr. plan by approving bond authorizations for FY98 @$186.2M
September, 1997 On Beacon Hill
Subject: Senate third reading of S1894, supported by Patrolman's Assoc, that limits Commissioners powers
September, 1998 Environmental Impact Report
Subject: BRA must complete EIR, to be submitted to the MCCA for review in October, as part of BCEC regs
September, 1998 Welfare Benefits to Run Out
Subject: December 1: 7,148 families could use all cash assistance and be required to get employement
September, 1998 Registry of Deeds Transfer
Subject: FY00 - Secretary of State will assume operation of Deeds; no dramatic impact on city revenue stream
September, 1998 City Rates An Increase
Subject: Moody's increased rating to Aa3 - highest rating since A1 in 1996;
September, 1998 Convention Center Marketability Study
Subject: Legislation requires study to project reasonable satisfaction that conditions are met by 2003, etc.
September, 1998 Accreditation News
Subject: First time in 3 yrs, all 15 Boston high schools are accredited; however, 5 still face problems
September, 1998 Bond Sale Sharply Increases
Subject: City to sell $120M of GO bonds to finance capital program; largest issue sold;
September, 1998 Snapshot on Homicide Rate
Subject: 1997 saw 37 year low; currently, this trend continues as Boston has seen only 22 as of August
September, 1999 Parks Snapshot
Subject: Facts and figures about the Parks Department
September, 1999 More Boston Taxi's
Subject: With 40% more medallions to be sold, city already met $23M revenue to support it's share of BCEC
September, 1999 Capital Concerns
Subject: City must prioritize capital projects; analysis must occur to ensure that basic maintenance is met
September, 1999 City Election Stats
Subject: Diagram and narrative explaining citywide voter turnout since 1981
September, 1999 Contract Cleaning for New Schools
Subject: Superintendent should put cleaning out to bid for 5 new schools;
September, 2000 City Unveils Housing Plan
Subject: How one-time $30M will be used? Mayor released 'Leading the Way' report on 3 Yr. housing strategy;
September, 2000 K-2 Class Size Cuts
Subject: BPS-BTU contract reduced class sizes of K-2 by 25-22 students by 2003, and grades 3-5 from 28-25
September, 2000 Values To Go Up, Tax Rates To Go Down
Subject: Overall values expected growth of 25%, drop in property tax rates in excess of 10%
September, 2001 Linkage Change Advances
Subject: Mayor & Council signed petition to incrase linkage fees, speed up cash flow, & formalize mitigation
September, 2001 Rent Control By Another Name
Subject: Menino home rule petition passed rent limits 8,000 'at-risk' housing units; rent control effort?
September, 2001 CPA Loss Requires New Direction
Subject: No winners in Community Preservation Act vote; CPA not good policy, but city must address housing
September, 2001 Year End Surplus Divided
Subject: City officials to apply FY01 State/excise revenues to FY02; City still closes FY01 with $8.6M surplus
September, 2002 ERI Workout
Subject: city must determine if it can accept the 507 ERI applicants and still backfill no more than 20%
September, 2002 FY02 BPS Surplus
Subject: boston schools had operating budget surplus for the 12th year running
September, 2002 Salary Increase OK'd
Subject: salary increases for the mayor, council, and department heads (still face problem of compression)
September, 2002 FY02 City Surplus
Subject: $5.2M general fund surplus for final FY02 due to excess revenue.
September, 2002 BPS Appointments
Subject: superintendent appointed 38 new school administrators for 02-03
September, 2002 1010 Mass Ave.
Subject: Boston will purchase office building currently being rented for city departments
September, 2002 Capital Idea
Subject: bond conversions and refinancing in FY02 have created significant savings for the city
September, 2003 No Tax Amnesty
Subject: Why Boston doesn't need a tax amnesty program.
September, 2003 BID Next Step
Subject: The Washington Street Business Improvement District is moving it's way through the Legislature
September, 2003 MVE Targeted
Subject: What an intiative petition to repeal the motor vehicle excise tax would mean to Boston.
September, 2003 Spending Rank
Subject: Governing Magazine ranks state & local spending.
September, 2003 Election 2003
Subject: Preliminary Election Results
September, 2003 By Any Other Name
Subject: New version of rent control is making its way through the City Council
September, 2003 FY03 City Surplus
Subject: City ends FY03 with a surplus despite dire predictions.
September, 2006 New Civilian Fire Commissioner Appointed
Subject: Fire
September, 2006 Boston Public Schools Awarded the 2006 Broad Prize
Subject: Schools
September, 2006 City Management Appointments and Remaining Vacancies
Subject: Personnel
September, 2006 Congratulations to the 2006 Shattuck Award Recipients
Subject: Shattuck
September, 2006 Raising the Bar for School Contract Negotiations
Subject: Schools
September, 2006 State-Local Infrastructure BIll Signed by Governor
Subject: Development
September, 2007 New Superintendent Reveals Her Opening Strategy
Subject: Schools
September, 2007 Tax Initiative Petitions Certified by AG
Subject: Finances
September, 2007 Mayor Appoints Fire Review Panel
Subject: Fire
September, 2007 Boston Ends Fiscal 2007 With a Surplus
Subject: Finances
September, 2007 School Committee Search
Subject: School Committee
September, 2007 City Council Races Set for November Election
Subject: Election
September, 2008 Change Coming To Boston Retirement Board
Subject: For the first time in 14 years, a non-union member is elected Chairman of the Boston Retirement Board
September, 2008 Three City Employee Salary Issues
Subject: Department Head salary raises tied to second year of performance evaluations
September, 2008 Boston's OPEB Liability Is Growing
Subject: New actuarial valuation increases liability by $553M since June 2005
September, 2008 Boston Ends FY08 With a Surplus
Subject: Revenues come in $34M over budget, but spending exceeds plan by $18M
September, 2010 Boston United for Students
Subject: A coalition of 35 organizations united to demand serious reform in the teachers' contract
September, 2010 Boston's Bonds Now Rated Aaa by Moody's
Subject: The rate is due to a recalibration, not a change in credit opinion
September, 2010 Boston Ends Fiscal 2010 With A Small Surplus
Subject: Actual revenues over budget exceed spending over appropriations to generate $9.1M surplus
September, 2010 A New Beginning at 12 BPS Turnaround Schools
Subject: New authority and $22.5 million applied to transform underperforming schools
September, 2011 A Challenging TIme for Local Governments
Subject: Moody's issues negative outlook for US local government but Boston is better positioned
September, 2011 Innovation Districts Build Momentum
Subject: 70 New firms have located in the Innovation District since January 2010
September, 2011 Training City of Boston Managers
Subject: Management Certification Program is a promising new start to a decades old challenge
September, 2011 City Council Races Set for General Election
Subject: Candidates for the November 8 election have been narrowed down
September, 2012 Boston Business Hub Provides Resource for Businesses
Subject: Small Business
September, 2012 Boston Starts Employee Classification and Compensation Overhaul
Subject: Personnel
September, 2012 Linkage Revenue Supports Workforce Development
Subject: Linkage
September, 2013 Next Mayor May Need to Settle Final Union Contracts
Subject: Collective Bargaining
September, 2013 How Boston's Pension System Compares
Subject: Pension
September, 2013 New PILOT Program Raises Receipts in Second Year
Subject: PILOT Revenues
September, 2014 Boston Ends FY14 with a Surplus for 21st Year
Subject: City finances
September, 2014 The Continued Challenge of Underperforming Schools in Boston
Subject: 64% of ranked schools are underperforming
September, 2014 Changes in the School Committee and Nominating Panel
Subject: Search for new School Committee member begins