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Date | Title/Subject |
October, 2024 | Opportunity to Serve on the Boston School Committee Subject:School/Education |
September, 2024 | Managing Boston’s Pensions Subject:Finance |
April, 2024 | Proposed Real Estate Transfer Fee Policies Explained Subject:Finance/Development |
April, 2024 | Mayor Recommends 8.0% Budget Increase Subject:Finance |
March, 2024 | School Budget Process Needs Substantial Improvement Subject:Finance/School |
February, 2024 | Decisions Ahead: Preparing for the End of ARPA Subject:Finance |
February, 2024 | BPS School Spending Projected to Drop $83.8M Subject:Finance/School |
February, 2024 | BPS Budget: The Crucial Role of the Boston School Committee Subject:Finance/School |
December, 2023 | Maximizing ARPA: One Year to Commit $207.5M to Vital Projects Subject:Finance |
December, 2023 | Boston Sets FY24 Tax Rates Subject:Finance |
November, 2023 | Revised IDP Now Before Zoning Commission Subject:Development |
October, 2023 | Questions for the Candidates Subject:Election |
September, 2023 | Boston’s FY24 Budget Fortifies Basic City Services Subject:Finance |
August, 2023 | Election 2023: Boston City Council Subject:Election |
July, 2023 | Opportunity to Join the Boston School Committee Subject:School |
May, 2023 | City Council Must Prioritize Fiscal Health in FY24 Budget Subject:Finances/Budget |
May, 2023 | City Council Must Prioritize Fiscal Health in FY24 Budget Subject:Finance |
March, 2023 | US Mayors Take on Climate Change Subject:Climate |
March, 2023 | New Growth is Key to Boston’s Fiscal Health Subject: Finance |
March, 2023 | Boston’s 2023-2024 State Legislative Agenda Subject:Legislation |
February, 2023 | Potential Fossil Fuels Ban on New Development Subject: Climate |
January, 2023 | Boston’s Small Businesses Withstood the MBTA Shutdowns Subject:Transportation |
January, 2023 | New BPS/BTU Contract Driven by State Mandates Subject:Education/Collective Bargaining |
November, 2022 | Two Seats Open on the Boston School Committee Subject:Education |
October, 2022 | Mayor Wu Should Veto 20% Pay Raises for Elected Officials Subject:Finance |
September, 2022 | Boston's FY23 Spending Plan Set Subject:Finance |
August 12, 2022 | Future of BPS: Avoiding State Takeover with Partnership Subject:Education |
June, 2022 | State Legislature Considers Boston Real Estate Transfer Fee Subject:Finance |
February, 2022 | Pandemic-Related Challenges for US Mayors Subject:Covid |
February, 2022 | Boston records $15.3M surplus for FY21 Subject:Finance |
November, 2021 | Support Boston's Students: 4 School Committee Openings Subject:Education |
November, 2021 | What is the Question Anyway? Subject:Finance/Charter |
June, 2021 | The Boston School Committee Needs You! Subject:Education |
April, 2021 | Boston’s FY22 Budget & Recovery Subject:Finances |
April, 2021 | Boston a Leader in NIH Funding Subject:Economy/Health |
April, 2021 | FY22 School Budget $1.3B, up $36M Subject:Finance/Education |
March, 2021 | COVID 19 Effect on Mid-Year Budget Subject:Finance |
February, 2021 | Boston's Tax Rate Set for FY21 Subject:Finance |
January, 2021 | Seat Open on the Boston School Committee Subject:Education |
January, 2021 | BPS Ended FY20 With Small Surplus Subject: Finance/Education |
January, 2021 | Boston Stands Out in Bond Sale Subject: Finance |
December, 2020 | FOCUS 2020: Inspectional Services Subject: COVID |
December, 2020 | Boston Ends FY20 With $15.3M Surplus Subject: Finance |
November, 2020 | External Funds Critical for Boston Subject: Finance |
October, 2020 | Open Seat on the Boston School Committee Subject: Schools |
October, 2020 | Building Boston Subject: Capital Plan/Finances |
October, 2020 | Addressing Boston’s Housing Needs Amidst COVID-19 Subject: Housing |
June, 2020 | Priorities for U.S. Mayors Subject: Mayor |
September, 2020 | FOCUS 2020: Boston Public Health Commission Subject: Public Health |
July, 2020 | Boston’s Police Budget in Context Subject: Finance/Police |
February, 2020 | Boston’s Tax Rate Set for FY20 Subject:Finance /Tax rate |
November, 2019 | Time for School Committee Nominations Subject: Schools/BPS |
November, 2019 | State Conducts Comprehensive Review of BPS Subject: Schools/BPS |
October, 2019 | Ride-Hailing Companies = $3.5M for Boston Subject: Transportation |
May, 2019 | Homework for the Next Superintendent Subject: Schools/BPS |
April, 2019 | Top Concerns of US Mayors Subject: Policy |
March, 2019 | Boston Shows Strength in Bond Sale Subject: Finance |
February, 2019 | Boston’s Tax Rates Set for FY19 Subject: Property Tax |
January, 2019 | Boston Ends FY18 with a $21.2M Surplus Subject: Finance |
December, 2018 | New Open Seat on the Boston School Committee Subject: Schools |
November, 2018 | Boston’s Pension Liability Increased Subject: Finance |
September, 2018 | Boston’s State Education Aid Plays Reduced Role Subject: Finance |
August, 2018 | $22M Fall CPA Funding Round Subject: Finance/Housing |
July, 2018 | Salary Changes for Boston’s Top Officials Subject: Personnel |
July, 2018 | Boston’s Tax-Exempt Property Snapshot Subject: Property Value |
July, 2018 | City Decides First Projects for CPA Funds Subject: Finance |
June, 2018 | Boston’s Retiree Health Care Liability Increases Subject: Finance |
May, 2018 | Boston Shows Market Strength Subject: Finance/Bonds |
May, 2018 | Boston’s Abatement Applications at 28-Year Low Subject: Property Tax |
May, 2018 | City and Unions Still Negotiating Employee Contracts Subject: Collective Bargaining |
April, 2018 | Proposals for CPA Funds Requested Subject: CPA |
April, 2018 | What Keeps 115 U.S. Mayors Up at Night Subject: Policy |
February. 2018 | State Falls Short on Education Aid for Boston Subject: Finance |
October, 2017 | Boston Ends FY17 with a $6.7M Surplus Subject: City Finances |
October, 2017 | Serve on the Community Preservation Committee Subject: CPC/Housing |
October, 2017 | Mayor to Appoint Two School Committee Members Subject: School Committee |
October, 2017 | Government Owns 79% of Boston’s Exempt Area Subject: Assessing/Tax Exempt/PILOT |
September, 2017 | Boston’s Legacy Costs Good by Comparison Subject: City Finances |
August, 2017 | Revolving Funds Support Selected City Services Subject: City Finances |
August, 2017 | CPC Ordinance Approved by City Council Subject: Community Preservation/Housing |
July, 2017 | Revolving Funds Support Selected City Services Subject: City Finances |
June, 2017 | BTU Contract Impasse Affects Key Reform Initiative Subject: City Finances/Collective Bargaining |
June, 2017 | Boston Votes to Increase Its Pension Liability Subject: City Finances/Pensions |
April, 2017 | Five-Year Trends Key to FY18 Budget Choices Subject: City Finances |
March, 2017 | Boston’s Pension Liability Declines Subject: City Finances/Pensions |
March, 2017 | Boston Sells $150M of GO Bonds Subject: City Finances/Capital |
March, 2017 | Don’t Settle Teachers’ Contract Without Bold Reform Subject: Collective Bargaining/City Finances |
March, 2017 | Boston Tops All Cities in NIH Funding in FY16 Subject: Health Care/City Finances |
February, 2017 | Fiscal 2017 Tax Rates Set Subject: Tax Rates/City Finances |
January, 2017 | City Still Negotiating New Contracts with Its Unions Subject: Collective Bargaining/City Finances |
January, 2017 | Boston Adopts 35% Residential Exemption for FY17 Subject: Classification/Property Tax |
November, 2016 | Applications for Boston School Committee Requested Subject: Schools/School Committee |
November, 2016 | Boston Approved the CPA: What’s Next? Subject: Housing/CPA Boston Approved the CPA: What’s Next? Subject: Housing/CPA |
October, 2016 | BPS Schools Show Improvement Subject: Schools/Performance |
October, 2016 | Boston Ends FY16 with a $1.9M Surplus Subject: Finances/General Fund |
October, 2016 | Push for Teacher Contract Reform Is Stalled Subject: School/collective bargaining/BTU |
September, 2016 | The City’s Surplus Property Disposition Fund Subject: Finances |
August, 2016 | Massachusetts Set to Vote on 4 Ballot Questions Subject: Elections |
August, 2016 | PILOT Revenues Increase Over First 5 Years Subject: Finances |
July, 2016 | Wage Disparity Under Review by Walsh Administration Subject: Finances/Personnel |
June, 2016 | Boston’s Pension System Struggles with 2015 Investments Subject: Finances |
June, 2016 | Proposed Five-Year Capital Plan Totals $1.9 Billion Subject: Finances |
May, 2016 | Mayor’s FY17 Budget Increases by 4% Subject: Finances |
April, 2016 | Hidden Compensation Adds to Employee Costs Subject: Finances |
April, 2016 | Boston's Retiree Health Care Liability Increases Slightly Subject: Finances |
March, 2016 | Boston Retains Market Strength in 2016 Bond Sale Subject: Finances |
February, 2016 | City Council Takes First Step on CPA Subject: Taxes |
January, 2016 | Police Detectives’ Receive Costly Arbitration Award Subject: Collective Bargaining |
December, 2015 | Boston’s Fiscal 2016 Tax Rates Set Subject: Finance |
December. 2015 | Underperforming BPS Schools Remain a Challenge Subject: Schools |
December, 2015 | City Revises IDP Policy to Increase Housing Units Subject: Housing |
August, 2015 | City’s Linkage Program Under Review Subject: Finance |
November, 2015 | Boston Leads All Cities in NIH Funding for 20th Year Subject: Finance |
October, 2015 | Boston Ends FY15 with a $7.4M Surplus Subject: Finance |
October, 2015 | Inflexible Costs Represent Increasing Share of Boston’s Spending Subject: Finance |
October, 2015 | Candidates for Boston School Committee Sought Subject: School Committee |
September, 2015 | Mayor to Appoint Two School Committee Members Subject: School Committe |
September, 2015 | City and Police Detectives Now In Binding Arbitration Subject: Collective Bargaining |
August, 2015 | PILOT Revenues Increase in 4th Year Subject: Finance |
July, 2015 | Profile of the 2015 Boston City Council Race Subject: Elections |
August, 2015 | Net State Aid Continues to Decline for Boston Subject: Finance |
July, 2015 | MBTA Pacheco hold opens way for competition Subject: Finance |
June, 2015 | Sale of City-Owned Parcels for Housing Subject: Housing |
June, 2015 | Boston Retirement Board Approves 3% COLA Subject: Pensions |
June, 2015 | Boston’s Pension System Struggles with 2014 Investments Subject: Pensions |
April, 2015 | Excise Receipts: Boston’s Fastest Growing Revenue Source Subject: Finance |
June, 2015 | City Council Approves Fiscal 2016 Budget Subject: Finance |
April, 2015 | Legislative Agenda 3 Subject: Legislation |
May, 2015 | Proposed Five-Year Capital Plan Totals $1.8 Billion Subject: Capital |
April, 2015 | New Salary Plan Approved for BPS School Building Leaders Subject: Salaries |
May, 2015 | BPS FY15 Budget Shortfall Set at $3.2M in April Subject: School Finance |
February, 2015 | Boston’s 2015-2016 Legislative Agenda 2 Subject: Legislation |
April, 2015 | Mayor's FY16 Budget Increases by 4.4% Subject: Finance |
February, 2015 | BPS Graduation and Dropout Rates Improve in 2014 Subject: Schools |
February, 2015 | Mayor Walsh Selects Miren Uriarte for School Committee Subject: School Committee |
February, 2015 | Boston’s Snow Removal Costs 2X the Budget Subject: Finance |
February, 2015 | Boston’s Pension Liability Increased Subject: Pension |
March, 2015 | Boston Shows Market Strength in 2015 Bond Sale Subject: Capital |
March, 2015 | School Committee Approves FY16 Budget with a 4% Increase Subject: Schools |
March, 2015 | Still No Contract Agreement with City and Police Detectives Subject: Collective Bargaining |
March, 2015 | Second Year of Teacher Hiring Initiative Is Underway Set Subject: Schools |
January, 2015 | Boston’s 2015-2016 Legislative Agenda Subject: Legislation |
January, 2015 | City and Unions Commit to Five-Year Health Plan Subject: Finance/Health Insurance |
January, 2015 | Fiscal 2015 Tax Rates Set Subject: Finance |
April, 2016 | Hidden Compensation Subject:Salary |
April, 2016 | Boston's Retiree Health Care Liability Increases Slightly Subject: Pensions |
December, 2014 | Improved Promotion Exams for Police Superior Officers Given Subject: Police |
June, 2015 | Sale of City-Owned Parcels for Housing Subject: Housing |
April, 1988 | The Mayor Subject: Transmitted 1.3 billion operating budget to the City Council |
April, 1988 | The City Council Subject: approved ordinance increasing city unions participation on Comparable Worth Commission |
April, 1988 | Central Artery Subject: State said no absolute preference will be given to Boston residence |
April, 1988 | the School Committee Subject: approved revised budget for fiscal 1989 |
April, 1988 | the City Council Subject: Suppleemental budget will fundpay increase for most municipal employees |
April, 1988 | The Bureau Subject: will print it's special report on municipal and school personnel levels in Spanish |
April, 1988 | City Council Subject: approved ordinance increasing womens' organizations participation on the Comparable Worth Commission |
April, 1988 | The City Council Subject: Approvel Mayor's Supplement budget request for fiscal 1988 |
April, 1988 | The Mayor Subject: Collective bargining and expansion of the city labor force continue to drive up operating budget |
April, 1988 | Bond Rating Upgrade Subject: The City's General Obligation bond rating was upgraded |
April, 1989 | The School Committee Subject: voted against an order to close at least two schools by September 1989 |
April, 1989 | The School Committee Subject: approved series of hour, six month contracts, calling for semi-annual performance reviews |
April, 1989 | The Mayor Subject: made public the report of his Special Advisory Committee on School Reform |
April, 1989 | Neighborhood Councils Subject: home rule petition was sponsered that would give neighborhood councils some veto power in zoning |
April, 1989 | The School Committee Subject: reduced fiscal 1990 school budget but it is still above the Mayor's recommendation |
April, 1990 | Fiscal 1991 Budget Plan Subject: Mayor Flynn presented his $1.36 billion financial plan for FY 1991 to the City Council |
April, 1990 | Budgetary Fund Balance Subject: On April 10, 1990, the Massachusetts DOR certified Boston's revised budgetary fund balance... |
April, 1990 | Boston Facts and Figures Subject: This report is a practical resource that presents basic information on the City... |
April, 1990 | Shattuck Awards Subject: Plans for the sixth annual Henry L. Shattuck Public Service Awards... |
April, 1990 | School Budget Subject: The Mayor made his school budget number official... |
April, 1990 | Fees, Fines and Charges Subject: An ordinance related to increasing various fees/fines & charges issued by the City of Boston |
April, 1990 | Quarterly Tax Bill Update Subject: The quarterly tax bill plan accepted by the City Council on March 28th, was vetoed by the Mayor... |
April, 1990 | Parking Excise Tax Legislation Subject: The Governor submits to Legislature an act implementing recommendations of the Task Force... |
April, 1991 | Fiscal 1992 School Budget Subject: The recommends a budget which is $25 Millions dollars less than the School Committee's |
April, 1991 | Quarterly Tax Bills For Boston Subject: City will issue quarterly tax bills beginning in fiscal 1992 thus reducing need for short term loans |
April, 1991 | Residency Requirement Subject: Enforcement of residency law being called for rather then risking possible layoffs |
April, 1991 | Fiscal 1992 School Budge Subject: Mayor insists that Committee issue layoff notices to tenured teachers to meet FY92 target budget |
April, 1993 | School Committee As Campaign Issue Subject: Candidates for Mayor have talked about changing the composition of the School Committee once elected |
April, 1993 | Mayors's Fiscal 1994 Budget Subject: The Mayor presented his 9th and final budget to the Council totaling a 1.5% increase |
April, 1993 | Police Force Changes Subject: Budget cuts in the Police Force lead to rank changes |
April, 1993 | City Council Redistricting Proposal Subject: With the support of Bolling and Yancey, minority representatives unveiled a plan to redraw districts |
April, 1995 | Ciolek Resigns Subject: Chief Operating Officer resigns from MWRA |
April, 1995 | Lessons from Indianapolis Subject: Mayor Goldsmith spoke at lunch about innovative approaches to managing city government |
April, 1995 | Hospital Merger Update Subject: Three announcements regarding merger between BCH & BUMCH |
April, 1995 | Mayor's Fiscal 1996 Budget Subject: April 12th submission of $1.48 billion budget, an increase of $64.4 million |
April, 1996 | FY97 Budget Subject: Mayor's recommended budget $1.347 B, increase of $59.9 M, priorities similar to FY96 |
April, 1996 | Assessing Web Page Subject: Assessing Dept. provides assessed values in Boston via webpage |
April, 1996 | Hospital Agreement Reached Subject: Negotiation teams reach agreement, 5yr. forecast released; BMRB plans report for early June on agree |
April, 1996 | Signs of Things to Come Subject: Debates on school closings continue-Blue Ribbon Comm. recommended closings for new construction |
April, 1996 | BPS Reorganziation Subject: Payzant did not renew 6 prinicpal/headmaster contracts, after evaluations of performance |
April, 1996 | M.A.T Goes A Long Way Subject: MAT test replaced with Standford 9 Acheivement Test to assess student performance |
April, 1996 | Superintendent Wants You Subject: Payzant looking for central office leadership team to plan/implement educational reform in BPS |
April, 1996 | Regionalization is Here! Subject: Regionalization Comm. members appointed to study collaborative regional efforts; 1 yr. study |
April, 1998 | The City Council Subject: began deliberations on the Mayor's budget |
April, 2000 | Union Contract Signed Subject: AFSCME Council 93 settlement reached with Menino; City may have to evaluate staffing levels now |
April, 2000 | Standford 9 & Summer Schools Subject: Based on test results, 12,000 kids to attend summer school (grades 2-9); Goal is fo 99% pass by '03 |
April, 2000 | Fenway $ Model Subject: Key funding principles of BCEC could help Fenway are: new revenue sources, share state funds, etc. |
April, 2000 | Teacher Contract Reforms Needed Subject: Changes needed to improve student achievement; contract controls hirees/training/school organization |
April, 2000 | Fiscal Year 2001 City Budget Approved Subject: FY01 Operating budget $1.692B, $86.1B over FY00; minor adjustments made to original April submission |
April, 2000 | Web Powered Purchasing Subject: City can use e-commerce to provide services; Purchasing Dept. is logical choice for start, |
April, 2000 | Make Linkage Process Work Subject: How linkage should be allocated fairly in S.Boston/City; Existing funds process defined by state law |
April, 2000 | School Budget Problems? Subject: BPS rumored to spend $9M over budget, but 11 months remain for adjustments; (stems from $6M imbalanc |
April, 2000 | Restructuring 3 High Schools Subject: School leadership ineffective, curriculum inconsistent, parental outreach non-existant; to remedyà |
April, 2000 | Taxi Medallion Sales Up Subject: 210 of 260 sold, funds raised for BCEC $32.3 M(40% more than expected); |
April, 2001 | Progress, Partnerships & Priorities Subject: Menino releases $1.8B FY02 operating budget; Adds 178 positions, property tax = 80% revenues |
April, 2001 | BPS FY02 Budget Update Subject: School Dept. to receive largest revenue share; School Comm has approved $635.1M budget, with cuts |
April, 2001 | Salary Facts Subject: Proposed Counicllor raise; Mayor should reward increases for performance & not straight increases |
April, 2001 | Fire Contract Status Subject: Local 718 plans for long negotiations; in mediation with JLMC; Administration seeks lang. changes |
April, 2001 | Berkeley St. HQ Subject: Sale & development of HQ is on schedule; Hotel to employ 200/open June 2003; $10.5M to housing |
April, 2002 | Recycling vs. Living Wage Subject: refuse and disposal contract bidding conflicts with the City's Living Wage ordinance |
April, 2002 | Closing on Berkeley St. Subject: details plans for selling the old police headquarters to the Saunders Hotel Group for housing funds |
April, 2002 | Washington St. BID Again Subject: Mayor submitted a revised Washington St. Business Improvement District petition |
April, 2002 | FY03 Budget Update Subject: Ways and Means hearings on the FY03 budget; new dollars are expected from state aid |
April, 2002 | ERI for City Employees Subject: Mayor submitted early retirement incentive program to City Council; public safety employees excluded |
April, 2002 | House Questions BCEC Subject: House of Representatives voted to create a commission to look at BCEC plans and alternatives |
April, 2002 | City Bonds Less for BCEC Subject: City issues less bonds for BCEC due to excess revenue from taxi license sales and room excise fund |
April, 2002 | Will Costs Exceed $157.8M? Subject: compares actual site costs to the total amount authorized in the Convention Center Act |
April, 2006 | Increasing Boston Police Officers Subject: Police |
April, 2006 | Boston's FY07 Budget Subject: Finance |
April, 2006 | Changes in the City Council Subject: City Council |
April, 2006 | FY07 School Budget Continues Modest Growth Subject: Schools |
April, 2006 | For Sale: City's North Street Building Subject: Facilities |
April, 2006 | Salary Raises at City Hall Subject: Personnel |
April, 2006 | Rating Boston in 2006 Subject: Finance |
April, 2006 | In the City Council Subject: City Council |
April, 2007 | Rating Boston in 2007 Subject: What the rating agencies say about Boston |
April, 2007 | Who is Your Unsung City Hero? Subject: Nominations for 2007 Shattuck Awards Due MAY 1 |
April, 2007 | BPS FY08 Budget Soars with Salary Increases Subject: Collective bargaining agreement adds to costs in FY07 and FY08 |
April, 2007 | City's FY08 Budget Makes its Debut Subject: Personnel costs continue as a budget driver |
April, 2007 | Measuring Boston's Service Delivery |
April, 2007 | Preliminary Special Election Results Subject: District 2 Special Election |
April, 2007 | Department Head Performance Evaluations Subject: Salary raises tied to first performance evaluations |
April, 2008 | Firefighters' Contract Update Subject: Fire Union Delaying tactics continue with no progress made |
April, 2008 | Public Works Audit Impact Subject: A look at the management needs of the public works department |
April, 2008 | Rating Boston In 2008 Subject: What the bond ratings say about Boston in 2008 |
April, 2008 | Mayor's Recommended FY09 Budget Subject: Personnel costs account for 75% of the total growth in the FY09 budget |
April, 2008 | Foreclosure Status in Boston Subject: A look at the impact of the subprime mortgage crisis |
April, 2009 | Double Standard Exists for Managing Health Insurance Subject: House budget shows wide gap between state and municipal control |
April, 2009 | Boston Puts Recovery Funds to Use Subject: School and Police Departments use recovery funds for operations |
April, 2009 | State Pension Reform Targets "King for a Day" Subject: Critical language changes are needed to define income and prevent abuse |
April, 2009 | State Quinn Bill Expenses Under Fire Subject: Boston only required to fund its half of Quinn Bill police salary costs |
April, 2010 | Boston's Retiree Health Care Liability is Growing Subject: OPEB |
April, 2011 | Mayor Restructures Finance Team Subject: A&F structure is retained with a division of responsibilities between two leaders |
April, 2011 | Boston United for Students Hosts Teacher Contract Forum Subject: BPS and BTU hold first public discussion on current contract negotiations |
April, 2011 | Mayor's Recommended FY12 Budget Subject: Health insurance and pensions account for 55.7% of the budget increase |
April, 2012 | City Budget Faces Reduction in External Funds Subject: Reduced and expiring federal and state grants require the City to absorb costs or curtail services |
April, 2012 | Boston's Retiree Health Care Liability Reduced Subject: Negotiated agreement with unions and Medicare requirement cut OPEB liability |
April, 2012 | Mayor Recommends Stabilizing FY13 City Budget Subject: Budget able to maintain or restore some services but a bigger challenge in FY14 looms |
April, 2013 | Mayor's Recommended FY14 Budget Subject: City Finances |
April, 2013 | City of Boston Employee Contract Negotiations Still Ongoing Subject: Collective Bargaining |
April, 2013 | Boston's 2013-2014 Legislative Agenda 2 Subject: Legislative Agenda |
April, 2013 | Mayor Menino To Appoint 1-2 School Committee Members Subject: Appointed School Committee |
April, 2014 | Mayor Walsh Should Select Civilian Fire Commissioner Subject: Fire Department |
April, 2014 | Mayor Walsh's FY15 Recommended Budget Subject: City Finances |
April, 2014 | Proposed Five-Year Capital Plan Totals $1.9 Billion Subject: Capital Budget |
August, 1988 | Revaluation Subject: City intends to invoke Chapter 200 of the Acts of 1988 |
August, 1988 | The School Committee Subject: to work with City Hall and Mayor's consultants to develope a voluntary desegregation assignment plan |
August, 1988 | Pension Reform Subject: City is taking steps to fully fund its pension system |
August, 1988 | The Mayor Subject: A supplementary school budget request to the city council |
August, 1988 | Suffolk County Jail Subject: overcrowding has forced Sheriff to accomodate detainees on mattresses on prison floor |
August, 1988 | Revaluation Subject: City's Assessing department will begin two week public disclosure process |
August, 1988 | The City Council Subject: referred the Mayor's supplementary school budget to the Committee on Education |
August, 1988 | Suffolk County Jail Subject: construction of new county jail is under way but it may still be too small |
August, 1989 | School Bus Driver Subject: Union, the United Steel Workers of America, Lacal 8751, accepted School Department's final contract |
August, 1989 | School Bus Drivers Subject: some parents want to make them school employees to avoid further strikes |
August, 1989 | Fiscal 1990 Tax Rate Subject: City expects to have its final 1990 tax rate certified by Department of Revenue in late September |
August, 1989 | Fiscal 1990 Tax Rate Subject: aid cuts for Boston will be partially offset by increases in the original tax levy estimate |
August, 1989 | The Mayor Subject: approved fair employment guidelines for companies doing business in Northern Ireland |
August, 1989 | The School Committee Subject: won right to close and consolidate nine schools this fall |
August, 1989 | Budget Surplus in Fiscal '89 Subject: according to Priliminary year end closing reports, the City ended fiscal 1989 with a surplus |
August, 1990 | Tenured Teacher Layoff Subject: This decision means that 40 teachers that are not needed will still be paid for the year... |
August, 1990 | State Solid Waste Restrictions Subject: Stable mrkts for restricted items need to be dev. prior to ban's effect. date for cost effectiveness |
August, 1990 | Cancer Presumption Subject: State enacted a law that entitles firefighters to disability pensions due to work related Cancers... |
August, 1990 | Hotel-Motel Excise Subject: 7/85, cities and towns were authorized by the legislature to impose a hotel-motel excise up to 4%... |
August, 1990 | Superintendent Search Subject: Mr. Riles set preliminaries that would need to be met to have a Superintendent in place by 1/1... |
August, 1990 | Local Aid Cut For Boston Subject: Cut in local aid and the School Committee's budget gap of $10 million poses serious fiscal problem |
August, 1990 | School Committee Staff Subject: The Committee should set the example and reorganize its staff for real savings of at least $600,000 |
August, 1990 | School Budget Subject: The School Committee must cut budget further... |
August, 1991 | Mayor and City Council Candidates Subject: Preliminary election list |
August, 1991 | Council Candidates Issues Seminar Subject: Seminar to present issues to City Council |
August, 1991 | Ask The Bureau Subject: Statistics about Logan Airport and the Tobin Bridge |
August, 1991 | Northeastern University Study Subject: NU presented four-month assessment of the Bosotn Public schools, proposed savings of $20M |
August, 1991 | School Committee Budget Subject: School Committee's fiscal 1992 budget is now 4.7% over its authorized spending level |
August, 1992 | New BCH Financial Forecast Subject: An anaylisis on Boston City Hospital's finances since the change in federal and state payment plans. |
August, 1992 | Health Care Commission Subject: This new commission will address the health care needs of Boston residents and the role of the BCH |
August, 1992 | New School Committee Member Subject: Dr. Robert Guen takes George Joe's seat |
August, 1992 | State School Grant Funds Subject: Grant funds increase the fiscal 1993 BPS general fund budget |
August, 1995 | Hospital Merger Bill Moves in House Subject: H5336 moved to full House - bill req, hositals to negotiate a merger (bill doesn't create merger) |
August, 1995 | Superintendent Transition Subject: Sup. Payzant selected 21-ppl. Transition Team to analyze current BPS operations |
August, 1995 | Time Honored Tradition Subject: Menino Admin. hired City Councils top budget expert to serve key financial position-Karen Connor |
August, 1995 | BPS Management Studies Subject: School Cmt. contract w/ KPMG Peat Marwich to do 2 studies (1.Organization Analysis 2.External Funds) |
August, 1995 | School Accrediation Issues Subject: NEASC will review 10-15 Boston Schools this yr; focus on 7 schools that received warnings. |
August, 1995 | Principal/Headmaster Bonuses Subject: Improved school performance incentive-94-95 provide bonuses (1-8% of salary) for imp of schools |
August, 1996 | Boston Ranks 68th Subject: Retirement Board's portfolio investment returns rank just below statewide average for 1995 |
August, 1996 | At The Bargaining Table Subject: All major unions (except Teachers) negotiating; Financial impact of salary/benefit propsals crucial |
August, 1996 | An Opportunity to Serve Subject: School Committee Nominee Panel looking for residents interested in serving |
August, 1996 | BMC Moves Forward Subject: BMC finished 1st tests of operation, but still have many merger requirements to overcome |
August, 1996 | Vote No on Question 2 Subject: No vote will keep appointed committee (schools), Yes vote would bring back elected committee |
August, 1996 | Regionalization At Work Subject: Commission established 3 committees & organizing forums for experiments in regional collaboration |
August, 1997 | Captial Mess Subject: Council refused reasonable FY98 cap. budget compromise; key issue: Lyndon School /accreditation |
August, 1997 | Hiring Slowdown Subject: Hiring freeze established by Mayor is a management tool to examine vacant/new city positions |
August, 1997 | Teacher Contract Subject: School starts Sept. 3, teachers will be without contract which expired on August 25th |
August, 1997 | Is Reorganization Here? Subject: Report from Commission finds opportunities for Greater Boston municipalities to improve service/plan |
August, 1997 | The Race Is On! Subject: Mayor un-opposed in re-election bid; four At-Large and nine District Council seats up for grabs |
August, 1997 | Cyberhall Update Subject: Website updated; more departments and info added; Assessing still gets prize for being best |
August, 1997 | Cherry Sheets Are In Subject: State budget signed-cherry sheet money released; State Aid to City expected at $444M, inc. of $26M |
August, 1997 | Mayor Signs Living Wage Into Law Subject: Ordinance requires min. $7.49 wage for businesses who benefit from City; approved after negotiations |
August, 1997 | The City Council Subject: Council approved $3.5M school supplemental appropriation request to cover FY97 deficit |
August, 1997 | Technology Bids Are In Subject: Two bids for financial/hr payroll information system; review committee in process of evaluating bids |
August, 2001 | BPS Recertifications Subject: 1st round completed; educators must earn120 Professional Devel. Pts.(every 5 yrs) or face dismissal |
August, 2001 | Living Wage Changes Subject: Based on LWAC recommendations, Mayor to submit changes to ordinance for Council approval |
August, 2001 | Fire Contract Crossroad Subject: Final negotiation efforts underway; if no contract made, both parties likely to go to arbitratration |
August, 2001 | Paying Teachers Pensions? Subject: Pension reimbursement arrangement may change, potentially leaves city with $41M costs for FY02 |
August, 2001 | Community Preservation Subject: Housing advocates to put ballot question about CPA & 2% annual tax surcharge for affordable housing |
August, 2003 | New Way to Vote Subject: New optical scan voting machines come to Boston in time for the next election - cost $1.5M |
August, 2003 | Reserves 101 Subject: City should not use reserves for collective bargaining. |
August, 2003 | Financial Team Subject: Menino Administration keeps financial team |
August, 2003 | Election 2003 Subject: Nomination papers are in - Boston will see 3 races in the preliminary election |
August, 2003 | Personalty Growth Subject: Personal Property values are growing due to changes by the state. |
August, 2003 | Loans, Hotels & Jobs Subject: Hotel Development Loan Fund unveiled. Selected hotel developments to gain gap financing. |
August, 2003 | Research Bureau Wins National Award Subject: GRA AWARD |
August, 2004 | Boston Housing Cuts Subject: HUD cuts Fair Market Rents |
August, 2004 | Lottery Diversion To End Subject: State agrees to stop withholding lottery funds from cities and towns over five years |
August, 2004 | Land Deal Creates Heritage Center Subject: Boston buys a property that will be home to the City's archives |
August, 2004 | Residential Tax Bill Increase Subject: The average single-family tax bill in Boston increases by 14.5% |
August, 2004 | $4.6M More For '05 Subject: The state sends $75.0M to cities and towns in a one-time supplemental |
August, 2004 | FY04 Surplus Subject: Boston ends FY04 with a $4.4M surplus |
August, 2007 | Special Development Districts (Chapter 40T) Subject: A new approach to fund public infrastructure improvments is being considered by the Legislature. |
August, 2007 | Governor Signs Pension Bill Subject: Law requiring the transfer of assets of any retirement system not meeting newly established guidelines. |
August, 2007 | BPS Roadmap to Improvement Subject: Leadership transition plan outlines challenges and opportunities for new Superintendent |
August, 2007 | Landlocked Tidelands Deadline Extended Subject: Final legislation is of critical importance to Boston development |
August, 2007 | Boston's Restricted Local Control Subject: Highlights of outdated state control over Boston |
August, 2007 | Tenant Negotiation Ordinance Defeated Subject: A proposed ordinance requiring landlords to negotiate with tenants is defeated by the City Council, 8-5 |
August, 2007 | City Council Elections Subject: City Council District & At-Large elections for 2007 |
August, 2008 | Fire Strategic Planning Committee Report Subject: First Quarterly report of the Fire Departments SPC is released and points to positive implementation. |
August, 2008 | Interactive Mapping Applied to Capital Plan Subject: New web feature provides a bird's eye view of capital spending |
August, 2008 | The Growing Importance of Boston's Foreign-Born Population Subject: BRA report on foreign-born population in Boston is released. |
August, 2008 | Mayor Appoints O'Neill to School Committee Subject: Banking professional has long history with BPS and at-risk youth |
August, 2008 | Boston Retirement System's Investment Returns Subject: Annualized returns fall below state performance |
August, 2008 | No End in Sight for Boston Firefighters' Contract Subject: Negotiations between the Menino Admin & Firefighters may not be settled until next spring. |
August, 2010 | Downtown Boston BID Subject: City Council should approve Boston's first business improvement district |
August, 2011 | Boston Moves Forward with $1.7 Billion 5-Year Capital Plan Subject: Bonds |
August, 2011 | Search Underway for Two Key City Positions Subject: Fire Department and Retirement Board looking to fill key positions at critical times for both |
August, 2012 | After 27 Months, Teacher Contract Moves to Fact-Finding Subject: BPS will implement an improved teacher evaluation system starting in September |
August, 2012 | Fitch Increases Boston's Bond Rating Subject: General Obligation Bond Rating Increased |
August, 2012 | City Council Approves COLA Increase Subject: City of Boston Increases Pension Base |
December, 1987 | The State House Subject: Governor Dukakis - solid waste disposal plan |
December, 1987 | In the City Council Subject: Ordinances: Child care, minority and women owned business, lease purchase agreements |
December, 1987 | About the Bureau Subject: Annual meeting and New Officer and Directors election |
December, 1987 | Stay Tuned Subject: Possible single ways and means in the Council and School Deficit report for January |
December, 1987 | Collective Bargaining - City Side Subject: AFSCME, Counsil 93 and SEIU Local 285 and Patrolmens Association Contract |
December, 1987 | School Custodian Sick-out Subject: Custodians without a contract since 1986 |
December, 1987 | Committe on Neighborhood Services Subject: Departmental compliance with annual budget objectives |
December, 1987 | The Boston Public Library Subject: Operating Deficit due to collective bargagining |
December, 1987 | The State House Subject: Chapter 613 Signed - personnel & contract responsiblities to the Superintendent |
December, 1987 | Format Change Subject: Introduction of the new Bureau Update format |
December, 1987 | The New Boston City Hospital Subject: Hospital Master Plan & Hospital Receipts |
December, 1987 | At the School Committee Subject: Evaluation of Superintendent Laval Wilson |
December, 1988 | Linkage Subject: another $5.4 million in linkage funds were committed in 1988 |
December, 1988 | The School Committee Subject: instucted the Superintendent to develope a proposal for implementation of student assignment plan |
December, 1988 | The Bureau Subject: asked Mayor to convene the Compensation Advisory Board |
December, 1988 | The Bureau Subject: released report showing that city expenditures have more then doubled over the past three years |
December, 1988 | The Bureau Subject: called upon the city to reinstitute a single Ways and Means Committee |
December, 1988 | Condominiums Subject: the value of residential condominiums has increased over five times from 1984 to 1989 |
December, 1988 | The Mayor Subject: won School Committee approval of new student assignment paln |
December, 1988 | Solid Waste Subject: City still has no solution to its solid waste disposal needs |
December, 1988 | The Superintendent Subject: must be willing to reach out to all constituencies to make student assignment plan work |
December, 1991 | School Committee Budget Subject: School Committee's budget remains in excess of authorized level |
December, 1991 | Departmental Budget Cuts Subject: Adjustments were made to balance the budget which will presented to the Dept of Revenue |
December, 1991 | Fiscal 1992 Tax Rate Subject: The City of Boston set the tax rate and bills will be sent out on Dec. 31 |
December, 1991 | City of Boston Code Subject: City of Boston Code, Volume I Ordinances is now available for $125.00 |
December, 1991 | The New School Committee Subject: Mayor Flynn appointed seven individuals to serve on School Committee |
December, 1992 | Boston Recycling in 1992 Subject: Boston's recycling improved since first implemented in 1990 |
December, 1992 | Council And Committee Presidents Subject: Members elected Menino as the President of the Boston City Council |
December, 1992 | David Osborne At Annual Meeting Subject: Osborne, advisor to Clinton and author, will be the featured speaker at the Bureau's Meeting |
December, 1992 | Assessor Watch-Month 4 Subject: The Assessing Department has been without a permanent Commissioner for four months |
December, 1992 | Police Force Cut Subject: A new class of officers will be hired this year due to the cuts last year |
December, 1992 | Keep School Bus Drivers Private Subject: Boston Finance Commission feels that school bus drivers should be private employees |
December, 1992 | Health Care Commission Meets Subject: The Health Care Commission met to discuss issues and prepare reports due to the Mayor by 10/1/94 |
December, 1992 | Tax-Exempt Property Subject: 51% of Boston's land is tax-exempt so the Mayor called upon the State for compensation for services |
December, 1993 | Measuring School Performance Subject: The Annual Systemwide Report on Performance Indicators and Accomplishments were released |
December, 1993 | Ways and Means Committee Subject: There are issues of whether the single Ways and Means Committee should be retained or modified |
December, 1993 | School Department Senior Staff Subject: Superintendent Harrison-Jones established a council to reduce the number of staff reporting to her |
December, 1993 | Supplementary Budgets Approved Subject: The City Council approved six supplementary budgets totaling $18.9 million |
December, 1993 | School Committee Changes Subject: By Dec. 30th, the Mayor will select two people to serve on the School Committee beginning on Jan. 3 |
December, 1993 | Fiscal 1994 Tax Rate Subject: The fiscal 1994 tax rate was set and the overall rate has a 7.8% increase over last year |
December, 1995 | Building New Boston Schools Subject: Two early learning ctrs approved, third expected to be approved by School Comm. |
December, 1995 | Council and Committee Elections Subject: Results of City Council Pres. Election (Kelly), Robert Gittens elected Chair of School Comm. |
December, 1995 | School Committee Appointements Subject: Re-appoint. Arroyo and Melendez; all positions currently filled by Menino appointments |
December, 1995 | Businesses Pay More Subject: Buiness prop. is 40% of total taxable, but pays 70% of the bill; |
December, 1995 | Tax Rates Drop, Values Go Up! Subject: FY96 Tax Rates set, pennies less than FY95; property tax revenues increased $29.5M from FY95 |
December, 1995 | Boston Joins the Internet Subject: City gov't information, plus much more, is now available at www.ci.boston.ma.us |
December, 1995 | Snow Days Now, School Later Subject: BPS left with no snow days, BTU contract req./FY begins - means school only until June 30th. |
December, 1996 | Early Retirements Subject: Menino institutes Early Retirement Incentive program in response to increase in # city employees |
December, 1996 | FYI: MWRA and Boston Subject: MWRA history, revenue sources for FY97, projected rate increases FY97-02 and impact on taxpayers |
December, 1996 | The Superintendent Subject: School Dept.FY97 budget problem increased to $3.4 M; Recomm. revised exam school admission policy |
December, 1996 | FY97 Tax Rate Set Subject: Tax Rates decline, yet most tax bills will increase; business tax accounts for 40% taxable property |
December, 1996 | Bargaining Challenge Subject: Menino still negotiating with all major unions whose contracts expired on June 30, 1996 |
December, 1996 | The Mayor Subject: Appoints Margolis Pres. BPL, Interviews 5 sch.comm. applicants, didn't support S.Bost.football facil |
December, 1996 | The City Council Subject: Labor Comm. held hearing on employee training/layoff decisions by Boston Medical Center |
December, 1999 | DPW Snapshot Subject: Explanation of Department of Public Works, breakdown of spending, equipment, etc |
December, 1999 | Fiscal 2000 Tax Rate Set Subject: Continued strong economy evident in tax rate; Table in text shows property valuation/tax levy & rate |
December, 1999 | City Adjusts Budget at Mid-Year Subject: Setting tax rate mid-yr. allows city to adjust to revenues/expenditures; small bottom line decrease |
December, 1999 | School Budget Problem Subject: BPS projected spending is $8.5M more than FY00 Budget; Underfunding, pilot school openings, etc. |
December, 1999 | Promotion Costs Subject: BPS created 11-month year to help kids towards promotion, but plan needs careful fund planning |
December, 1999 | Class A Tower Values and Taxes Up Subject: Assessed value Class A/A- commercial space increased by $2.8B since FY96; now 35% business tax base |
December, 2000 | $30M for Housing Subject: $30M part of $163.7M city plans to spend in 3yrs. on housing; $30M only small % of 'very lg. pool' |
December, 2000 | MCAS Results Subject: Significant % of high schoolers still failing MCAS; BMRB wonders if 5yrs high school is necessary? |
December, 2000 | Berkely St. HQ Sold Subject: Old Police HQ sold for $14M to Saunders Hotel Group; 200 room hotel plans to open July 2001 |
December, 2000 | Fenway Area Infrastructure Subject: Ballpark proposal brought $100M for neighborhood improvements; Specific improvements listed in text |
December, 2000 | Linkage Settlement Subject: Menino Admin. reaches settlement w/ housing plaintiffs; MOU 'no legal effect' (as was stated by BMRB |
December, 2000 | BTU Contract Part II: Implementation Subject: Payzant tells Committee what BPS must implement (since BTU contract removed improvement obstacles) |
December, 2001 | Taxi Medallions Subject: Sale of 237 medallions generated $36.2M (part of city's $157.8M share of BCEC); |
December, 2001 | FY02 Tax Bills Subject: Tax rates expected to increase after 7 yrs of decreases; High residential increase (4.1%) due to.. |
December, 2001 | Fire Management Team Subject: Commissioner has restructured top management team; comm. can now focus on implementing reforms |
December, 2001 | Quinn Bill Standards Subject: Board of Higher Ed requested CJRC study of Quinn Bill (due to criticizm); key findings included.. |
December, 2001 | Council's Changing Faces Subject: FY02: 4 Councilors interested in DA position, 1 in Register position; could lead to new faces |
December, 2006 | Tax Bills Reflect New Values and Rates Subject: Taxes |
December, 2006 | City Settles With Five Small Unions Subject: Collective Bargaining |
December, 2006 | State Pilot School Option for English High Subject: Schools |
December, 2006 | The Rest Of The Story Subject: Mayor Menino |
December, 2006 | BCEC Land Purchase Complete Subject: Convention Center |
December, 2008 | Time to Reassess GIC Entry Requirements Subject: Limited municipal membership falls far short of property tax relief promise |
December, 2008 | Academy Graduates Add to Police Force Subject: Slight decline in overall force level countered with an additional class of 30 |
December, 2008 | Property Tax Revenues During An Economic Slowdown Subject: Why the tax levy will grow by 5% in FY09 |
December, 2008 | Fiscal 2009 Tax Rates Set Subject: Divergent values produce levy shift to business property |
December, 2009 | Boston's Use of Federal ARRA Funds in 2009 Subject: Capital projects received most dollars but funds for operational use are important. |
December, 2009 | Opportunity for Bold Education Reform At Hand Subject: House draft is preferable but still requires modification to meet challenge |
December, 2010 | Boston Residency Requirement Still Active Subject: Residency ordinance enforced despite questionable benefits and uneven application |
December, 2010 | Boston Weathers Pension Funding Crisis Subject: Planned perfect strom comes together to avert significant cost increase in FY12 |
December, 2010 | School Health Costs Outpace Chapter 70 Aid Subject: BPS Health Insurance and CH70 review |
December, 2010 | Boston's Retiree Health Care Liability Revised Subject: Annual required contribution reduced slightly but still far above City's appropriation |
December, 2012 | Fiscal 2013 Tax Rates Set Subject: Taxable value increases as the real estate market stabilizes |
December, 2012 | The Challenge of Level 3 Schools in Boston Subject: A review of low performing schools |
December, 2012 | Compensation Advisory Board Brought Back To Life Subject: Salaries: Recent actions indicate interest in reviewing non-union salaries in 2013 |
December, 2014 | More on the Mayor’s Housing Plan – 2014-2030/> Subject: Housing |
December, 2014 | Mayor Walsh Appoints Jeri Robinson to the School Committee/a> Subject: School Committee |
December, 2014 | Improved Promotion Exams for Police Superior Officers Given/> Subject: Police |
December, 2014 | Outside Review of Eight City Departments Underway/> Subject: Government Efficiency |
February, 1988 | The School Committee Subject: approved collective bargining settlement with custodians |
February, 1988 | The City Council Subject: Met sparsly with little debate |
February, 1988 | Department Head Watch Subject: Comissioner of Elderly Affairs and Supervisor of Personnel appointed |
February, 1988 | The City Council Subject: City Budget Dir. confirmed Hospitals receipts below estimates |
February, 1988 | The Bureau Subject: kicked of years speaker series with Paul Levy |
February, 1988 | The Mayor Subject: transmitted supplementary appropriation order |
February, 1988 | The State Subject: Amended 1986 legislation that authorized the state to build 570 bed House of Correction |
February, 1988 | The State Subject: Solution to Boston's long term waste problem, Gov. reponsibility |
February, 1988 | The Superintendent Subject: Released results of the State's Basic Skills Test |
February, 1989 | The Superintendent Subject: forwarded his fiscal 1990 preliminary budget to the Committee it included a close to 10% increase |
February, 1989 | The School Committee Subject: voted to implement the new student assignment plan, all minority members voted against the new plan |
February, 1989 | The School Committee Subject: voted to proceed with negotiations on the Superintendents contract |
February, 1989 | The City Council Subject: voted to review teh City's minority set-aside ordinance in light of U.S. Supreme Court decision |
February, 1989 | The Mayor Subject: submitted supplemental budget to the City Council to cover anticipated expenditures |
February, 1989 | The Mayor Subject: submitted to the City Council loan orders, the largest being for building new Boston City Hospital |
February, 1989 | Bond Rating Upgrade Subject: for the second time in two years the city's bond rating has been increased |
February, 1989 | State Aid Subject: Chairman of House Ways and Means released budget calling for no new taxes or new local assistance |
February, 1989 | City Contract Limit Subject: the Mayor and City Council are discussing ways to increase contract limit |
February, 1990 | Selling the Family Jewels Subject: The City Councillor introduces a 13-point Boston Budget Survival Plan... |
February, 1990 | The State of the City: What the Mayor Didn't Say Subject: The Mayor, in his State of the City speech, did not address the City's fiscal situation |
February, 1990 | Building Permit Fees Subject: Fewer building permits will result in less new growth revenues for the City in FY 1991 |
February, 1990 | Preliminary School Budget Subject: The City has agreed to fund the BTU contract which will cost $29 million next year |
February, 1990 | Bureau Notes Subject: New Electees and a Thank you |
February, 1990 | School Facts and Figures Subject: Per pupil costs for fiscal year 1990 |
February, 1990 | Governor's Fiscal 1991 Budget Subject: The Governor's no-tax budget for FY 1991... |
February, 1991 | Boston's Capital Budget, FY 1991-1995 Subject: The budget supports planning and architectural services for a $41-50 million police facility |
February, 1991 | Decline in City Revenues Subject: FY 1992 budgets below this year's appropriations because of substantial decrease in revenues |
February, 1991 | School Governance Subject: The Mayor should appoint a seven member committee to four year staggered terms... |
February, 1991 | Fiscal 1992 School Budget Subject: The School Committee's spending authorization for next year would be $371.8 million... |
February, 1991 | Fiscal 1991 School Budget Subject: The School Committee's fiscal 1991 budget is now $395.5 million... |
February, 1991 | Budget Priorities Since Fiscal 1984 Subject: Proposed cuts in next year's budgets raise questions about how additional resources were allocated.. |
February, 1992 | Bureau Celebrates Its 60th Subject: Anniversary Dinner will be held on May 6, 1992 |
February, 1992 | City Budget Buster Subject: Health insurance costs were discussed in Mayor's State of the City Address. |
February, 1992 | City's A Rating Confirmed Subject: Moody's and Standard and Poor's ratings stated that the city was well positioned to handle problems. |
February, 1992 | Facts & Figures Is Coming Subject: The 1992 edition of Boston Facts and Figures will be available next month |
February, 1992 | Fiscal 1993 School Budget Subject: Superintendent Lois Harrison-Jones presented her fiscal 1993 preliminary budget. |
February, 1993 | Workplace Smoking Ordinance Subject: An ordinace that will apply to all busnesses in Boston will regulate smoking in the workplace |
February, 1993 | Moody's and S&P on Boston Subject: Both Moody's and Standard & Poor' s ratings gave Boston an A rating |
February, 1993 | Boston's Capital Plan Subject: The City released its 8th annual capital plan which totals $732.8 million for fiscal years 1993-1997 |
February, 1993 | Boston Teacher's Strike Vote Subject: The Boston Teachers Union will vote on whether to schedule a one day job action |
February, 1994 | Fiscal 1995 Education Aid for Boston Subject: Chapter 70 aid is composed of 3 major categories, Base Aid, tax Equity Aid, Minimum Aid |
February, 1994 | Reorganizing Isn't Downsizing At BPS Subject: reasons for the increase were to fill positions previously eliminated |
February, 1994 | City Bond Refunding Subject: Bond proceeds will be used to purchase U.S. government obligations which will be deposited into an e |
February, 1994 | Mayor Appoints Ciolek COO Subject: Mayoral appointees |
February, 1994 | Boston's A Rating Confirmed Subject: prudent fiscal management and strong financial management are instrumental in Boston,s ability to |
February, 1994 | Charter Schools in Boston Subject: A charter school is an independent public school within a community which is a center of innovationl |
February, 1994 | Early Retirement Incentive at BPS Subject: The ERI will result ina net cost to Boston of several million dollars |
February, 1994 | Governor's FY 1995 Budget - State aid Subject: The house passed a resolution approving $2.154 billion in local aid for fiscal 1995 |
February, 1995 | Accredidation of Boston Public Schools Subject: Eight schools are currently on probation or on warning |
February, 1995 | Preliminary FY 1996 School Budget Subject: Superintentendent Harrison-Jones submitted a general school budget fund of $444.2 million |
February, 1995 | Health Care Commission Hearings Subject: two hearings taken place in order to consolidate the merger with the two hospitals |
February, 1995 | Bureau Upcoming Events Subject: First Speaker Series meeting of the year 3/9/95 |
February, 1996 | Fiscal 1997 BPS Proposed Budget Subject: Payzant presented $466.9 M budget, an increase of $22.2 M, and staffing proposals |
February, 1996 | What About Suffolk County? Subject: Gov's recent proposal to abolish county government has led to funding of Suffolk Cty services q's |
February, 1996 | Time to Act on BPS Custodian Contract Subject: 2 1/2 yrs. of negotiations failed to produce contract, which expired 1992; outline of demands listed |
February, 1996 | BPS Reorganization - Customers First Subject: Superintendents plan focuses on customer service/shared accountability |
February, 1997 | FY98 City Budget Unveiled Subject: Mayor submits FY98 budget of $1.42B, increase of $70.5 M over FY97 |
February, 1997 | FY98 BPS Budget Approved Subject: BPS budget of $491.5M was approved; submitted to Mayor/Council |
February, 1997 | The Superintendent Subject: Report examining custodian performance released; identified options for BPS to enhance service/costs |
February, 1997 | Convention Center Report Subject: Estimated total cost $695M; Recommended tax options for revenue, focus on existing/new hotels |
February, 1997 | Ever Vigilant Subject: Senate Bill introduced by Police Association limits mgmt/admin powers of Police Commissioner; |
February, 1997 | The School Committee Subject: Two supplemental appropriation requests approved; Purchase of 259 buses approved for $8.8M |
February, 1997 | The Mayor Subject: Recommended $1.25B capital plan for FY98-02; Appointment of O'Brien as BRA Director/CEDO |
February, 1998 | School Budget Subject: Superintendent released FY99 budget of $547.5M to School Comm; BPS projects $6.1M problem in FY98 |
February, 1998 | BCAB Issues report Subject: Board report on department head salaries & elected officials; recommendations for Mayors salary rate |
February, 1998 | Convention Center Phase 2 Subject: Debate over BCEC moves from state to city; plan must be approved by Council/Mayor |
February, 1998 | Charter Schools Subject: State Board of Education approved 12 charter schools; Five in Boston, |
February, 1998 | Cellucci's FY99 Budget Subject: Governor presents $19.1B FY99 budget; Increase of $648M over FY98; Key items listed in text |
February, 1999 | BPS Budget Released Subject: School Committee adoped $573.9M budget, a $27.3M increase over FY99; priorities listed in text |
February, 1999 | Police Snapshot Subject: Basic facts/figures about the police department - to be written each month about a different dept. |
February, 1999 | Pilot School Space Crunch Subject: Facility needs not met, shows need for master plan; these indicate broader problems facing City/BPS |
February, 1999 | BRA Approves Land Takings Subject: BRA began to take or buy parcels for Convention Center - data listed about parcels purchased/taken |
February, 1999 | Boston 400 Challenge Subject: Comprehensive planning initative thru 2030; under BRA has conducted community needs planning, etc |
February, 1999 | Managing the Seaport Plan Subject: BRA must manage ongoing development carefully; Seaport Plan report sets context for development |
February, 2000 | State Oversight of Boston Subject: State oversight still of Boston Licensing Board, Mayor's Office of Consumer Affairs, Boston Finance |
February, 2000 | United States Census 2000 Subject: Stats help determine how federal funds are distributed, districts for electoral seats, business plan |
February, 2000 | Arcade for City Hall Plaza Coming Subject: BRA to provide $1.5M for Arcade, 1st phase of renovation of Plaza, also includes new T-station/park |
February, 2000 | 3 BPS High Schools to Change Subject: Payzant intervenes @ 3 schools that fail at reform initiatives/low test scores; intervention explain |
February, 2000 | City Sells BAN's & GO Bonds Subject: Sold $27.8M of BAN's & $120M GO's on Feb. 9th; BAN sale completes initial financing of BCEC costs |
February, 2000 | Boston Public Library Snapshot Subject: A little history of the library, facts about funding, etc. |
February, 2000 | BPS Attendence Up, But Still Poor Subject: Approximately 20% kids out 4 weeks/yr, rates better due to new requirements; still probs at high sch |
February, 2001 | BPS FY02 Budget Subject: Payzant preliminary budget $635.1M, increase of $24.4M; new spending due to BTU contract, etc. |
February, 2001 | Contract Watch Subject: Fire: City & Firefighters Local 718 moves mediation to Joint Labor Mgmt. (JLMC) - possible arbitrati |
February, 2001 | State Aid for Boston Subject: Boston faces smallest aid increases if no additional aid approved; After Quinn bill, leaves $640K |
February, 2001 | Changes in Culture Subject: Kaplan appointed Comm.Cultural Affairs; increased awareness of cultural activities increases funds |
February, 2001 | Contract Watch Subject: Schools: BPS now can open post all positions on March 1, eligible BPS teachers still get 1st pref |
February, 2001 | Abatements for FY01 Subject: Revaluation year increase in applications (4,535) - greater than FY00, less than FY98 (last abate.yr |
February, 2002 | A Special Electionà Subject: election for District 5 seat vacated by Daniel Conley when he took over as Suffolk County DA |
February, 2002 | Keynote Speech By Mayor Subject: describes the Mayor's speech at the Boston Municipal Research Bureau's 70th Annual Meeting |
February, 2002 | Boston Sells Bonds Subject: City sells $100M of GO bonds; J.P.Morgan was the lowest of 5 bids; proceeds to build 3 new schools. |
February, 2002 | Hayward Place Subject: plans for Hayward Place in the Downtown Crossing area being discussed; proceeds to go to gap funding |
February, 2002 | Tax Exempt Property Subject: facts about exempt property and PILOT agreements; 51% of City is tax exempt; 80% of which is public |
February, 2002 | Abatements FY02 Subject: charts decrease in abatement applications from FY95-02; FY01 was the second lowest filing since FY85 |
February, 2002 | City Council Committees Subject: City Council Committees are consolidated from 28 to 22; Ways and Means handles school budget |
February, 2002 | School Budget Woes Subject: Schools have $14M gap in FY03 school budget; School Committee votes on 3/27 |
February, 2002 | Non-BPS Enrollment Subject: charts the minority student population in BPS and non-BPS schools |
February, 2004 | State Aid Stable So Far Subject: The Governor's budget proposes a 1.5% increase in state aid for FY05 |
February, 2004 | Mayor's Speech Subject: Mayor Menino addresses Boston's business and civic leaders |
February, 2004 | Rating Boston in 2004 Subject: Boston's bond ratings upgraded by S&P. |
February, 2004 | State Housing $$$ Subject: MassHousing to finance 5,000 new units of mixed-income housing |
February, 2004 | Charter Schools Subject: Governor Romney looks to remove caps |
February, 2009 | Federal Stimulus Funds Headed to Boston Subject: One-time funds for school and police operations must be carefully targeted |
February, 2009 | Mayor Appoints PILOT Task Force Subject: Payments-In-Lieu of Taxes to be re-examined |
February, 2009 | Superintendent's FY10 Budget Will Cut $46.2M Subject: Only $21.6M in savings has been identified – 917 positions would be cut |
February, 2009 | Boston's 2009-2010 Legislative Package II Subject: Bills filed to achieve governmental efficiencies |
February, 2010 | City Council Committees in 2010 Subject: Stability for key committees – new committees created |
February, 2010 | New Boston Retirement Board Member Subject: Filling of a vacant position during a tumultus time. |
February, 2010 | Firefighter Contract Arbitration Status Subject: Firefighter arbitration complete. City Council may play key role. |
February, 2010 | Superintendent Presents FY11 Budget Plan Subject: Budget gap remains, requiring further cuts while moving forward with reform agenda |
February, 2010 | Quinn Bill Impact on Police Retirements Subject: More police retirements are occuring as Quinn bill payments are reduced. |
February, 2010 | Boston Takes Advantage of Education Reform Subject: Late designation of eligible schools creates a tight timeline for fall implementation |
February, 2011 | Superintendent Submits FY12 Budget with 1% Increase Subject: School Finance |
February, 2011 | District 7 Primary and Licensing Board Appointment Subject: Elections |
February, 2011 | Boston's 2011-2012 Legislative Package Subject: Legislation |
February, 2011 | BPS Proposes New School Funding Model for FY12 Subject: Schools |
February, 2012 | Expanding Underserved Students Taking AP Courses |
February, 2012 | Superintendent Submits FY13 Budget With 0.3% Increase Subject: School Budget |
February, 2013 | BPS FY14 Preliminary Budget Increases by 6.9% Subject: School Budget |
February, 2013 | Boston's 2013-2014 Legislative Agenda Subject: Legislative Agenda - IGR |
February, 2013 | Boston's Pension Liability Increased Subject: Pension - Finance |
January, 1988 | The Mayor Subject: Update on the Linkage Program - BRA |
January, 1988 | The City Council Subject: Committee assignments and the defeat of single ways & means committee |
January, 1988 | The Governor Subject: Has not produced a detailed plan to dispose of Boston's solid waste |
January, 1988 | The Superintendent Subject: Submitted $360 M FY 89 budget - $5.5M in Boston Education Plan initiatives - $40M needed |
January, 1988 | The School Committee Subject: Elected John Nucci President - John Grady Vice President- Courts out of student Assignment |
January, 1988 | Personnel Statistics Subject: Increase in personnel levels |
January, 1988 | The Governor Subject: Unrestricted state aid announced |
January, 1988 | The Bureau Subject: Bureau election of Directors |
January, 1988 | Department Head Watch Subject: Mayoral appointments |
January, 1988 | The City Council Subject: Election of Chris Iannella President and started on time! |
January, 1989 | State Aid Subject: House and Senate have not agreed to Governor's state aid numbers, further cuts to be expected |
January, 1989 | The Mayor Subject: released fourth annual five year capital plan which outlined capital projects from fiscal 1989-1993 |
January, 1989 | The Mayor Subject: focused his State of the City Address on the youth of Boston and drugs |
January, 1989 | The City Council Subject: reeelected president and established a single Ways and Means Committee |
January, 1989 | The City Council Subject: introdued an ordinance authorizing the Mayor to appoint a special 7 member commission on education |
January, 1989 | State Aid Subject: Governor announced his recommendation of new unrestricted state aid for cities and towns |
January, 1989 | The Superintendent Subject: announced his own student assignment plan |
January, 1989 | The School Committee Subject: greeted teh Surperintendents student assignment plan with less than unanimouos support |
January, 1991 | Municipal Register Subject: An excellent reference source that contains excerpts from the City Charter and other statutes... |
January, 1991 | Personnel Changes Subject: Mayor Flynn typically delays appointments to key positions but should act on ASD Director position |
January, 1991 | Superintendent Search Subject: New search process is underway with School Committee scheduled to hire next Superintendent by 5/10 |
January, 1991 | Abatement Status Subject: January 22nd was the last day for the City to take action on the 9,328 abatements filed for FY 1991 |
January, 1991 | Brockton Finance Control Board Subject: City of Brockton, through home rule petition, agreed to creation of 5 member Finance Control Board |
January, 1991 | Annual Meeting Subject: Re: Annual Meeting held on January 24th, 1991 |
January, 1991 | Local Aid Cuts Subject: More information is needed to assess the impact of the Recovery Plan on Boston... |
January, 1991 | City Council Committees Subject: City Council President announced his appointments to the 14 City Council standing committees. |
January, 1991 | Election Year Subject: The focus of this election may center on At-Large City Council races and School Committee seats |
January, 1992 | Pension Costs Reduced Subject: $8 million for school supplementary appropriation may come from one time pension savings |
January, 1992 | School Committee in Action Subject: School Committee's buget is now balanced |
January, 1992 | Governor Weld's Local Aid Plan Subject: Boston's local aid for fiscal 1993 may be reduced by about $2.0 million. |
January, 1992 | Bureau Elects New Chairman Subject: Joseph Mullaney was elected as Chairman of the Bureau |
January, 1992 | Bureau's 60th Anniversary Subject: Anniversary dinner will be held on May 6, 1992 |
January, 1992 | Police Management Review Subject: Boston's Police Department Managemnet Review presented its report |
January, 1992 | Calling City Hall Subject: Change in City Hall's telephone number |
January, 1992 | School Committee Terms Subject: Staggered terms of the seven School Committee members have been announced |
January, 1993 | Osborne Challenges Government Subject: At the Annual Meeting, Osborne spoke of the need for government to change with the changing society |
January, 1993 | Scope Of City's Problem Subject: A Bureau report will attemt to find the root of City's financial problems |
January, 1993 | City Council Committees Subject: Menino announced the 18 City Council Committee assignments |
January, 1993 | Bond Refinancing Save City $ Subject: The City refinanced $92.3 million of general obligation debt to take advantage of low interest rates |
January, 1993 | School FY93 Budget Problem Subject: The Superintendent has been working on reducing expenditures during the year |
January, 1993 | Bureau Holds Annual Meeting Subject: At the meeting officers were reelected and new directors were elected |
January, 1993 | School Accomplishment in 1992 Subject: Superintendent summarized the accomplishment of the Public School System in1992 |
January, 1993 | BPS Central Administrators Search Subject: To decentralize the School Department, the Superintendent reorgainzed the administrative structure |
January, 1993 | Assessor Watch-Watch Subject: The Assessing Department has been without a permanent Commissioner for five months |
January, 1994 | City Council Committees Subject: City Council President Kelly announced his appointments to the 21 City Council standing committees |
January, 1994 | School Committee Changes Subject: Reilinger and Gittens take over for Guen and Velez whose terms expired. Culver will resign on 3/1 |
January, 1994 | Mayor Menino Speaks at Annual Meeting Subject: At the Annual Meeting, the Mayor outlined three goals to which he committed his Administration |
January, 1994 | Ways and Means Committee Subject: School Dept. budget responsibility moves from the Ways and Means Committee to Education Committee |
January, 1994 | Caution Urged On Use Of City Artery $ Subject: Council's Ways and Means Committee is deciding where to use funds from the sale of land to the State |
January, 1994 | City Council Issues Seminar Subject: The Bureau sponsored a seminar to present to the City Councillors critical issues facing Boston |
January, 1994 | Beal Elected Bureau Chairman Subject: Robert Beal was elected as Chairman of the Board on at Annual Meeting. Officers were also elected. |
January, 1995 | Mayor's State of City Address Subject: Mayor called for a strengthening of public-private partnerships with the business, academic and non |
January, 1995 | BCH/BUMCH Consolidation Update Subject: commission on health care has hired several consultants to undertake the work necessary for cons. |
January, 1995 | Salary Raise Epilougue Subject: department heads salaries were also increased after no change since 1987 |
January, 1995 | BCH/BUMCH Intergration of Leadership Subject: the respective heads of both hospitals have developed steps to establish shared leadership |
January, 1995 | Governor's Fiscal 1996 Budget Subject: $16.7 billion, an increase of 2.6% over fiscal 1995 |
January, 1996 | School Accreditation Update Subject: NEASC put Charlestown High/Latin Academy on list of warning schools, |
January, 1996 | State of the City Address Subject: Menino talked of economic security, jobs, public safety & health, oulined his 5yr. plans for 2001 |
January, 1996 | Mayor Announces New Economic Policy Subject: At Bureau meeting, Mayor outlined four proposals for economic development and job creation. |
January, 1996 | Council Committee's Set Subject: Appointments of 21 City Council standing committees for 1996 |
January, 1996 | Convention Center Report Subject: Pre-Development Working Group issued report; answered questions about feasibility & development |
January, 1996 | House 1 & Boston's Local Aid Subject: Weld presented $17.4 B House 1 budget prop. for FY97, inc. of $425 M; State Tax revs. growth 4% |
January, 1996 | Regionalization Commission Status? Subject: 13 memb. commiss. to explore ways to promote collaborative efforts; not yet named 1 yr later |
January, 1996 | More Pilot Schools Coming Subject: Number of pilot schools for second round not limited but based on proposal quality/avail. of funding |
January, 1997 | The School Committee Subject: Naimark appointed; BPS budget problem at net $3.5M; Accredited Boston High (on probation since 94) |
January, 1997 | Weld's '98 Local Aid Budget Subject: Filed House 1 - Proposed $18.2B FY98 budget; $520M increase over FY97; CherrySheet/Ch.70, etc |
January, 1997 | Mayor Unveils Economic Plan Subject: BMRB annual meeting- Mayor tells FY97 economic/planning initiatives; agenda focuses on 4 key areas |
January, 1997 | The City Council Subject: Re-elected Kelly President; Negotiating with Mayor about his veto of school bus ordinance |
January, 1997 | State of the City Address Subject: Highlighted administration accomplishments from 1996 and spoke of goals for 1997 |
January, 1998 | New Financial System Subject: Contract given to PeopleSoft for software for financial & human resources/payroll systems |
January, 1998 | Convention Center Revenues Subject: Commonwealth began revenue collection for center, excises/surcharges became effective Jan 1st |
January, 1998 | FY98 Tax Rates Decline Subject: Tax base increased, tax rates decline; Text lists various rates for property/business tax |
January, 1998 | Council Approves COLA Subject: Council accepts law (Ch. 17, Acts 1997); shift increases cities unfunded liability by $289.9M |
January, 1998 | Labor 1, Boston 0 Subject: Legislature easily overrode Governors veto of S1894; strips management authority of Commissioner |
January, 1998 | Boston Sells $90 Million Subject: Sold $90M in GO Bonds to Fleet Securities, @ interest rate of 4.49%; |
January, 1998 | Rating Boston Subject: Standard & Poor's/ Moody's rating of A+ & A1 remain same; Concern with revenue $, Prop 2 1/2 |
January, 1999 | Taxi Medallion Sale Subject: All 75 medallions sold at City's first auction; remaining 75 expected to be sold at auction in fall |
January, 1999 | BPS Drop-Out Rates Edge Up Subject: Cohort rate measures # students graduating within 5 years; Drop-out rate increased to 26% |
January, 1999 | BPS Master Plan Needed Subject: Building 5 new schools is good, but doesn't provide neighboorhood school plan; one is needed |
January, 1999 | New Teaching Standards? Subject: Will revised standards be availabel to evaluate BPS teachers by 99-00? needed for contract negs. |
January, 1999 | State Aid to Cities and Towns Subject: Cellucci's FY00 recommends Cherry Sheet aid increase of $238M; figures about state aid listed |
January, 1999 | Seaport Guidelines Subject: Expected soon is BRA master plan for district, based on five objectives listed in text |
January, 2000 | Boston is on the Cutting Edge Subject: Financial / human resources payroll computer system improves efficiency, information flow, etc |
January, 2000 | Abatement Requests Slope Down Subject: Abatement apps. decreased by 33%, record low of 2,720, thanks to Assessing Dept. efforts to improve |
January, 2000 | City Faces State Aid Change Subject: Gov. recommends FY00 increases in Ch.70 & Lottery; Additional Assistance would decrease by $47.6M |
January, 2000 | School News Subject: FY01 Budget: prelim. $593M; 2000 Objectives: Sch. Comm. approved Superintendent's goals; New Schools |
January, 2000 | Triple Double A for Boston Subject: Upgraded GO debt by all three rating companies; due to economic growth, increased financial strength |
January, 2001 | Fire Contract Reform Subject: BMRB recommends Menino stand firm in contract negotiations; Changes not drastic, and much needed |
January, 2001 | Quinn Bill Comes Due Subject: BMRB cautioned of expense of bill; Turning into high cost program; (FY01 paid $2.9Mmore than budget) |
January, 2001 | Tax Rate Drops as Values Grow Subject: Taxable value increased 26.5%, resulting in decreases in tax rates; Tax rate facts listed in text |
January, 2001 | The State of the City Subject: Menino focused on theme of investment in Bostonians; various proposals for goals listed in text |
January, 2002 | FY02 City Budget Revised at Mid-Year Subject: Revised general fund budget, projects $3.4M decline from adopted; revenue/expenditure projections |
January, 2002 | Prop. 2 1/2 at 20 Subject: Prop. has been around 20 yrs; reduced city reliance on property tax, but it depends on state aid |
January, 2002 | Personal Property Break Subject: Small businesses with $10,000 or less (personal property) pay no taxes FY02; exempts $17.4M in value |
January, 2002 | Tax Rates Rise, Values Slow Subject: Boston's taxable assessed value $54.2B, increase of $3.7B. Tax rates also rose; value growth slows |
January, 2002 | Boston High as a Pilot School? Subject: Faced with possible closing, headmaster gets conditional approval to create a pilot school; |
January, 2004 | BPS Budget Problem Subject: BPS projects a $7.2M budget problem in FY04 |
January, 2004 | FY04: Midpoint Check Subject: Halfway through the fiscal year, Boston's budget is 2.5% more than the original budget. |
January, 2004 | Free Cash Certified Subject: The City recently certified $61.1M in free cash - limiting what is available for use. |
January, 2004 | Service Accountability Subject: Mayor's State of the City Address - new initiative: Neighborhood Response Teams |
January, 2004 | SCHOOL FY05 Budget Watch Subject: A look at the current facts of the FY05 BPS Budget |
January, 2004 | Classification Shift OK'd Subject: Governor signs new law allowing a shift in tax burden to businesses. |
January, 2007 | City Council Committees Set Subject: City Council |
January, 2007 | BTU Contract Negotiations Update Subject: Schools |
January, 2007 | Boston's 2007-2008 Legislative Package Subject: Legislative |
January, 2007 | Boston's OPEB Liability Identified Subject: Finance |
January, 2007 | State of the City Subject: Mayor's speech |
January, 2008 | Governor's FY09 State Aid for Boston Subject: Net General Fund state aid for BOston would increase by $3.1M |
January, 2008 | School Department Facing FY08 Budget Challenge Subject: Declining enrollment and program initiatives create $12.8M problem |
January, 2008 | Boston's Bond Position in Subprime Crisis Subject: City's high bond rating should result in no direct impact with March issue. |
January, 2008 | Fiscal 2008 Tax Rates Set Subject: Boston's taxable property values increase by 4% in FY08 and total tax levy jumped by 5%. Tax rate drops for both residential and business. |
January, 2008 | Boston Firefighter Disability Retirement Trends Subject: Disproportionate growth raises questions of legitimacy |
January, 2008 | Will New Pilot Schools Be Approved? Subject: February 2006 agreement authorized seven new pilot schools. |
January, 2008 | Police Ranks Grow with New Classes of Graduates Subject: BPS stengthend by 224 new patrol officers and 64 detectives in 2007 |
January, 2009 | City Council & School Committee Leadership Changes Subject: Ross elected Council President and Groover School Chairman |
January, 2009 | Boston Hit Hard By State Aid Cuts Subject: Governor's local aid budget contingent on new taxes |
January, 2009 | Boston's 2009-2010 Legislative Package Subject: Revenue bills re-filed but one-third of bills are new |
January, 2009 | JLMC Approves Arbitration for Firefighters' Contract Subject: City limits issues submitted for arbitration |
January, 2010 | Boston Should Not Adopt Early Retirement Incentive Subject: Short-term benefit not worth cost of increasing pension liability |
January, 2010 | New Members for Boston City Council & School Committee Subject: Budget challenges will dominate early action taken by new members |
January, 2010 | Quinn Bill Pay Cut for Boston Police Officers Subject: 41% Quinn Bill reduction will have lingering consequences on several fronts |
January, 2011 | Boston's Tax Rate Set for FY11 Subject: Finances |
January, 2011 | Mayor Menino's Speech Priorities Subject: Mayor annual speech setting the agenda |
January, 2011 | City Council and School Committe Leadership in 2011 Subject: City Council/School Committee |
January, 2011 | BPS Prepares for Innovation Schools Subject: Schools |
January, 2012 | Municipal Health Insurance Reform Status Subject: Twelve communities have adopted changes for an estimated savings of $30 million |
January, 2012 | New Members for Boston City Council & School Committee Subject: City Council and School Committee reelect leaders, Mayor makes bold appointment |
January, 2012 | Expanding Excellence in Boston Public Schools Subject: Superintendent's plan to expand seats to high performing high schools and Pilot schools in the BPS. |
January, 2012 | Mayor Menino's State of the City Address Subject: Speech for the neighborhoods has a strong education component for a reason |
January, 2013 | Now is Not the Time for Hybrid School Committee Proposal Subject: Appointed/Elected School Committee |
January, 2013 | BPS Provides Extra Support for 21 Underperforming Schools Subject: Schools |
January, 2013 | OPEB Commission Seeks To Manage $46 Billion Liability Subject: Retiree benefits |
January, 2013 | Retirement Board Taking Prudent Steps Affecting Liability Subject: Pension calculation adjustments |
January, 2013 | Leadership Changes for Boston City Council & School Committee Subject: City Council & School Committee |
January, 2015 | Search for a New School Committee Member is Underway Subject: School Committee |
January, 2015 | BPS & BTU Agree on Extra 40 Minutes of Instruction Time Subject: Schools |
July, 1989 | Local Aid Subject: Fiscal 1990 net state aid to Boston decreased$20.6 million over the House I budget |
July, 1989 | English High School Subject: if closed may caost City $8 million in state aid of next twelve years |
July, 1989 | The Mayor Subject: approved the Police Superior Officers' contract almost two years after effective date |
July, 1989 | The School Committee Subject: approved a school consolidation plan and several school will be closed or merged |
July, 1989 | The Bureau Subject: says that School Committee should reflect the racial and socioeconomic diversity of the City |
July, 1989 | The Mayor Subject: supports nonbinding referendum question on having a 7 member School Committee nominated by a panel |
July, 1989 | Local Aid Subject: Fiscal 1990 net state aid to Boston decreased by 6 times what the City expected and prepared for |
July, 1989 | The School Committee Subject: Teh Boston Teachers Union and the City Wide Parents Council filed suit to block school closings |
July, 1989 | The Bureau Subject: recommends that the School Committee bereduced in size and appointed by Mayor |
July, 1990 | Stay Tuned... Subject: Re: Bus Driver Strike... |
July, 1990 | Strike Ordinance Subject: Designed to regulate private employers in Boston who attempt to replace employees on strike... |
July, 1990 | CDBG Funds On Hold Subject: On June 26th, HUD informed the City that its fair housing plan was deficient... |
July, 1990 | Superintendent Search Subject: New Superintendent will not be on board by 1/1, when Acting Superintendent planned to leave |
July, 1990 | State Fiscal 1990 Tax Collections Subject: For fiscal year 1991, DOR is forecasting revenues to grow by 1.0% over FY 1990... |
July, 1990 | Hotel Occupancy Subject: Hotel room occupancy in the Boston/Cambridge area is up by 1.6% from May, 1989 to May, 1990 |
July, 1990 | New Local Aid Plan Subject: The COMPACT Fund- Local aid for municipalities will be level-funded for the next 2-3 years... |
July, 1990 | Recycling Ordinance Subject: The City is lacking a long-term solution to the disposal of the solid waste that can't be recycled. |
July, 1990 | School Budget Subject: The School Committee must approve a $400 million budget that is real... |
July, 1991 | MAT Test Improvements Subject: Boston Metropolitan Achievement Test (MAT) results for 1991 showed improvement in most grades |
July, 1991 | Chelsea and Boston Subject: option for Chelsea to be incorporated into the City of Boston is being studied by special committee |
July, 1991 | Revenue Mix Change Subject: Local aid cuts over past three years have caused a significant shift in the revenue mix |
July, 1991 | Appointed School Committee Subject: petition for a seven member School Committee appointed by mayor was signed into law by Governor |
July, 1991 | Superintendent Harrison-Jones Subject: the final contract for for Superintendent of Boston Pubic Schools was signed by all parties involved |
July, 1991 | Local Aid Reduction Subject: Boston's discretionary state aid for fiscal 1992 is cut 11.5% from the prior year |
July, 1991 | Chelsea and Boston Subject: Distressed Cities Account intended to assist cities with severe fiscal problems was vetoed |
July, 1992 | Additional State Aid for Boston Subject: The Legislature overrode the Governor's veto of local aid for education |
July, 1992 | Pension Investment Return Subject: Boston's Retirement Board's investments produced a return of 21.5% |
July, 1992 | School Senior Staff Reorganization Subject: Superintendent Lois Harrison-Jones presented a reorganization plan for senior staff positions |
July, 1992 | No Change in Proposition 2 1/2 Subject: The Legislature didn't try to override the Governor's veto of the budget section |
July, 1992 | School Committee Vancancy Subject: School Nominating Panel to submit 3 to 5 names to the Mayor |
July, 1993 | School Committee Vacancy Subject: Anna Mae Cole resigned from School Committee and Mayor Menino will appoint new person |
July, 1993 | Boston's FY 1994 Cherry Sheet Aid Subject: The state estimated giving Boston $371.6 million in aid |
July, 1993 | Boston's Cost of Convention Complex Subject: State expects Boston to share in capital and annual costs of new convention conplex |
July, 1993 | Quinn Bill On Hold Subject: The Quinn Bill, a police educational incentive pay program, has been placed on the table by Council |
July, 1993 | Teacher Early Retirement Subject: Under ERI program, teachers will be credited an additional 5 yrs. of service or age or a combination |
July, 1993 | Menino Becomes Acting Mayor Subject: Mayor Flynn resigns and Menino takes over for the next four months |
July, 1993 | Health Center Funding Subject: The City will provide $5 million in funds for the needs of community health centers |
July, 1994 | Fire Department Audit Subject: the purpose is to recommend greater efficiencies in each departments management, organization. |
July, 1994 | City/State Central Artery Contract Subject: city signed a joint management and construction agreementwith the commonwealth |
July, 1994 | City Council Salary Subject: President Kelly has proposed the salary of the 13 city coucillors be increased |
July, 1994 | City Bids Financial Services Subject: selected the law firm Palmer and Dodge to serve as the city's bond consel and firm of Evenson Dodge |
July, 1994 | BPS Pilot Schools Subject: A new teachers contract provides for the establishment of up to six pilot schools in the 1995-96 ye |
July, 1995 | City Council Candidates Subject: 15 at-large, 23 district; preliminary & general election dates; |
July, 1995 | Hospital Merger Bill Stalled Subject: Bill sits in House Ways/Means; proposed amends. cause delay; bureau concerned with changes |
July, 1995 | Search Committee Gets An A Subject: Three finalists listed for Super. position for submission to school committee. |
July, 1995 | Superintendent Selection Subject: Private & Public meetings for each candidate; @ end of process, school comm, held open forum |
July, 1995 | Superintendent Pyzant Subject: Thomas Pyzant's employment and experience history, program initiatives,etc. |
July, 1996 | Payzant Appoints New Principals Subject: Six new principals appointed to replace those whose contracts were not renewed |
July, 1996 | BMC Trustees Named Subject: 30 Trustees to BMC named to serve 5 yr. staggered terms |
July, 1996 | Where's Your Affidavit? Subject: Property owners required to fill out affidavit of address/phone & return to city by August 1st. |
July, 1996 | FY97 Budget Grows Subject: Council approved $1.349 B, original submittal $2.9 M less; inc. to cover BPS collect. barg. agreemen |
July, 1996 | More State Aid Subject: Weld signed FY97 state budget $17.45 B - Boston should see inc. of $24.6M in state aid over FY96 |
July, 1996 | Financial Reporting Kudos Subject: Auditing Dept. gets GFOA's Certificate of Acheivement for Excellence in Financial Reporting |
July, 1996 | What About the Six? Subject: Super. negotiates six admins that didn't get contracts; any court cases will affect reorg, of BPS |
July, 1996 | Stadium Project Funding Subject: Table by Governmental Research Assoc. compares stadium funding (public/private) |
July, 1997 | The Mayor Subject: Public Finanical Mgmt to be city financial advisor; request for integrated financial/hr payroll syst |
July, 1997 | On Beacon Hill Subject: Comm.on Public Service reported favorably S1894, severely limit Police Commissioners mgmt powers |
July, 1997 | House Approves Convention Center Bill Subject: House approved bill authorizing financing/construction of center; operated by MA Convention Ctr.Auth |
July, 1997 | The School Department Subject: Superior Ct. transfers sped program to BPS; 22 schools get Annenberg grants; 18 new principals 97-98 |
July, 1997 | FY98 Capital Plan in Limbo Subject: Capital plan under scrutiny due to swift and unquestioned approval of FY98 operating budget |
July, 1997 | The City Council Subject: Status of BMC/PHC hearing; failed approval BPS '97 supplements; Truth in Political Ads hearing |
July, 1997 | 1997 Stanford 9 Results Subject: Encouraging/disappointing: high school score below ave. in math/science; mid.school improved from 96 |
July, 1999 | State Budget Impasse Subject: No direct impact on City operating budget, despite legislatures failure to approve FY00 budget |
July, 1999 | Pilot Payments Rising Subject: City & Harvard University agreed to new 20-yr. $40M PILOT, leads to additional revenues for city |
July, 1999 | No To Binding Arbitration Subject: Bureau opposes re-introducing binding arbitration for police,etc due to financial implications |
July, 1999 | Sale Proceeds For Housing Subject: Council voted to surplus old police headquarters as of Sept.1; to use proceeds for housing |
July, 1999 | Library Gets More funds Subject: Council approved $10M supplemetal for Library Dept; covers insurance deductible of BPL flood (98) |
July, 2001 | AIM: Literacy Improvement Subject: Payzant strengthens Literacy Initative Plan (due to MCAS failures); 5 goal strategy to be implemente |
July, 2001 | Salary Increases Advised Subject: Boston Comensation Advisory Board recommended increase of up to 9% for Dept.Heads; etc.. |
July, 2001 | Review of Living Wage Subject: Mayor asks Commission for ordinace recommendations; ordinance has applied to 219 contracts as of '01 |
July, 2001 | Charter Crisis Averted Subject: 5-hour emergency Council session approved $5.1M Law Dept. Budget & averted Charter crisis; |
July, 2002 | Local Aid Lower in '03 Subject: FY03 state aid for the city is cut; Charter schools and Additional Assistance most affected by cuts |
July, 2002 | Council Redistricting Subject: redistricting plans will be discussed in neighborhood hearings; final plan will be voted on in Sept. |
July, 2002 | Student Assignment Subject: a task force on student assignment will decide how to assign student to 3 new schools and others |
July, 2002 | Urban Regionalism Subject: collaboration with the Metropolitan Mayors Coalition can promote cost control and savings |
July, 2002 | City Approves Washington Street BID Subject: the proposed Business Improvement District for Washington Street was accepted with a 5 year term |
July, 2002 | Police on the Street Subject: officers in admin or clerical positions will be transferred to direct service; civilians will cover |
July, 2003 | Municipal Relief Subject: State Municipal Relief package |
July, 2003 | New Pilot Schools - 2004-05 Subject: Applications for Pilot schools in 2004-05 schoool year |
July, 2003 | BIDFA: Bonds for Jobs Subject: Boston Industiral Development Financing Authority and how it works. |
July, 2003 | Teacher Layoffs Subject: Teacher layoffs to be minimized this year. Annual staffing process adds complications |
July, 2003 | Still The One Subject: Boston is the highest ranking city in the US ofr NIH grant awards. |
July, 2003 | Boston's Budget Begins Anew Subject: Boston's FY04 approved budget. |
July, 2004 | Supermarkets Have Doubled Subject: Boston neighborhoods have seen 20 supermarkets erected since 1992 |
July, 2004 | Pension Cost Spike Subject: FY06 will see a 25% increase in the City's pension costs |
July, 2004 | Police & Fire Contracts Settled Subject: Arbitration results in salary increases |
July, 2004 | Quinn Standards Become Law Subject: Board of Higher Education adopts statutorial guidelines for the Quinn Bill |
July, 2004 | Budget Hitch Subject: Union concerns almost delay City Council's approval of the budget |
July, 2004 | Shattuck Public Service Awards Announced 2004 Subject: The Bureau congratulates this year's honorees |
July, 2006 | New Face on the City Council Subject: Election |
July, 2006 | State OPEB Liability Released Subject: City Finances |
July, 2006 | Underperforming Boston Schools Subject: Schools |
July, 2006 | Soccer in Boston Subject: New stadium for soccer in Boston |
July, 2006 | Economic Development Bill Awaits Legislative Vote Subject: Economic Development |
July, 2009 | Mayor Menino Files In-District Charter School Bill Subject: Charter Schools - Two BTU grievances contributed to Mayor's new reform push |
July, 2009 | Legislature Ends "King for a Day" Disability Pensions Subject: Disability pension based on twelve months compensation, not one day |
July, 2010 | Downtown Boston BID Subject: City Council should approve Boston's first business improvement district |
July, 2010 | Boston's FY11 Budget Approved Subject: Third year of state aid cuts makes budget tight but deeper cuts expected in FY12 |
July, 2010 | Rating Boston in 2010 Subject: Boston takes full advantage of federal stimulus bond opportunities |
July, 2012 | Linkage Revenue Supports Affordable Housing Subject: Boston-controlled affordable housing funds increase 3 years running |
July, 2012 | City Council Approves $2.5 Billion FY13 Operating Budget Subject: Final City budget is bolstered by additional state aid used for selected departments and pension COLAs |
July, 2012 | Using Technology to Improve Services: BAIS Financials Upgrade Subject: BAIS financials upgrade to improve business performance and add electronic procurement |
July, 2012 | Boston Should Appoint the Members of Its Licensing Board Subject: Bill to authorize the Mayor to make appointments still in legislative committee |
July, 2013 | City Council Approves $1.8 Billion 5-Year Capital Plan Subject: Higher GO bond issue plans to support focus on new construction and major renovations |
July, 2013 | City Approves $2.6 Billion Operating Budget for Fiscal 2014 Subject: Change from original April submission decreases by $4.2 million |
July, 2013 | Boston's Violent Crime Rates Continue Downward Trend Subject: All Part 1 violent and property crimes decrease since 2008 except rape |
July, 2014 | Two New Horace Mann Charter Schools Proposed for Boston Subject: Horace Mann in-district charters continue to be a powerful tool for reform within the BPS |
July, 2014 | BRA Audit Reveals Business Weaknesses but Questions Remain Subject: Audit focuses on business protocols, but larger operational questions remain unanswered |
July, 2014 | State Senate Rejects Education Reform Legislation Subject: Boston's 60 Level 3 schools remain without the flexibility needed to improve performance |
June, 1988 | Tax Classification Subject: Chapter 200 of the Acts of 1988 was signed into law, tax burden will be shifted to business property |
June, 1988 | The School Committee Subject: reduced their fiscal 1989 budget |
June, 1988 | The City Council Subject: approved City and County operating budget for fiscal 1989 |
June, 1988 | State Aid Changes Subject: Governor increases Lottery Aid |
June, 1988 | State Aid Changes Subject: Governor cut Local Aid Distributions in an effort to balance the fiscal 1989 state budget |
June, 1988 | The City Council Subject: approved, in full, the Mayor's appropriation order for the school department |
June, 1988 | The City Council Subject: identified series of issues which may have adverse impact on city operations in the future |
June, 1988 | The School Committee Subject: position of Superintendent of school for Brookline was accepted |
June, 1988 | The Mayor Subject: appointed new City Treasurer |
June, 1989 | The School Committee Subject: votes to reject Commission's report only one month after voting to accept it |
June, 1989 | The City Council Subject: approved a city and county budget for fiscal 1990 |
June, 1989 | The School Committee Subject: voted to direct the Superintendent to appoint a Secondary School Commission |
June, 1989 | The School Committee Subject: voted to accept Commission's recommendations for fall 1989 closings |
June, 1989 | Solid Waste Subject: Collection and disposal of residential solid waste in Boston will cost 7.4% more in 1990 |
June, 1989 | Solid Waste Subject: City opted for series of one year contrats rather then a three year deal |
June, 1989 | The Mayor Subject: committed to use the proceeds from the sale of surplus school buildings for school capital projects |
June, 1989 | The School Committee Subject: failed to bring its fiscal 1990 budget down to Mayor's recommendation |
June, 1989 | The Mayor Subject: signed the fiscal 1990 City and County operating budgets |
June, 1990 | Deeds Excise Tax Subject: Legislation was signed into law which doubled the deeds excise tax to provide additional revenues |
June, 1990 | City Budget Subject: The City Council, on June 27th, approved the fiscal 1991 city, county and school appropriations... |
June, 1990 | School Budget Subject: Committee should reduce budget below $400 million before the Mayor provides additional funds |
June, 1990 | Search Committee Subject: School Committee set 1/1/91, as the outside target date for the new Superintendent to begin... |
June, 1990 | Local Aid Payment Subject: On June 30th, Boston expected to receive its second-half state local aid payment of $183.7 million |
June, 1990 | Mayor Vetoes Strike Ordinance Subject: The Mayor was correct in vetoeing this proposed ordinance... |
June, 1990 | State's Solid Waste Master Plan Subject: State's master plan doesn't address the long-term solution to the disposal of Boston's solid waste |
June, 1990 | New Suffolk County Jail Subject: Re: The Nashua Street Jail |
June, 1990 | School-Based Management Subject: Teachers',principal contracts will cost about $30 million this year... |
June, 1994 | Teacher's Contract settled Subject: School committee and BTU agreed to a 3 year contract, through 96-97 school year |
June, 1994 | Upcoming Bureau Events |
June, 1994 | Fiscal 1994 BPS Budget Update Subject: The BPS projected it would end fiscal 1994 with a surplus of about $90,000 |
June, 1994 | Bureau's Health Care Forum Subject: consolidation between BCH and University Hospital was essential |
June, 1994 | Small Change for Correctional Budget Subject: Would the commonwealth assume a larger share of the Suffolk County correctional budget? |
June, 1994 | Principles and Headmasters contracts Subject: superintendent and school committee still need to negotiate individual contracts with each principle |
June, 1995 | First Step of Hospital Merger Is Reached Subject: Council approved Public Health Act, the 1st step in creating Public Health Commission |
June, 1995 | Changes in Title 1 Subject: Feds. change distribution of Title 1 funds to 32 BPS, intended to focus on needy students |
June, 1995 | The Busses Will Roll in September! Subject: School Comm. approved 1 yr. contract with National Bus Co., - contract $1.2M more than budet |
June, 1995 | Council Approves Budget Subject: Approved Mayor's $1.481B FY96 budget on June 26th; rejected 1st submission, |
June, 1995 | More $ for Boston Subject: Cherry Sheets FY96 finalized; Growth of $11.9M in state aid from FY95 |
June, 1995 | Charter School Facts Subject: Misinformation b/w City Hall & BPS, Points that follow to clarify discussion of facts |
June, 1995 | School Budget is Set for FY96 Subject: Council approved BPS budget of $444.2M, a $19.4M increase over prior year; |
June, 1997 | A Political Tug of War Subject: Councillors approved Mayor's budget without any amendments; 'loose ends' not tied before approval |
June, 1997 | The School Committee Subject: Final report from Blue Ribbon Comm. received; est. of Student Task Force to improve parental input |
June, 1997 | COLA'S: Boston's $17 Million Problem Subject: COLA will cost city far more in long run; funding from investment income acct. of Retirement System |
June, 1997 | Moving Forward on FY98 Subject: Council approved FY98 operating buddtet of $1.419M, $70.5M more than FY97; expenses/revenues |
June, 1997 | Hotels: Will Enough Be Built? Subject: Hotel construction most important in debate about convention center financing; |
June, 1999 | FY00 Budget Approved Subject: Council approved Mayor's $1.6B operating budget basically unchanged with few exceptions; |
June, 1999 | Old Police HQ for Sale Subject: City offering the seven story building for $9.5M or best offer |
June, 1999 | Stanford 9 Test Results Subject: Payzant released 1999 results; progress made, but not as fast as expected |
June, 1999 | Fire Snapshot Subject: Facts & figures about department |
June, 1999 | Still Bidding for a Bid Subject: Union is first challenge for Washington St. BID; the BPPA fears BID's proposal may supplant officers |
June, 2001 | High School Squeeze Subject: Enrollment increase plus class reduction requirements means squeeze on schools; |
June, 2001 | Boston Private Employers Subject: BRA survey of largest private employers highlights importance of non-profit sector; (8 of top 10) |
June, 2001 | City Budget Watch Subject: Three differences b/w Council & City budgets: school supplies, housing account, Council legal couns |
June, 2001 | CITISTAT For Boston? Subject: Menino learns more of Baltimore's CITISTAT program (computer stats to help city dept. services) |
June, 2001 | BASAS Contract Subject: BASAS is affected by BTU contract; BPS offered BASAS standard 3% for 3yrs; |
June, 2001 | Regionalism Retry Subject: Metropolitan Area Planning Council convened 9 mayor meeting; regionalism has eluded Boston in past |
June, 2002 | MFA Economic Impact Subject: lists results of an economic impact study by the MFA; highlights MFA's role as employer, vendor, etc |
June, 2002 | FY03 Budget Approved Subject: describes anticipated revenues and expenditures in the newly approved FY03 budget |
June, 2002 | Telecom Fee Subject: the Mayor's proposed telecommunications right of way rent was rejected by the council |
June, 2002 | Round 2: Recycling vs. Living Wage Subject: three bidders for recycling contracts have stated they will not pay the Living Wage; talks continue |
June, 2002 | $33M for Housing Subject: details the non-recurring revenue being used to fund the Leading the Way housing initiative |
June, 2002 | Special Election Results Subject: Rob Consalvo won the District 5 seat vacated when Dan Conley was appointed interim DA |
June, 2002 | ERI Update Subject: City adopts an Early Retirement Incentive program; excludes public safety and caps at 370 employees |
June, 2007 | FY08 BPS Budget Aims at Achievement Gap Subject: School Department budget totals $782.5M in FY2008 |
June, 2007 | Property Tax Relief in Name Only Subject: Municipal health insurance legislation with new title passed House and Senate |
June, 2007 | City's FY08 Budget OK'd Subject: $3.1M added for employee salaries and youth services |
June, 2007 | Most School Employee Contracts Not Settled Subject: Contract negotations are influenced by BTU contract |
June, 2007 | Capital Budget Set to Grow Subject: City plans to increase capital spending over next five years |
June, 2008 | Fire Commissioner Appoints Two Civilian Deputies Subject: Civilian appointees with the goal of improving the adminstration and managment of the Fire Department and strengthen the Commissioner's management authority. |
June, 2008 | Boston Metro Area Ranks HIgh in Education Impact Subject: Boston area educational institutions rank in top four our of 50 largest metropolitan areas according to a study by the Atlanta Regional Council for Higher Eudcation. |
June, 2008 | Boston's FY09 - FY13 Capital Plan Subject: 5-year capital plan for Boston is released, calling for the issuance of $120M in GO bonds over the next five years. |
June, 2008 | Boston Leads All Cities in NIH Research Grants Subject: Nonprofit Institutions in City received $1.6B in fiscal 2007 in National Institutes of Health grants. |
June, 2008 | The Status of Charter Schools In Boston Subject: Demand for Charter School Seats exceeds available seats. |
June, 2009 | City Sucessful in Debt Refunding Issue Subject: Recent sale produced savings to reduce debt service costs |
June, 2009 | Charter Schools Endorsed by Mayoral Candidates Subject: Existing caps for charter schools prevent more seats for Boston students despite demand |
June, 2009 | Legislature Cuts Boston's State Aid Deeper Subject: Steep cuts to state aid and grants overshadow new local revenues. |
June, 2009 | Boston Moves to Single-Stream Recycling on July 1 Subject: Waste haulers must offer commercial customers recycling collection and disposal services |
June, 2010 | Mayor Menino's Resubmitted FY11 Budget Subject: The Mayor's revised $2.3B budget for FY11 is $49.4M or 2.2% higher than the FY10 budget and it represents a net increase of $4.1M over his original April submission, excluding the teacher pension reductions in revenues and expenses. |
June, 2010 | Potential Ballot Initiatives for November Election Subject: Steep reduction of sales tax and curb on affordable housing may appear on the ballot |
June, 2010 | Impact on Future Spending is Key for Firefighters' Contract Subject: The Boston City Council should not be quick to accept Local 718 offer as the panacea for the vote they must take. Multi-year financial implications are at stake. |
June, 2010 | Health Insurance Double Standard Continues Subject: The Massachusetts Legislature has approved its recommended FY11 operating budget but no provisions were adopted to enable cities and towns to better manage its employee health insurance costs, the #1 budget buster for every municipality. |
June, 2011 | Boston Demographic Update Subject: Population, employment and other changes from the last decade. |
June, 2011 | Boston Police Sworn Officer Levels Increase in 2011 Subject: The number of Boston's sworn police officers increased in June for the first time in 31/2 years. |
June, 2011 | New Teacher Evaluation Regulations Approved by State Subject: Student achievement to be an important factor in measuring teacher effectiveness. |
June, 2011 | Candidates Running for Boston City Council in 2011 Subject: An overview of the upcoming fall elections in Boston |
June, 2012 | City Begins to Settle Contract Agreements with Civilian Unions Subject: A look at the recently settled AFSCME and SEIU contracts: the reforms and the price tag. |
June, 2012 | City Council Approves $1.8 Billion 5-Year Capital Plan Subject: Higher GO bond issues in budget intended to support Dudley Plan and underfunded projects |
June, 2012 | Boston Elected Officials Advocate for Reform in Teachers' Contract Subject: Members of the Boston Legislative Delegation and City Council sign letters urging reform for the BPS BTU contract |
June, 2013 | Boston Retirement Board Maintains COLA Base Subject: Pensions, Retirement Board |
June, 2013 | Compensation Advisory Board Recommends Salary Increases Subject: Salaries, Personnel |
June, 2013 | Mayor Menino Fills School Committee Seat Subject: Appointed School Committee |
June, 2014 | Boston Leads All Cities in NIH Funding Subject: Economy |
June, 2014 | Mayor's Revised FY15 Budget Mainly about Contract Costs Subject: Finance |
June, 2014 | Better Preparation of BPS Students Required for College Success Subject: Schools |
March, 1988 | The Mayor Subject: Appointed Educational Advisor and Mayor will support spending plan for school operations |
March, 1988 | The Bureau Subject: Mayor Flynn will attend and speak at Semi-Annual Meeting of Board of Directors |
March, 1988 | The City Council Subject: Bureau believes city councillors should focus on city issues |
March, 1988 | The City Council Subject: Councillor heard testimony from departments on need for supplemental appropriations |
March, 1988 | The City Council Subject: debated about Councillors' sending letters to save the forrest |
March, 1988 | Linkage Subject: Housing Committee considered expenditure of linkages funds from the Neighborhood Housing Trust |
March, 1988 | Linkage Subject: Government Operations Committee began discussions on acceptence of provisions of Chp. 697 of 87 Acts |
March, 1988 | the City Council Subject: office of Budget and program evaluation should take more active role in labor negotiations |
March, 1988 | The School Committee Subject: Mayor, City Council, School Committee should discuss budget in terms share of total city budget |
March, 1988 | The School Committee Subject: Approved 368.2 Million budget for fisical 1989 |
March, 1988 | Linkage Subject: Bureau testified before Goverment Operations Committee on failure to file annual department reports |
March, 1989 | Proposition 2 1/2 Limits Subject: Governor and House leaders are suggesting that it is time to look at changes in Proposition 2 1/2 |
March, 1989 | The School Committee Subject: approved budget which is more then Mayor is willing to support |
March, 1989 | The 90-Day Review Period Subject: Court ordered, 90-day student assignment review process began on Febuary 14th |
March, 1989 | Flying Tiger Line Inc. Subject: State Supreme Judicial Court affirmed decision of that airline was not subject to local taxation |
March, 1989 | Management Performance Subject: Administration recently initiated a Management Performance and Development Program |
March, 1989 | The Mayor Subject: warned that 1000 city positions may need to be cut to balance fiscal 1990 budget |
March, 1989 | The School Committee Subject: postponed decision on Superintendent's contract |
March, 1989 | The City Council Subject: approved plan to ban sale and possession of assult weapons |
March, 1989 | The School Committee Subject: failed to take action by specified time in new student assignment plan on certain items |
March, 1989 | School reform Subject: Bosotn School Committe is bigger and spends far more money then typical large urban school boards |
March, 1989 | The City Council Subject: cut $1 million from Mayor's $16 million supplementary budget request |
March, 1990 | Superintendent's Contract Subject: Superintendent Laval Wilson accepted, on March 14, 1990, the school committee's buy out offer... |
March, 1990 | Parking Excise Tax Proposals Subject: Flynn submitted to the Governor legislation establishing a local option parking excise tax |
March, 1990 | School Budget Subject: FY 1991 school budget was submitted to the Mayor |
March, 1990 | Teachers Contract Subject: The City Council, on March 13th, approved the Mayor's supplementary appropriation request... |
March, 1990 | Property Tax Bill Schedule Subject: Local option legislation permits cities and towns to adopt a quarterly tax payment system... |
March, 1991 | Fiscal 1992 Local Aid Cut Subject: Governor recommended that cities and towns recieve in increase in lottery funds |
March, 1991 | Fiscal 1992 Local Aid Cut Subject: when governor presented fiscal 1992 budget local aid was cut |
March, 1991 | Modification of Proposition 2 1/2 Subject: House approved increasing motor vehicle excise tax |
March, 1991 | Modification to Proposition 2 1/2 Subject: House approves option to allow municipalities to adjust the growth of total annual tax assessment |
March, 1991 | School Governance Subject: Boston School Committee could not be abolished by City's home rule petition |
March, 1991 | Property Tax levy increase Subject: property tax levy will increase but will be less than in past years |
March, 1993 | Boston New Commissioners Subject: Mayor Flynn appointed permanent Commissioners to the Assessing and Transportation Departments |
March, 1993 | Shattuck Award Nomination Due Subject: Nominations are being accepted for the Shattuck Public Service Award |
March, 1993 | History of the Acting Mayor Subject: City Council President Thomas Menino will be only the 5th person to serve as Acting Mayor since 1873 |
March, 1993 | Election Calendar for 1993 Subject: Election dates from June to November |
March, 1993 | The Acting Mayor Subject: Due to the mayor-weak council, the Acting Mayor has sufficient authority to manage city activity |
March, 1993 | Boston to Elect a New Mayor in 1993 Subject: Mayor Flynn will resign to work for President, Menino will act as Mayor |
March, 1993 | Election Will Change City Council Subject: There may be at least six vacancies on the City Council to fill in November |
March, 1993 | Boston's $40 Million Problem Subject: Mayor will submit his budget recommendation for fical 1994 to the City Council |
March, 1994 | City Spending FY 1989-94 Subject: The fiscal 1995 city budget increase of 3.2% is the largest annual increase in the past five years |
March, 1994 | Shattuck Award Nominations Due Subject: The Bureau is seeking nominations for recipients who will be honored in October |
March, 1994 | Boston's Fiscal 1995 Budget Subject: Mayor Menino submitted his recommended budget for fiscal 1995 to the City Council on April 13th |
March, 1994 | Boston's Capital Budget Subject: On March 15th Menino unveiled the city's 1994-1998 capital spending plan |
March, 1994 | Boston Charter Schools Approved Subject: Piedad Robertson announced the conditional approval of five Boston charter schools |
March, 1994 | Transition Committee Report Subject: centered on establishing an effective, customer-foused government that strives to improve productivi |
March, 1995 | School Building Commission Update Subject: commisssion is charged with developing a 10 year master plan for school buildings |
March, 1995 | Mayor Goldsmith of Indianapolis To Speak Subject: Goldsmith is the featured speaker at the Bureaus luncheon on April 24th |
March, 1995 | Boston Facts and Figures Is Available Subject: report that provides basic information on Boston's demographics, spending revenues |
March, 1995 | Boston's Fifth Charter School Subject: The Academy of the pacific Rim will open in September of 95 |
March, 1995 | Regionalization Conference Subject: Officials from over 50 communities in Greater Boston Area gather together for conference |
March, 1995 | Massport and City Agree On New Pilot Subject: new pilot agreement will increase Massports annual payments from 6.0M to 10.0 M |
March, 1995 | Hospital Merger Update Subject: both hospitals agree not to change size and composition of their respective work forces |
March, 1996 | Construction Ahead Subject: Mayor presents $1B (97-01) for capital plan, assumes continued net borrowing of $75 million/yr |
March, 1996 | Merger Deadline Looming Subject: Intense negotiations (personnel/finance matters) held as merger deadline approaches |
March, 1996 | Where's the Regionalization Commission? Subject: What is keeping Mayor from appointing commission to get started analyzing regional collaboration? |
March, 1996 | Cleaner Schools and Access Subject: Custodian negotiations completed; salary increases, flexible work week, on-call custodians all incl. |
March, 1996 | T.V. Yes, Internet on Hold Subject: Councillors fought hard to get televised meetings, only Keane expaned his website to inlcude info |
March, 1996 | Mayor Sent BPS Budget Subject: School Comm. adoped FY97 budget $469M, sent to Mayor/Council for approval |
March, 1996 | For Sale - 15 Beacon Street Subject: Sale of building that housed school committee for years for sale by city |
March, 1996 | Accreditation Picture Improves Subject: NEASC returned Latin Academy/South Boston High to full credit; Boston Latin, Dorchester on probation |
March, 1998 | BPS FY98 Budget Deficit Subject: BPS pojects budget shortfall of $5.2M, due to overspending in salary/wages, benefits, service accts. |
March, 1998 | Washington Street Bid Proposed Subject: Business Improvement District (BID) submitted to Council; Discussion about City's authority of BID |
March, 1998 | Living Wage is Back Subject: Hearing to examine concernces about ordinance; Bureau recommends necessary amendments |
March, 1998 | Rating the BWSC Subject: Moody's upgrades BWSC from A2 to A1; Standard's increased rating from A to A+ |
March, 1998 | Boston's New Bond Rating Subject: Fitch IBCA gave city AA- (comparable to A from Moody's/Standards), first time Fitch has ranked city |
March, 1998 | The Rest of the Story Subject: Patrolman's Association joins AFL-CIO after legislature overrode Gov's veto Commissioner power bill |
March, 1998 | Future Teacher Shortage Subject: News articles highlight future shortage, Boston's actuarial report shows stats of ages of retirement |
March, 1998 | G.O. Bonds Subject: City prepares to refund $63.4M in bonds, at a savings of $2.3M in interest costs over 18yrs. |
March, 1998 | BPS FY99 Budget Subject: $547M for BPS in Mayor's budget; increase of $40.1 M from FY98; New priorities are listed in text |
March, 1998 | FY99 Budget Unveiled Subject: Mayor presented FY99 budget of $1.523B, increase of $103.9M from FY98; List of Mayor's priorities |
March, 2000 | Financing Fenway Park Subject: Mayor feels new stadium should be financed like BCEC, meaning City use capital budget for support |
March, 2000 | Managing Linkage Subject: Menino's home rule petition to increase linkage by 44% should trigger two changes (noted in text) |
March, 2000 | Paying for 3 New Schools Subject: Maybe impossible to fund all 3 BPS capital programs; Text outlines costs of 3 new schools/problems |
March, 2000 | A Plan for City Housing Dollars Subject: Administration to decide use of $25M non-recurring revenue; Menino pleged $ to housing, not linkage |
March, 2001 | Rating Boston Subject: Recent GO rating increase reflect good economy; City expected to continue conservative fiscal policy |
March, 2001 | Mayor Delivers Keynote Speech Subject: At 69th Annual BMRB meeting, Mayor focused on businesses and tax incentives; housing etc. |
March, 2001 | Quinn Bill for Firefighters Subject: Governor pushing bill for firefighters; questionable cost benefits at best for legislation |
March, 2001 | BPS Deadline Met Subject: Met March 1 posting deadline; 712 positions posted, 407 employees can re-apply for their position |
March, 2003 | How Boston is Rated Subject: Rating agencies maintain Boston's ratings - high marks are given for financial performance and careful debt managment. |
March, 2003 | 4-Part Bond Sale Subject: City sells bonds of $162M, for: capital program, 1010 Mass Ave, conversion of school BANS and Refunding of 1993 bonds. |
March, 2003 | Boston Is the Locomotive Subject: Highlights of Mayor Menino's speech to the Research Bureau's annual meeting |
March, 2003 | Charter School Growth Subject: More Charter Schools for Boston |
March, 2003 | New BPS Bus Contract Subject: Boston School Committee Awards 5-year transportation contract to First Student, Inc. |
March, 2003 | FY04 Budget Watch Subject: City Council & School Committee action on the Budget and new retirement incentive program |
March, 2003 | Romney Budget Slashes Aid Subject: Impact of Governor's budget for FY04 on Boston's FY04 budget |
March, 2004 | Step Increases Subject: Employees receive automatic pay raises |
March, 2004 | BPS FY05 Budget Subject: School Committee approves a 1% budget increase for FY05 |
March, 2004 | 2004 Taxes Set, Budget Revised Subject: Average single family tax bill increases by 14.5% |
March, 2004 | Regional Savings Subject: Collaboration between Boston area cities saves money |
March, 2004 | Supplemental Tax Decision Subject: City should reject supplemental tax on new value |
March, 2007 | Governor's FY08 State Aid for Boston Subject: FY08 Governor's budget has been released. A 2.1% increase in local aid for Boston. |
March, 2007 | BPS Budget Proposes Slight Growth Subject: BPS FY08 preliminary budget is $747.1M an increase of $13.2M or 1.&% not including funds for collective bargaining. |
March, 2007 | Boston's 2007-2008 Legislative Pacakge Continued... Subject: Phase 2 overview of bills in Boston's FY07-08 legislative package. |
March, 2007 | More Changes for City Management Team Subject: A review of open positions in the Menino Administration. |
March, 2007 | Governor's Municipal Partnership Act Subject: Overview of Bill designed to provide new revenue and efficiency measures to assist municipalities in fiscally difficult situations. |
March, 2007 | Boston Receiveds Bond Rating Upgrade Subject: Boston's bond rating was raised from AA to AA+ by S&P. Boston is ranked at the highest AA rating from both S&P and Moody's. |
March, 2008 | City Council & School Committee Subject: Leadership Changes for 2008 |
March, 2008 | Abatement Applications Drop In FY08 Subject: Abatements continue on a downward trend |
March, 2008 | Boston Succeeds in March Bond Sale Subject: City receives excellent rate in uncertain market |
March, 2008 | Boston's Tax-Exempt Property Subject: Government represents 79% of total exempt area |
March, 2008 | Boston Schools Face FY09 Budget Challenge Subject: Multi-year strategy for efficient change should be high priority |
March, 2008 | BPS Looks to Busing to Reduce Costs Subject: Student assignment and policy choices involved in any change |
March, 2009 | FY10 School Department Budget Approved Subject: Damaging staff cuts could be lessened if BTU accepts wage freeze |
March, 2009 | Rating Boston in 2009 Subject: Boston succeeds in bond market in turbulent financial times |
March, 2009 | Medical and Educational Tax-Exempt Values Updated Subject: These institutions make a significant contribution to Boston's economy |
March, 2011 | FY12 School Budget Approved Subject: School Committee Approves a $829.5M school budget for FY12, next stop City Council |
March, 2011 | Boston United for Students Coalition Update Subject: Education and mobilization efforts underway with a major event on April 6 |
March, 2011 | Boston's Bond Sale in 2011 Subject: Boston demonstrates its strength in a challenging market for municipalities |
March, 2011 | Boston's 2011-2012 Legislative Package 2 Subject: A review of bills from the Mayor's Legislative Package - a continuation from February |
March, 2011 | The Mayor's Other Research Bureau Speech Subject: Issues of health insurance and collective bargaining in addition to the Dudley Plan were addressed by the Mayor at the Research Bureau's annual meeting |
March, 2012 | BPS Graduation Rate Reached Record High in 2011 Subject: Schools see improvement in graduation and dropout rates, but achievement gap remains |
March, 2012 | Boston's Bond Sale in 2012 Subject: Sale involved bonds for capital expenditures and two refunding issues for $14M in savings |
March, 2012 | Significant School Reform in Teachers' Contract Still Expected Subject: Urgency for systemic change requires a leap rather than small steps for BPS reform |
March, 2013 | Boston's Bond Sale in 2013 Subject: Boston sold bonds at excellent interest rates to further advance capital projects. However, certain factors are being watched. |
March, 2013 | Abatement Applications Continue Long-Term Decline Subject: Applications for property tax abatements in Boston continue on a downward trend. |
March, 2014 | Education Bill Important for Level 3 School Reforms Subject: BPS Level 3 schools |
March, 2014 | School Committee Approves New Transportation Policy Subject: school transportation |
March, 2014 | Boston Receives AAA Bond Rating from Standard & Poor's Subject: City Finances |
March, 2014 | City Council and School Committee Leadership in 2014 Subject: City & School |
March, 2014 | Boston Superintendent Search Is Underway Subject: BPS - Schools |
May, 1988 | Boston City Hospital Subject: City is proceeding with plan to build a new 356-bed Bosotn City Hospital |
May, 1988 | The School Committee Subject: BMRB supports the school budget the Mayor submitted to the City Council |
May, 1988 | The City Council Subject: began review of Mayor's fiscal 1989 operating budget, recently this has become a mere formality |
May, 1988 | The Bureau Subject: was presented Distinguished Service Award from Governmental Research Association |
May, 1988 | Department Head Watch Subject: Human resources Director assumed position of Director of Affirmative Action |
May, 1988 | Department Head Watch Subject: Commissioner of Real Property,and Commissioner of Health and Hospitals were appointed |
May, 1988 | City Employees Subject: after rapid growth over the past two years the number of city employees has begun to stabilize |
May, 1988 | The Mayor Subject: Submitted new condominium conversion ordinance to City Council |
May, 1989 | The Superintendent Subject: and the Boston Teachers Union have reached agreement on new contract |
May, 1989 | The City Council Subject: approved loan order for new Boston City Hospital |
May, 1989 | City Council Subject: Sheriff testified that he will fight for right to double-bunk prisoners in new jail |
May, 1989 | The City Council Subject: continued its review of the Mayor's fiscal 1990 budget |
May, 1989 | School Governance Subject: Bureau told Special Commission on Public Education, that it favored an appointed school board |
May, 1989 | The Superintendent Subject: announced his intention to reorganize the administrative structure of the Boston Public Schools |
May, 1989 | The City Council Subject: Hospital Commissioner told Committee that the Administration's budget requestis not sufficient |
May, 1989 | The School Committee Subject: has not taken action to reduce fiscal 1990 budget |
May, 1990 | Superintendent Search Subject: The selection of a Superintendent is the most important responsibility of the School Committee... |
May, 1990 | Fair Housing Law Awaits Approval Subject: Mayor Flynn signed a home rule petition designed to discourage housing discrimination... |
May, 1990 | School Budget Subject: The School Committee must take steps to reduce its budget further... |
May, 1990 | School-Based Management Subject: SBM/SDM is a very expensive program that needs to produce positive educational improvements |
May, 1990 | Boston Facts and Figures Subject: The 1990 edition of Boston Facts and Figures is now available for distribution... |
May, 1990 | Local Aid Subject: The final tax package that comes out will determine if $210 million will actually be paid... |
May, 1990 | Layoff of Tenured Teachers Subject: The School Committee has stated that it does not want to layoff any tenured teachers... |
May, 1991 | Appointed School Committee Subject: Seven member schools committee appointed by the Mayor has been approved |
May, 1991 | City's Bond Rating Subject: Boston's single 'A' rating was confirmed before City's negotiated general obligation bond sale |
May, 1991 | City Budget Subject: Budget for police, library department. and registry of deeds were approved |
May, 1991 | New Superintendent Subject: Boston signed a new superintendent to a four year deal, her biggest chanllenge is to decrease budget |
May, 1991 | Audit Committee Subject: Mayor submitted nominations for Audit committee |
May, 1991 | City Budget Subject: City Council approved 1992 operating budget |
May, 1992 | The Update Is Back Subject: The Update is back on schedule reporting issues affecting the City. |
May, 1992 | Artery Land Sale Subject: State buys 27 acres of land from Boston for the Central Artery. |
May, 1992 | School Budget Approved Subject: The City Council approved a School Department appropriation of $374.0 million |
May, 1992 | Boston Health Service Study Subject: Neighborhood health centers and street talk about the financial feasibility of the new hospital |
May, 1992 | City's Fiscal 1993 Budget Approved Subject: The City's total operating budget of $1.318 billion was approved |
May, 1992 | What A Wonderful 60TH Subject: BMRB 60th anniversary - first time former Mayors Collins, White and Flynn were together. |
May, 1993 | Teacher Contract Negotiations Subject: Boston School Committee and Boston Teachers are negotiating new contracts under Conflict Mgt. Inc |
May, 1993 | City Council Passes Fiscal 1994 Budget Subject: Mayor resubmitted Boston's fiscal 1994 butget and Council passed it |
May, 1993 | Collective Bargaining Contracts Subject: New contracts for city employees would call for an 11% increase over three years |
May, 1993 | Council Ways and Means Committee Subject: The Ways and Means Committee suggs that the Mayor prepare an all funds budget |
May, 1993 | Mayor, You're Absolutely Wrong Subject: The Mayor wants a continuation of the appointed board to take place in 1994 instead of 1996 |
May, 1994 | Cherry Sheet State Aid Subject: The House and the Senate have approved a local aid resolution which allowed the state to send cherr |
May, 1994 | Health Care Commission Apointed Subject: Menino appoints new commission on health care, chaired by Patricia McGovern |
May, 1994 | Forum on Boston City Hospital Subject: A group of experts will be brought together to discuss this critical issue, health care |
May, 1994 | Funding for County Corrections Subject: change in funding for suffolk county correctional services |
May, 1994 | Fiscal 1995 School Budget Subject: The fiscal 1995 budget would fund 6,872 positions, up144 or 2.1% from March 1st fiquires |
May, 1994 | School Bus Contract Approved Subject: School Committee unanimously approved exercising it's option to renew it's school bus contract |
May, 1995 | City Council Dilutes Its Influence Subject: Recent resolutions indicate influence of spec. interests & unions; Rule 33; |
May, 1995 | Hospital Merger Principles Outlined Subject: Recommendations 1. Boston Public Health Commission, 2. New Medical Ctr, 3. Public Health Advisory Bd |
May, 1995 | A Black Eye for the City Subject: Accrediation Task Force plan to get high schools up to standards; Burke High stripped of accred. |
May, 1996 | Mayoral Reallocations Subject: Reallocation of $3M among 15 Depts. in FY96; can have significant effects on small depts. |
May, 1996 | Hospital Merger Report Released Subject: June 20th, BMRB reported on merger proposal: Recommended BMC merger as best option for city |
May, 1996 | Contract Settled Subject: 3 yr. bus driver contract @ $3.9M for taxpayers; provides wages, health, pensions |
May, 1996 | Lost Opportunity Subject: City Council rejected budget for city/school - BMRB cites problem lack of attendance of council |
May, 1996 | The Secret Is Out! Subject: The names of 13 people appointed to the Regionalization Commission |
May, 1996 | F.Y.I. on Residency Subject: Seven person committee formed to evaluate suspected cases of non-resident Boston employees, |
May, 1996 | Fees Go Up Subject: Council approved increase of Registry Division fees - antiipated increases & incorp. in FY97 revenue |
May, 1998 | Living Wage Review Subject: Menino appoints 7 to City Assistance Advisory Comm, to examine living wage ordinance |
May, 1998 | Teacher Retirement Subject: Re-draft Rule of 90 bill to House Ways/Means; est. new state early teacher retirement incentive |
May, 1998 | Sharing Teacher Training Subject: Intermunicipal cooperative agreement between techology training Boston & Watertown teachers |
May, 1998 | Where's Regionalization? Subject: Comprehensive report issued in 1997; not much planning action at all; |
May, 1998 | BPS Staff Changes Subject: Deputy Superintendent Jackson leaving; Bureau recommends Superintendent evaluate organization of BPS |
May, 1998 | The School Committee Subject: Held public hearing discuss changes to student promotion policy; anticipates small FY98 BPS surplus |
May, 1998 | Civil Service Change Subject: H5518 Boston home rule petition would require Personnel Admin. certify provisional employees to perm |
May, 2001 | BPS Passes Test #2 Subject: Benchmark #2 passed by listing vacant positions on web by May 1st; Bilingual & sped teachers needed |
May, 2001 | Linkage Redux Subject: Menino 2nd attempt to raise linkage fees; Key home rule petition recommendations include.. (in text) |
May, 2001 | Planning $ For BRA Subject: Why is BRA not funded in FY02? City should continue BRA support, to fund infrastructure expenses,etc |
May, 2001 | State Budget Watch Subject: House passed their FY02 Budget without changing city's state aid; |
May, 2001 | FY02 Capital Budget Subject: Menino's 5yr. capital budget (02-06) $1.485B; Bond/BAN revenues will help fund capital work |
May, 2001 | Linkage Distributed Subject: Neighborhood Housing Trust approved $4.3M disbursement of linkage funds for 7 projects thru city |
May, 2003 | City Severance Pay Subject: Early retirement incentive leads to additional cost of severance pay. |
May, 2003 | Redeploy Sworn Force Subject: Fire & Police departments should redploy workforce in order to deal with a reduction of sworn staff. |
May, 2003 | Future Urban Renewal Subject: The future role of the City Council in Urban Renewal plans for the city. |
May, 2003 | Limited Relief Subject: House approves a municipal relief package with minimal impact for cities & towns. |
May, 2003 | New Fees, No Process Subject: City Council approves fees & fines increase without holding a public hearing. |
May, 2003 | Budget Brightens Subject: City Finances |
May, 2005 | Boston's $2B FY06 Budget Subject: Boston's first $2.0 B budget makes clear that the city faces long-term fiscal challenges that will require continued strong management and restraint. |
May, 2005 | Boston's Bond Rates Increase Subject: City's rating increses come after three years of tight finances |
May, 2006 | Inclusionary Development Policy Change Subject: Development |
May, 2006 | City Council Approves Salary Increases Subject: Salaries |
May, 2006 | Linkage Fees Increase Subject: Linkage |
May, 2006 | FY07 City Budget Moving Forward Subject: Finances |
May, 2006 | Charter School Funding Subject: Charter Schools |
May, 2006 | Police Officer Numbers Increasing Subject: Police Staffing |
May, 2007 | Superintendent Schools Worth Watching Subject: Superintendent Schools intended to transform underperforming schools |
May, 2007 | Boston's Growing Hotel Supply Subject: Room demand and other indicators show an improving market. |
May, 2007 | Quinn Bill Reform Under Attack Subject: Bill would increase costs but not improve police services. |
May, 2007 | Winthrop Square Garage Sale Subject: Use of proceeds from the garage operation and sale requires a public discussion. |
May, 2007 | Boston Sworn Police Officers Trend Upward Subject: Class of 82 graduates boosts uniformed ranks |
May, 2007 | Tenant Collective Bargaining Plan Proposed Subject: City Council ordinance would require negotions and create penalties |
May, 2008 | The Accidental Disability Retirement Process Subject: Why are Boston firefighter disability retirements so disproportional? |
May, 2008 | Senate Budget Allows Added Pension Cost for Municipalities Subject: COLA Change could increase Boston's annual pension costs by $7-$10M. |
May, 2008 | The Drug and Alcohol Testing Bill That Wasn't Subject: New Firefighters' contract should include operational changes in several areas |
May, 2008 | Muncipalities Wait for State Approval of OPEB Reserve Subject: Legal authority to establish a trust fund for OPEB would reduce overall liability |
May, 2008 | The Greening of Boston Subject: City takes action to reduce threat of climate change and bring efficiencies to operations |
May, 2010 | Can Boston Afford the Firefighters' Arbitration Award? Subject: Cost of four-year contract can be covered but implications for the fifth year raise concerns |
May, 2010 | Can Boston Afford the Firefighters' Arbitration Award?- PDF VERSION Subject: Cost of four-year contract can be covered but implications for the fifth year raise concerns |
May, 2011 | Boston's Largest Private Employers Subject: BRA report highlights importance of private tax-exempt institutions to local economy |
May, 2011 | House and Senate Act On Local Health Insurance Reform Subject: Health insurance plans are similiar but key differences still need to be addressed |
May, 2011 | New BPS Schools to Open in September Subject: Enrollment in traditional BPS schools will continue to drop as schools with more flexibility grow |
May, 2011 | I-Cubed Development Tool Used for Fan Pier Project Subject: Fan Pier Project will be first to use investment incentive tool. |
May, 2012 | Using Technology to Improve Services: Assessing Department Subject: Improvements allow certain property information to be transmitted electronically |
May, 2012 | Increasing State Assessments Limit State Aid for Operations Subject: Growing charter school and MBTA assessments represent 95% of the total |
May, 2012 | BPS Access To Excellence Plan Moves Forward Subject: City Council approved bond issue to allow capital plan to proceed after cautious review |
May, 2012 | Boston Retirement Board Votes to Increase COLA Base Subject: Raising base to $13,000 will add $21.4 million to Boston's pension liability |
May, 2013 | Boston Leads All Cities in NIH Funding for 18th Year Subject: NIH Funding - Economy |
May, 2013 | Classification & Residential Exemptions Benefit Homeowners Subject: Property Tax |
May, 2013 | High Support Schools Buoyed by Budget Changes Subject: Schools |
May, 2014 | Hidden Compensation Adds to Employee Costs Subject: Salaries/compensation |
November, 1988 | Boston Edison Agreement Subject: City reached an agreement with Boston Edison Company concerning tax abatement claim |
November, 1988 | The City Council Subject: approved the new property tax classification formula and increase in residential exemption |
November, 1988 | Tax Rate Subject: State Department of Revenue approved the City's tax rate for fiscal 1989 |
November, 1988 | School Budget Woes Subject: City Auditor reported deficit for the School Department for fiscal 1988 |
November, 1988 | The Mayor/School Committee Subject: released an outline of new student assignment plan |
November, 1988 | School Budget Woes Subject: School deficits over past two years due to overly optimistic revenue assumptions by the city |
November, 1988 | The Bureau Subject: is developing a position paper outlining issues facing the Health and Hospitals Department |
November, 1988 | The Mayor/School Committee Subject: After a series or public hearings the student assignment plan will be phased in September 1989 |
November, 1988 | The Mayor/School Committee Subject: is considering a plan that recommends three educational zones for elementary and middle schools |
November, 1988 | The Superintendent Subject: realeased results of assesment program test, Bosotn scores were below statewide average |
November, 1988 | The Superintendent Subject: realeased the latest dropout statistics which showed decline in annual and cohort dropout rates |
November, 1989 | A One Year Contract For The BTU Subject: The Bureau supports a one year contract for the BTU |
November, 1989 | Bureau Notes Subject: Annual Board of Directors meeting |
November, 1989 | Classification Alert Subject: Vivaros would raise the classification ceiling on business property 200% |
November, 1989 | Local Aid Held Hostage-Again Subject: The Governor hints he may withhold the semiannual local aid payment |
November, 1989 | Linkage Update-1989 Subject: The Program introduces a unique financial mechanism designed to speed up housing production |
November, 1989 | Should Teachers Wear Uniforms? Subject: The Mayor assures that no uniformed personnel will lose their jobs |
November, 1989 | Supplemental Appropriations Subject: The City Council approved two supplemental appropriations orders |
November, 1989 | A $40 Million Problem Subject: The city's fiscal 1991 budget |
November, 1991 | 41% Voted -- The Mayor Gets 71% Subject: Mayor Flynn won the November 5th mayoral election |
November, 1991 | Banking Update Subject: Hearing held to clarify data concerning disparities in loan denial rates |
November, 1991 | School Butget Update Subject: School budget is $16.5 million over its authorized appropriation more cuts are being presented |
November, 1991 | Schools Must Past Test Subject: BTU contract calls for annual assessment of Public Schools |
November, 1991 | Vacancy Rates Rise As Rents Decline Subject: 16.8% vacantcy rate for class A office space in Boston |
November, 1991 | More City Budget Cuts Subject: Mayor annouced plans to cut departmental appropriations |
November, 1991 | Boston PIC #1 Subject: Congratulations to the Boston Private Industry Council |
November, 1991 | Fiscal 1992 Values Drop 18.7% Subject: The City's taxable assessed value dropped |
November, 1992 | Boston's Work Force Cut Subject: From December, 1991 to December, 1992 the number of city funded position decreased by 3.5% |
November, 1992 | Boston's Fiscal 1993 Tax Rate Subject: The fiscal 19993 tax rate was set on December 18, 1992-taxable value declined by 8.4% |
November, 1992 | Ways and Means Committee Subject: Councillors are deciding if the budget review should be divided among twelve committees |
November, 1992 | School Committee Staff Subject: Mr. Consalvo resigns, however, his job will be filled by a replacement |
November, 1992 | Commissioner of Assessing Status Subject: Tax rate was set quickly and quietly even though the City does not have an Assessing Commissioner |
November, 1992 | Boston Ends Fy 1992 With Surplus Subject: Fiscal 1992 is the seventh consecutive year that the City has posted an operating surplus |
November, 1992 | Culver Reappointed to School Board Subject: Mayor Flynn reappointed Culver to the School Committee to serve a full term |
November, 1993 | The Update is Back Subject: After missing 3 months, the Update is back on monthly schedule |
November, 1993 | Principal and Headmaster Contracts Subject: Contracts are still needed for headmasters and principals in Boston. |
November, 1993 | Mayor Names Transition Committee Subject: Mayor introduces Transition Committee to review and evaluate the city's departments and agencies |
November, 1993 | School FY 1994 Budget Problem Subject: There are no funds for this year's collective bargaining contracts because of excess spending |
November, 1993 | Boston Teachers Contract Subject: The school committee approved a one-year contract with the Boston Teachers Union |
November, 1993 | School Committee Nominating Panel Subject: Victoria Williams is the new Chairperson of the School Committee Nominating Panel |
November, 1993 | Boston Ends FY 1993 with a Surplus Subject: The city ended the fiscal year with an 8th consecutive surplus |
November, 1994 | Mark Your Calendars Subject: Menino will be featured speaker at Annual Meeting |
November, 1994 | Fiscal 1995 Tax Rate Subject: a combo of increased assessed value and a slight decrease in the tax rate will increase tax bill |
November, 1994 | School Committee Appointments Subject: 12/31 the mayor appointed 3 new members to the school committee for terms beginning 1/2/95 |
November, 1994 | New Water and Sewer Head Subject: Vincent G. Mannering is selected by Mayor Menino as the new Executive Director of the BWSC |
November, 1994 | City Signs Reginalization Agreement Subject: Menino and Spence sign aggreement to develop ways to share municipal services |
November, 1994 | City's Legislative Agenda Subject: Menino presents his first legislative package at the state house on 12/7 |
November, 1996 | The City Council Subject: Mayor's special law requires vote on school gov. every 6 years sent back to committee for revision |
November, 1996 | The Rest Of The Bond Rating Subject: Increased ratings in both Moody's and Standard & Poor's due to three factors (listed in text) |
November, 1996 | The Mayor Subject: Received 5 School Comm. nominations, expected to set FY97 Tax Rate, released FY97 legislation |
November, 1996 | Technology in the City Subject: Exploring upgrade of financial & management information systems |
November, 1996 | Three New Pilot Schools Approved Subject: Schools to open in 1997; Total # of pilots 11 & they operate independent of union/sch. com. regs. |
November, 1996 | The School Committee Subject: Received Exam School Task Force, modified Student Assignment Plan, received budget update |
November, 1997 | The School Committee Subject: Nomination Panel gives Mayor names; Student Assignment Task Force report received, recomm. analysis |
November, 1997 | It's Your Money Subject: Council appropriating $4.7M during Nov/Dec; List of departments receiving appropriations and amount |
November, 1997 | Boston's Seaport Plan Subject: Master plan presented by Mayor & BRA for S.Boston waterfront area; Bureau recommendations in text |
November, 1997 | Electric Deregulation Subject: Cellucci signed electric deregulation, expected to lead to competative pricing/improved services |
November, 1997 | BPS Projects $7.5 Million Budget Problem in FY98 Subject: BPS estimated $4.8M problem in Oct; due to over-spending in employee benefits, sped, salaries |
November, 1997 | Whatever Happened To..? Subject: City's 10yr. plan for school facilities; Public Health Advisory Comm, req. by merger legislation? |
November, 1997 | Governor Vetoes S1894 Subject: Cellucci vetoed, cites negative public safety impact; Sustain veto difficult; Bureau supports Gov. |
November, 1998 | FY99 Values Up, Tax Rates Down Subject: 5th year city's tax base increased, rates decreased; data about rates included in text |
November, 1998 | For The Record Subject: Councillor Kelly re-elected for 6th President term; Mayor re-appoints Spring/Harris to School Commit |
November, 1998 | City Ends FY98 In The Black Subject: FY98 has $7.4M surplus, to be applied to city fund balance, unsure if free cash surplus will happen |
November, 1998 | Taxi Medallion Auction Subject: City to auction 75 of 260 new taxi medallions to support costs of BCEC |
November, 1998 | School Facilities Plan Subject: BPS expects to release another working draft of facilites master plan in January |
November, 1998 | BID Proposal Goes to State Subject: Mayor signed BID petition, now must negotiate 'cooperation agreement' between city and BID committee |
November, 1998 | School News Subject: Promotion Policy report received, recommended ways to improve; BPS submitted 3 FY99 supplements |
November, 2001 | Back Streets Subject: Menino announces program to raise priority of smaller businesses that have received less attention |
November, 2001 | BPS Budget Deficit? Subject: School Dept projected spending $4.8M more than FY02 operating budget (before cuts); |
November, 2001 | Breaking Up Is Hard To Do Subject: Councilor Turner proposed 2 district changes; for numeric balance, 'minority/majority' district etc |
November, 2001 | 2001 MCAS Results Subject: Improvement seen in all Boston high schools; still more than 1/2 fail , so intense remedial required |
November, 2001 | State Budget News Subject: Legislature finally submitted FY02 Budget to Governor; Little negative impact on Boston is expected |
November, 2003 | $40M for Hotels & Condos Subject: City selects recipients of Hotel Development Loan funds |
November, 2003 | Fire Overtime = Money Subject: WIll the Fire dept stay within its FY04 overtime budget? |
November, 2003 | Circuit Breaker Funding Subject: Special eduction grant expected to direct more funds to the BPS |
November, 2003 | BID Not Yet Ready Subject: Washington Street Business Improvement district legislation needs more work. |
November, 2003 | FYI - Port of Boston Subject: Facts regarding Boston's port |
November, 2003 | Tax Classification Issue Heats Up Subject: The Legislature is taking a longer look at the property tax classification issue and how to fix the problem. |
November, 2004 | Rent Control, Again Subject: New rent control act is in the City Council. Targets elderly and low income residents. |
November, 2004 | Spike in Available Office Space Subject: Almost 2M square feet of office space added back to the market in 3Q2004. |
November, 2004 | School Board Search Subject: Boston's appointed school board has an opening for a new member. Details on the current school board included. |
November, 2004 | Public Improvement Commission Subject: The role of Boston's Public Improvement Commission. |
November, 2004 | CDBG Turns 30 Subject: CDBG Marks 30 years of over $700M in funds coming to the City of Boston. |
November, 2006 | Incentive Pay For Teachers Subject: Schools |
November, 2006 | Preliminary FY07 Tax Bill Increases Subject: Taxes |
November, 2006 | Boston Ends 2006 With Surplus Subject: City Finances |
November, 2006 | Ordinance Requiring Tenant-Landlord Negotiations Filed Subject: Housing |
November, 2007 | Governor Signs Classification Law Subject: Business classification factor returned to 175% in FY08 |
November, 2007 | BPS Facing Unsustainable Budget Trends Subject: Lower enrollment levels affect funding sources while staffing continues to rise |
November, 2007 | Two New Faces on the City Council Subject: The November 07 election has a voter turnout that was the lowest in over 50 years |
November, 2007 | Paid Detail is Also a Municipal Issue Subject: Boston police officers earned $33.5 million for paid details in 2006 |
November, 2007 | City Increases Health and Board of Appeal Fees Subject: Existing fees increased 50-100% and new fess established to meet costs |
November, 2007 | Five Towns Join Group Insurance Commission Subject: The first deadline for joining the GIC has passed and only five municipalities have joined |
November, 2008 | Paid Detail in Boston Should Be Changed Subject: Detail ordinance should be amended to give the Police Commissioner flexibility |
November, 2008 | School "Pathways to Excellence" Plan Approved Subject: Plan to trim spending misses the mark in needed savings to be achieved |
November, 2008 | Three New Pilot Schools Approved for 2009 Subject: Plans for new Pilot schools and expansions fall short of BTU contract agreement |
November, 2008 | Boston Projects Budget Shortfall in Fiscal 2010 Subject: Early projections do not reflect latest turmoil – bigger problem now expected |
November, 2009 | Consider Serving on the Boston School Committee Subject: Deadline for School Committee Application Extended |
November, 2009 | Boston Ends Fiscal 2009 With A Small Surplus Subject: Finance |
November, 2010 | Superintendent to Present New School Closure Plan Subject: School Closings |
November, 2010 | Boston School Committee Deadline Extended Subject: Appointed School Committee |
November, 2011 | Two Key City Positions Filled, New Search Opens Subject: Fire Department and Retirement Board positions are filled, Inspectional Services search begins |
November, 2011 | Boston School Committee Deadline Extended Subject: Applications for School Committee Still Being Accepted - November 28 DEADLINE |
November, 2011 | Boston School Budget Will Be A Challenge In Fiscal 2013 Subject: BPS faces increased operational expenses and cuts in federal grants |
November, 2011 | Boston Ends Fiscal 2011 With A Surplus Subject: Revenues come in $20M over budget, but spending exceeds plan by $14M |
November, 2011 | Boston Waiting for SJC Decision on Quinn Bill Case Subject: At stake is a liability of $18.6M and new annualized costs of $10M |
November, 2012 | Inspectional Services Department to Launch E-Plan Submission Subject: Inspectional Services |
November, 2012 | City Faces Financial Challenge in Fiscal 2014 Subject: City Finances |
November, 2012 | Expanded AP Initiative for 10 Boston High Schools Subject: Schools |
November, 2013 | Boston Public Schools Snapshot 2013-2014 Subject: School demographics |
November, 2013 | State Chapter 70 Education Aid Plays a Reduced Role in Boston Subject: state aid |
November, 2014 | New PILOT Program Raises Receipts in Third Year Subject: Tax-Exempt Property |
November, 2014 | Superintendent Search Committee Sets Schedule Subject: Schools |
November, 2014 | Mayor’s Comprehensive Housing Plan: 2014-2030 Subject: Housing |
November, 2014 | City Utilizes Sixteen Revolving Funds for Specific Services Subject: Boston Finances |
October, 1988 | The School Committee Subject: Superintendent offered new contract |
October, 1988 | The School Committee Subject: is preparing to negotiate a new collective bargaining agreement with the Boston Teachers Union |
October, 1988 | The City Council Subject: Bureau is offered support for model which establishes uniformed procurement procedures |
October, 1988 | The City Council Subject: Boston redevelopment authority does not see expenses increasing in the forseeable future |
October, 1988 | The City Council Subject: Boston's redevelopment authority operated entirely on it's own source revenues, plans same for 1989 |
October, 1988 | The School Committee Subject: the Boston Teachers Union wants to play a bigger role in school's policy formulation and decisions |
October, 1988 | Department Head Watch Subject: Mayor has yet to appoint a new Executive Director to the Boston Water and Sewer Commission |
October, 1988 | The Bureau Subject: Fourth annual Shattuck Awards honors 6 city employees |
October, 1989 | City Council In Show of Solidarity Subject: Will pay the minimum amount due on all city bills |
October, 1989 | Vocational Education Subject: Expansion of the Humphrey Center program and a new approach to vocational education |
October, 1989 | Solid Waste/Recycling Subject: A Three-Part Recycling Program |
October, 1989 | Legislative Revenue Package Subject: One percent local option sales tax |
October, 1989 | Police Overtime Subject: BPD Overtime Expenditures |
October, 1989 | Student Assignment Update Subject: 410 Kindergarten students not assigned to any school system |
October, 1989 | The BTU Contract Subject: The Boston Teachers Union Contract was approved |
October, 1990 | School Budget Subject: School spending must be controlled and both sides will need to compromise... |
October, 1990 | Abatement Applications Subject: As of Oct. 22nd deadline, 9,306 abatement applications were filed with the Boston Assessing Dept. |
October, 1990 | New Boston City Hospital Subject: The new hospital is expected to be a self-sustaining project with the BCH generating revenues... |
October, 1990 | Superintendent Search Subject: As of the Oct. 30th deadline, 36 resumes were submitted to Wilson Riles, search consultant... |
October, 1990 | Ozone Ordinance Subject: This proposed ordinance will have a direct impact on businesses now operating in Boston... |
October, 1990 | Boston After Question 3 Subject: The City should plan on reducing its expenditures for FY 1992... |
October, 1990 | Facts and Figures Quiz Subject: Re: An open book quiz... |
October, 1991 | From 230 To 21 Subject: 230 applications have been submitted fo the appointed school committee's 21 positions |
October, 1992 | 1992 Shattuck Public Service Award Subject: The Bureau thanks the success of the awards program to the corporate sponsors |
October, 1992 | School Committee Opening Subject: Nominating Panel has extented deadline for applications for the School Committee |
October, 1992 | More School Cuts For Fiscal 1994? Subject: Budget cuts are estimated at $10.0 million plus collective bargaining increases |
October, 1992 | Governance of Boston City Hospital Subject: Hearing was held discuss ways in which BCH could improve operating efficiency |
October, 1992 | Health Care Commissiion Status Subject: This commission, appointed in July, has yet to hold first meeting |
October, 1992 | Fy93 School Budget Forecast Subject: School Department will spend over budget but they're still in a better position than in past years |
October, 1994 | upcoming Bureau event Subject: meeting with Pat McGovern on November 17th |
October, 1994 | Citywide recycling Starts in Boston Subject: The City of Boston announces its expansion of its blue box from 12,500 to 150, 000 residents |
October, 1994 | School Committee Changes Subject: school committee is looking for new candidates as 3 members step down |
October, 1994 | Six Pilot Schools To Open Doors Subject: six schools will open in september of 1995 |
October, 1994 | School Financial Systems Task Force Subject: purpose is to reorganize and design the financial, budgetary and programmatic systems task force |
October, 1994 | Compensation Board should finish job Subject: board created to provide independent judgement in a periodic review of salaries of elected officials |
October, 1994 | Community Policing Grant for Boston Subject: goal is to increase the partnership and ties between BPD and its neighborhoods |
October, 1994 | City Ends Fiscal 1994 with Surplus Subject: City ends year with $1.5 million surplus, 9th year of operating surplus in city |
October, 1995 | School Improvement Awards Subject: Superintendent presented cash awards to 50 schools for achievement in standards/improvement |
October, 1995 | School Committee Nominations Subject: Panel selected 10 interviewees who will then be selected by the Mayor to serve on the BSC |
October, 1995 | BPS Reorganization Subject: Pyzant developed 2-phase reorg. plan; description of Phase 1 & 2 is bulleted out in update piece |
October, 1995 | Hot Topic for Election '95 Subject: Home rule petition auth. merger for hospitals, some councillors backed off their vote for petition |
October, 1996 | School Accountablity Wins Subject: No vote (70-30%) retains appointment as means of establishing school committee |
October, 1996 | Boston Rates An A1 Subject: Moody's increased rating from A to A1 - highest bond rating ever; |
October, 1996 | Big Dogs Eat First Subject: Dept. Public Utilities plans to deregulate electric power industry by 1998; |
October, 1996 | Surplus in the City Subject: FY96 ended with $2.2 M surplus (11th consecutive); |
October, 1996 | And In The Schools Subject: School Committee ended FY96 with $16,325 surplus based on their $456.2 M budget |
October, 1996 | Accreditation Watch Subject: NEASC fully accredited 4 schools; 8 schools still on list of warnings, probation, or not accredited |
October, 1997 | Stanford 9 Final Results Subject: Open-Ended test results positive; cohort analysis revealed less improvement; Bureau recommendations |
October, 1997 | City Election Is Quiet Subject: Unopposed Menino gets 71% votes in re-election; Scapicchio defeats veteran Modica by 6% |
October, 1997 | Convention Center Vetoed Subject: Compromise center bill approved by House/Senate; Vetoed by Governor on 11/12/97, leg. will override? |
October, 1997 | Whatever Happened To..? Subject: BPS custodians study? The BFD audit released in 1995, which gave Mayor 83 recommendations |
October, 1997 | Legislature Gut Authority of Police Commissioner? Subject: Senate passes 1894, now before House; Bureau strongly opposes bill, cites public safety problems.. |
October, 1998 | Bureau Notes Subject: 5th annual Shattuck Awards & release of Boston Facts & Figures |
October, 1999 | Why No Washington Street BID? Subject: Why is BID stuck in legislature? 1.City BID's differ from State BID's; 2.BPPA concerns about patrols |
October, 1999 | Mayor's Planning Speech Subject: Planning and development speech to business leaders led to themes for future development; |
October, 1999 | Water Transit Has Big Potential Subject: Ridership projected to triple in next decade; need to expand capacity/quality of facilities,etc. |
October, 1999 | City Ends With Budget Surplus Subject: Ended FY99 with $7.7M surplus; 14th consecutive; Menino should establish a free cash surplus by now |
October, 1999 | Boston's Tax-Exempt Property Subject: 51% city property exempt; Stats and figure in text regarding specifics about property exemptions |
October, 1999 | Living Wage Regs Under Review Subject: Issue is whether regulations will strictly resemble ordinance, or if it will expand the laws reach |
October, 2002 | New BPS Bilingual Plan Subject: school committee approved new bilingual education policy providing increased services |
October, 2002 | Preparing for FY04 Subject: cost controls must be applied to prepare for further cuts in FY04 |
October, 2002 | School Committee Wants You Subject: applications being accepted for two school committee positions until 11/13/02 |
October, 2003 | Classification Shift Subject: Property tax burden expected to shift from business to residential class. |
October, 2003 | COOP Tax Break Subject: Should cooperative housing units qualify for the residential tax exemption? |
October, 2006 | Boston Police Numbers Continue to Rise Subject: Police |
October, 2006 | The Unsung Heros Subject: Shattuck Awards |
October, 2006 | It Pays To Be Elected Subject: Salaries |
October, 2006 | BPS Teacher Retention Faces Challenges Subject: Schools |
October, 2006 | Tax-Exempt Institutions Increase Pilot Payments Subject: City Finances |
October, 2008 | When Will the JLMC Act on Boston Firefighters' Contract? Subject: State committee was established to resolve disputes, not extend them |
October, 2008 | School Pathways Plan – Good Start But More Savings Needed Subject: Superintendent releases "Pathways to Excellence" plan to create savings and improve academic achievement. |
October, 2008 | A Renewed Look at Boston's Retiree Health Insurance Costs Subject: Segregated trust and Medicare enrollment receive new interest. |
October, 2008 | How Boston Fares In National Economic Turmoil Subject: City's conservative financial approach pays dividends in uncertain times |
October, 2009 | Boston Sells ARRA Qualified School Construction Bonds Subject: Boston is the first Massachusetts city to sell new stimulus QSCB tax credit bonds |
October, 2009 | Suffolk County Government Effectively Eliminated Subject: Sheriff's functions transferred to state but cost to Boston will stay the same |
October, 2009 | Mayor Will Appoint Two New School Committee Members Subject: An opportunity to serve the City - applications due November 12 |
October, 2009 | New Firefighters' Contract Not Expected Until 2010 Subject: Cost of firefighters' contract should reflect City's fiscal position |
October, 2010 | Charter Schools Will Expand In Boston Subject: Charter Schools |
October, 2010 | Boston School Committee Accepting Applications Subject: Appointed School Committee |
October, 2011 | An Opportunity to Serve on the Boston School Committee Subject: School Committee openings |
October, 2012 | City Has Settled Contracts With 11 Employee Unions Subject: New personnel policies are included in union contracts |
October, 2012 | Nominations for Boston School Committee Sought Subject: School Committee |
October, 2012 | Boston Ends Fiscal 2012 With a Surplus Subject: City Finances |
October, 2013 | Three School Committee Members To Be Appointed Subject: School Committee |
October, 2013 | Boston Ends Fiscal 2013 with a Surplus for 20th Year Subject: City Finances |
October, 2013 | Mayor Appoints Margaret McKenna to School Committee Subject: Appointed School Committee, Mayor walsh |
October, 2014 | A Chance to Serve the City on the Boston School Committee Subject: School Committee |
September, 1988 | The City Council Subject: approved ordinance improving the rent, eviction, and condominium conversion protection for tenants |
September, 1988 | The City Council Subject: approved a supplement appropriation for the school department |
September, 1988 | The City Council Subject: passed a resolution that the city and school department not buy Icelandic seafood products |
September, 1988 | Comparable Worth Subject: Mayor annouced group to spearhead reclassification and compensation study |
September, 1988 | The Mayor Subject: created special advisory Committee on School Reform |
September, 1988 | School Potpourri Subject: Survey says Boston had lowest teacher/pupil ratio and ranked second in per pupil expenditures |
September, 1988 | Tax Bills Subject: Last years operations and this years budget causing a delay in tax bill mailing |
September, 1988 | The School Committee Subject: failed to take remedial action after being informed that the system was headed for operating deficit |
September, 1988 | The Superintendent Subject: while Boston's average SAT scores rose, the average is still far less then the nations average |
September, 1988 | Tax Bills Subject: The unmailed tax bills will cost the city $30,000 in lost interest per day, |
September, 1989 | Council Follies Subject: Call for city to withhold payment of its phone bill until Nynex labor dispute is settled |
September, 1989 | Student Assignment Plan Subject: Controlled choice plan assignments |
September, 1989 | School Department Deficit Subject: School Department to record a fiscal 1989 operating shortfall |
September, 1989 | School Ballot Question Subject: City Council approved public policy question concerning the governance structure of School Committee |
September, 1989 | Tax Rate - Fiscal 1990 Subject: Department of Revenue certified Boston's fiscal 1990 commercial and residential tax rates |
September, 1989 | Fiscal 1990 Budget Subject: City is able to absorb state aid cuts without reducing appropriations |
September, 1990 | Boston Fiscal 1991 Tax Rate Subject: The tax rate is part of the City's fiscal plan for the year... |
September, 1990 | CLT Impact on Boston Subject: The DOR analysis is the first effort to quantify the direct impact of the CLT Petition... |
September, 1990 | Superintendent Search Subject: Question remains whether plan to have new Superintendent on board by 1/1 will limit candidate pool |
September, 1990 | Fiscal 1990 Surplus Subject: This marks the fifth consecutive year the City has generated an operating surplus... |
September, 1990 | Shattuck Awards Subject: October 10, 1990 Shattuck Awards Ceremony... |
September, 1990 | Fiscal 1991 Assessments Subject: City believes its values accurately reflect mrkt levels & overall changes in value needn't be made |
September, 1990 | School Governance Subject: The Bureau still believes that a 7 member committee appointed by Mayor is best option for Boston |
September, 1990 | Tax Levy and New Growth Subject: The City's levy is at its maximum limit and can't be increased further except through an override... |
September, 1991 | Water & Sewer Rate Changes Subject: BWSC planning rate change to increase business bills and reduce residence bills |
September, 1991 | Shattuck Awards, A Smash Hit Subject: Thanks to all those who were involved |
September, 1991 | Pension Funding Change Proposed Subject: Home rule petition approved to lower pension costs |
September, 1991 | Drivers, Start Your Buses Subject: Striking bus drivers reach an agreement |
September, 1991 | School Budget Battle Heats Up Subject: City urges School Committee and Superintendent to reduce budget |
September, 1991 | Last Call to Serve Subject: Deadline extended to apply for appointed School Committee Postition |
September, 1991 | City Squeaks Out Surplus in FY 1991 Subject: 1991 budget fot the city |
September, 1992 | Business Pays a Larger Share Subject: Business preperty pays increasingly more in taxes than residential property |
September, 1992 | Monthly Water and Sewer Bills Subject: Boston Water and Sewer Commission will issue bills on a monthly basis |
September, 1992 | Is Boston Reaching Its Levy Ceiling? Subject: Boston's property tax levy could reach the levy ceiling cap in fiscal 1995 |
September, 1992 | One Committee At A Time\ Subject: Dr. Guen will serve on both the Hospital Board and the School Committee |
September, 1992 | The 8th Annual Shattuck Awards Subject: Seven people honored for their service to the City of Boston |
September, 1994 | A New Look at School Buildings Subject: menino announces establishment of the community learning centers blue ribbon commission |
September, 1994 | 17 Seek Pilot Status Subject: The school department received 17 proposals for the development of pilot schools within the BPS |
September, 1994 | BPS '95 Budget at $425 Million Subject: increase of 16.7 million |
September, 1994 | Fire Study Heats up Subject: Menino selected MMA consulting to undertake the management oper. of the needs analysis of the BFD |
September, 1994 | More Students Stay in Class Subject: dropout rate for 93-94 was 8.3% down from 92-93 |
September, 1994 | Shattuck Celebrates it's 10th Subject: Shattuck Public service award recipients for 1994 |
September, 1994 | Hospital merger team begins to operate Subject: the commission has established seven committees to assist in it's implentation work and recommendati |
September, 1994 | Boston rates an A Subject: the City of Boston sold 70 million in general obligation bonds through a competitive bid process |
September, 1995 | Wanted: School Committee Nominations Subject: Panel seeks nominations to submit to Mayor for his appointment of the positions |
September, 1995 | Bricks & Mortar & Technology for BPS Subject: Community Ctrs. Commission releases plan for improvement of BPS facilities for the 21st century |
September, 1995 | A Decade of Surpluses Subject: Ended FY95 with $1.997 M operating surplus; 10th consecutive surplus yr; |
September, 1995 | Boston Rates An A+ Subject: Standard & Poor's increased bond rating from A to A+ , highest rating ever for Boston |
September, 1995 | Governor To Sign Merger Bill Subject: Legislature approved hospital merger bill,for approval by Gov, then hospitals will negotiate merger |
September, 1995 | Presenting the 1995 Shattuck Recipients Subject: Eight awards given |
September, 1997 | Surprise! Voter Turnout Low Subject: Preliminary election turnout low, only 14.5% voters participated, down from 50.3% in 1993 |
September, 1997 | COLA Vote Expected Subject: Retirement Board to accept/reject new COLA law, then must be approved by Council & Mayor |
September, 1997 | BTU Contract Signed Subject: 9/17/97, 3yr. contract approved with BTU for $75M; list of key provisions and changes in text |
September, 1997 | Talking Trash Subject: Collect/Disposal contract costs $25.1M based on tonnage; Estimations on tonnage, bids examined |
September, 1997 | Convention Center Update Subject: BCEC approved in separate Senate/House Bills; Bureau recommends $1.00 revenue for rental surcharges |
September, 1997 | The School Committee Subject: Spring chairs joint BPS-BTU Restructuring Task Force; English High accredited; Preformance indicator |
September, 1997 | Capital Budget Approved Subject: Final approval from Council for Mayor's 5yr. plan by approving bond authorizations for FY98 @$186.2M |
September, 1997 | On Beacon Hill Subject: Senate third reading of S1894, supported by Patrolman's Assoc, that limits Commissioners powers |
September, 1998 | Environmental Impact Report Subject: BRA must complete EIR, to be submitted to the MCCA for review in October, as part of BCEC regs |
September, 1998 | Welfare Benefits to Run Out Subject: December 1: 7,148 families could use all cash assistance and be required to get employement |
September, 1998 | Registry of Deeds Transfer Subject: FY00 - Secretary of State will assume operation of Deeds; no dramatic impact on city revenue stream |
September, 1998 | City Rates An Increase Subject: Moody's increased rating to Aa3 - highest rating since A1 in 1996; |
September, 1998 | Convention Center Marketability Study Subject: Legislation requires study to project reasonable satisfaction that conditions are met by 2003, etc. |
September, 1998 | Accreditation News Subject: First time in 3 yrs, all 15 Boston high schools are accredited; however, 5 still face problems |
September, 1998 | Bond Sale Sharply Increases Subject: City to sell $120M of GO bonds to finance capital program; largest issue sold; |
September, 1998 | Snapshot on Homicide Rate Subject: 1997 saw 37 year low; currently, this trend continues as Boston has seen only 22 as of August |
September, 1999 | Parks Snapshot Subject: Facts and figures about the Parks Department |
September, 1999 | More Boston Taxi's Subject: With 40% more medallions to be sold, city already met $23M revenue to support it's share of BCEC |
September, 1999 | Capital Concerns Subject: City must prioritize capital projects; analysis must occur to ensure that basic maintenance is met |
September, 1999 | City Election Stats Subject: Diagram and narrative explaining citywide voter turnout since 1981 |
September, 1999 | Contract Cleaning for New Schools Subject: Superintendent should put cleaning out to bid for 5 new schools; |
September, 2000 | City Unveils Housing Plan Subject: How one-time $30M will be used? Mayor released 'Leading the Way' report on 3 Yr. housing strategy; |
September, 2000 | K-2 Class Size Cuts Subject: BPS-BTU contract reduced class sizes of K-2 by 25-22 students by 2003, and grades 3-5 from 28-25 |
September, 2000 | Values To Go Up, Tax Rates To Go Down Subject: Overall values expected growth of 25%, drop in property tax rates in excess of 10% |
September, 2001 | Linkage Change Advances Subject: Mayor & Council signed petition to incrase linkage fees, speed up cash flow, & formalize mitigation |
September, 2001 | Rent Control By Another Name Subject: Menino home rule petition passed rent limits 8,000 'at-risk' housing units; rent control effort? |
September, 2001 | CPA Loss Requires New Direction Subject: No winners in Community Preservation Act vote; CPA not good policy, but city must address housing |
September, 2001 | Year End Surplus Divided Subject: City officials to apply FY01 State/excise revenues to FY02; City still closes FY01 with $8.6M surplus |
September, 2002 | ERI Workout Subject: city must determine if it can accept the 507 ERI applicants and still backfill no more than 20% |
September, 2002 | FY02 BPS Surplus Subject: boston schools had operating budget surplus for the 12th year running |
September, 2002 | Salary Increase OK'd Subject: salary increases for the mayor, council, and department heads (still face problem of compression) |
September, 2002 | FY02 City Surplus Subject: $5.2M general fund surplus for final FY02 due to excess revenue. |
September, 2002 | BPS Appointments Subject: superintendent appointed 38 new school administrators for 02-03 |
September, 2002 | 1010 Mass Ave. Subject: Boston will purchase office building currently being rented for city departments |
September, 2002 | Capital Idea Subject: bond conversions and refinancing in FY02 have created significant savings for the city |
September, 2003 | No Tax Amnesty Subject: Why Boston doesn't need a tax amnesty program. |
September, 2003 | BID Next Step Subject: The Washington Street Business Improvement District is moving it's way through the Legislature |
September, 2003 | MVE Targeted Subject: What an intiative petition to repeal the motor vehicle excise tax would mean to Boston. |
September, 2003 | Spending Rank Subject: Governing Magazine ranks state & local spending. |
September, 2003 | Election 2003 Subject: Preliminary Election Results |
September, 2003 | By Any Other Name Subject: New version of rent control is making its way through the City Council |
September, 2003 | FY03 City Surplus Subject: City ends FY03 with a surplus despite dire predictions. |
September, 2006 | New Civilian Fire Commissioner Appointed Subject: Fire |
September, 2006 | Boston Public Schools Awarded the 2006 Broad Prize Subject: Schools |
September, 2006 | City Management Appointments and Remaining Vacancies Subject: Personnel |
September, 2006 | Congratulations to the 2006 Shattuck Award Recipients Subject: Shattuck |
September, 2006 | Raising the Bar for School Contract Negotiations Subject: Schools |
September, 2006 | State-Local Infrastructure BIll Signed by Governor Subject: Development |
September, 2007 | New Superintendent Reveals Her Opening Strategy Subject: Schools |
September, 2007 | Tax Initiative Petitions Certified by AG Subject: Finances |
September, 2007 | Mayor Appoints Fire Review Panel Subject: Fire |
September, 2007 | Boston Ends Fiscal 2007 With a Surplus Subject: Finances |
September, 2007 | School Committee Search Subject: School Committee |
September, 2007 | City Council Races Set for November Election Subject: Election |
September, 2008 | Change Coming To Boston Retirement Board Subject: For the first time in 14 years, a non-union member is elected Chairman of the Boston Retirement Board |
September, 2008 | Three City Employee Salary Issues Subject: Department Head salary raises tied to second year of performance evaluations |
September, 2008 | Boston's OPEB Liability Is Growing Subject: New actuarial valuation increases liability by $553M since June 2005 |
September, 2008 | Boston Ends FY08 With a Surplus Subject: Revenues come in $34M over budget, but spending exceeds plan by $18M |
September, 2010 | Boston United for Students Subject: A coalition of 35 organizations united to demand serious reform in the teachers' contract |
September, 2010 | Boston's Bonds Now Rated Aaa by Moody's Subject: The rate is due to a recalibration, not a change in credit opinion |
September, 2010 | Boston Ends Fiscal 2010 With A Small Surplus Subject: Actual revenues over budget exceed spending over appropriations to generate $9.1M surplus |
September, 2010 | A New Beginning at 12 BPS Turnaround Schools Subject: New authority and $22.5 million applied to transform underperforming schools |
September, 2011 | A Challenging TIme for Local Governments Subject: Moody's issues negative outlook for US local government but Boston is better positioned |
September, 2011 | Innovation Districts Build Momentum Subject: 70 New firms have located in the Innovation District since January 2010 |
September, 2011 | Training City of Boston Managers Subject: Management Certification Program is a promising new start to a decades old challenge |
September, 2011 | City Council Races Set for General Election Subject: Candidates for the November 8 election have been narrowed down |
September, 2012 | Boston Business Hub Provides Resource for Businesses Subject: Small Business |
September, 2012 | Boston Starts Employee Classification and Compensation Overhaul Subject: Personnel |
September, 2012 | Linkage Revenue Supports Workforce Development Subject: Linkage |
September, 2013 | Next Mayor May Need to Settle Final Union Contracts Subject: Collective Bargaining |
September, 2013 | How Boston's Pension System Compares Subject: Pension |
September, 2013 | New PILOT Program Raises Receipts in Second Year Subject: PILOT Revenues |
September, 2014 | Boston Ends FY14 with a Surplus for 21st Year Subject: City finances |
September, 2014 | The Continued Challenge of Underperforming Schools in Boston Subject: 64% of ranked schools are underperforming |
September, 2014 | Changes in the School Committee and Nominating Panel Subject: Search for new School Committee member begins |