11/12/2024 | 24-2 | Diversifying Boston’s Revenue | Finance |
5/2/2024 | 24-1 | Analyzing Mayor Wu’s Property Tax Classification Proposal | Finance/Classification |
10/30/2023 | 23-2 | Boston’s Changing Workforce | Personnel |
4/25/2023 | 23-1 | $559M Infusion for Boston’s Recovery | Finance/ARPA |
12/21/2022 | 22-4 | Boston’s Capital Plan: Continuing to Move Boston Forward | Capital/Finance |
11/29/2022 | 22-3 | Community Preservation Act Hits 5-year Mark Boston program distributes funding for community projects | CPA/Finance |
11/14/2022 | 22-2 | New Budgetary Process Comes with Challenges & Opportunities - Lessons Learned from the FY23 Budget Process | Finance/Budget |
6/2/2022 | 22-1 | Mayor Wu: FY23 Proposed Budget responds to: A moment of urgency and possibility | Finance/Budget |
10/16/2020 | 20-3 | Boston’s FY21 Budget Plan: Conservative approach beneficial to maintaining service delivery | Finance/Budget |
| 20-2 | FY21 Recommended Budget Overview, An Early Assessment of COVID-19 Impact on Boston’s Finances | Finance/Budget |
2/25/2020 | 20-1 | Residential & Business Property Value Dynamics, Part 2: Boston’s Boom Spikes Property Values FY13-FY19 | Property Values/Assessing |
12/16/2019 | 19-4 | Boston’s Boom Spikes Property Values: Part I Overview of Property Value Trends FY13-FY19 | Property Values/Assessing |
4/30/2019 | 19-3 | Budget Watch 2020: Analysis of Boston’s FY20 proposed budget. | Finance/Budget |
3/6/2019 | 19-2 | Boston Homeowner Tax Benefit: Average single-family tax bill is one of the lowest in the area | Assessing/Real Estate/Property Tax |
3/4/2019 | 19-1 | Boston’s PILOT Program at Year 7 | Tax Exempt |
10/15/2018 | 18-3 | Employee Levels and Cost in Mayor’s First Term | Personnel/Employees |
6/27/2018 | 18-2 | Boston’s FY19 Budget Grows 4.4% | Finances/Budget |
2/14/2018 | 18-1 |
Housing Created from Sale of City-Owned Parcels | Housing/Parcel Disposition Initiative |
9/12/2017 | 17-1 | Boston’s FY18 Budget Increases by 5.0% | Finances/Budget |
10/26/2016 | 16-7 |
What If Boston Adopts the CPA? | Finances/Housing |
8/22/2016 | 16-6 |
Next Teachers’ Contract Must Be About Reform | Collective Bargaining |
8/16/2016 | 16-5 |
City of Boston Adopts Balanced FY17 Budget | Finances |
6/9/2016 | 16-4 |
City Employee Levels Decreased in 2015
| Personnel |
5/3/2016 | 16-3 | Boston’s Taxable Value Grows to $128 Billion | Property Values |
4/3/2016 | 16-2 | The True Cost of Boston’s Charter Schools | Charter Schools |
3/3/2016 | 16-1 | Boston Public Schools Human Capital Initiative | Schools |
5/20/2015 | 15-3 | Boston’s Taxable Value Surpasses $100 Billion | Property Values |
5/7/2015 | 15-2 | Inside the Boston Public Schools’ Budget | BPS Finances |
3/12/2015 | 15-1 | Boston Employee Levels Increase for Third Year | Personnel |
12/31/2014 | 14-3 | Revisiting Boston’s Pension System | Pension |
12/02/2014 | 14-2 | Boston Employee Levels Increase for Second Year | Employee Levels |
07/14/2014 | 14-1 | State Senate Should Approve the Education Reform Bill | Schools |
09/18/2013 | 13-5 | Charter Seat Growth Should Drive BPS Reform | BPS Charter Schools EDUCATION |
09/10/2013 | 13-4 | The Importance of Economic Development in Boston | Heavy Reliance on the Property Tax make development a high priority |
05/09/2013 | 13-3 | Boston Employee Levels Increase in 2012 | Personnel |
04/02/2013 | 13-2 | Bostons Tax Values Reach Highest Level in Four Years | Assessed values & tax rate |
01/04/2013 | 13-1 | Boston's New PILOT Program Completes First Year | Tax Exempt |
11/05/2012 | 12-7 | Boston Teachers Contract Settled for 2010-2016 | School Contract |
09/11/2012 | 12-6 | BPS-BTU Contract Reform: Compensation Incentives | School Collective Bargaining |
06/28/2012 | 12-5 | High Stakes for Final Teachers Contract | BPS-BTU Collective Bargaining 2012 |
05/22/2012 | 12-4 | Bostons Taxable Values Increase in FY12 | Assessed value in Boston |
04/10/2012 | 12-3 | Boston Personnel Levels Remain Flat in 2011 | Employee levels |
03/20/2012 | 12-2 | BPS-BTU Contract: Teacher Transfer & Reassignments | School: Teacher Assignment |
01/02/2012 | 12-1 | BPS and BTU Far Apart on Salary Plans | Collective Bargaining - BTU Contract Negotitations |
09/15/2011 | 11-3 | Charter Schools Set to Expand in Boston | Schools |
06/13/2011 | 11-2 | Bostons Base Values Decline in FY11 | Property Tax/Assessed Values |
03/21/2011 | 11-1 | Employee Drop Enables Boston to Meet Tight Budgets | Employee Levels |
10/28/2010 | 10-2 | Question 3 Threatens City Services | Finances |
06/01/2010 | 10-1 | Fire Arbitration Award Should Not Be Approved | Fire Contract |
08/06/2009 | 09-3 | Boston Approves Balanced FY10 Budget: City may face more difficult financial challenges in FY11 | Finances |
06/03/2009 | 09-2 | Change for Mayors $2.4Billion FY10 Budget | Finances |
10/20/2009 | 09-1 | Personnel Level Unsustainable Amid Fiscal Stress | Personnel |
10/27/2008 | 08-3 | Question 1 Threatens Basic City Services | Finance |
07/22/2008 | 08-2 | Rising Personnel Costs are Cause for Concern | Employees |
01/16/2008 | 08-1 | Time for Drug Testing for Firefighters | Fire |
10/02/2007 | 07-4 | Boston’s Property Taxes In Limbo: Legislature should restore classification law to pre-2004 status | Assessing |
07/10/2007 | 07-3 | Bostons Classification At Crossroads: The Business Tax Ceiling Should be Reduced to 175% in FY08 | Assessments |
06/25/2007 | 07-2 | Bostons Employee Earnings in 2006: Higher Earnings Put More Focus on the Affordability of Generous Benefits | Salaries |
04/26/2007 | 07-1 | Caution Ahead - Bostons Rising Personnel Costs | Personnel |
07/26/2006 | 06-3 | Boston’s FY07 Budget Is Set, Concerns Loom | City Finance |
05/22/2006 | 06-2 | Bostons Property Values Trend Closer: Further Tax Shift To Residential Property Still Likely | Assessments |
03/15/2006 | 06-1 | Bostons Personnel Spending Surges Despite Employee Cuts | Personnel |
07/13/2005 | 05-2 | Bostons $2 Billion Budget: Employee Driven Spending Causes Tight Operations | City Finance |
02/15/2005 | 05-1 | Bostons Tax Levy Shift Continues | Assessments |
07/07/2004 | 04-4 | Bostons Fiscal 2005 Budget - Limited Growth Goes To Contracts, Benefits | City Finance |
05/11/2004 | 04-3 | Bostons Workforce At Lowest Level In Seven Years | Employees |
04/29/2004 | 04-2 | Funding Bostons Collective Bargaining Contracts | Collective Bargaining |
01/08/2004 | 04-1 | Bostons Shifting Tax Burden in Fiscal 2004: The potential Impact to Homeowners & Businesses | Classification |
12/01/2003 | 03-8 | Bostons Shrinking Workforce | Employees |
08/06/2003 | 03-7 | Restorations Stabilize Bostons FY04 Budget | City Finances |
05/27/2003 | 03-6 | New Quinn Bill Reform Depends On Senate | Police |
05/19/2003 | 03-5 | Bostons FY04 Recommended Budget: Basic Services Provided, State Aid May Grow | City Finances |
04/30/2003 | 03-4 | Fiscal 2004 School Budget Scaled Back: Core Academics Will Be Maintained | School Finance |
04/28/2003 | 03-3 | Time To Replace The Quinn Bill | Police |
04/03/2003 | 03-2 | Boston Halts Workforce Growth | Employees |
01/31/2003 | 03-1 | Setting Boston's Fiscal 2003 Tax Rates Creates Levy Shift | City Finances |
07/10/2002 | 02-3 | Boston’s FY 2003 Budget: Tighter But Still Full Service | City Finance |
06/18/2002 | 02-2 | Boston in FY2003: Setting Priorities & Managing Better | City Finances |
02/01/2002 | 02-1 | Implementing The Boston Teachers’ Contract: Process Is Generally Successful But Key Opportunities Missed | Union Contract |
12/17/2001 | 01-5 | Do You Know The Facts About Boston? | Facts |
11/14/2001 | 01-4 | First Steps Taken For Fire Department Reform.: A Costly Framework is Set—Management Must Now Respond. | Fire |
10/31/2001 | 01-3 | CPA: Well Meaning But Not Good Public Policy | Housing |
10/25/2001 | 01-2 | Community Preservation Act in Boston: Imperfect Act Comes At Difficult Time | Housing |
05/15/2001 | 01-1 | Improving The Boston Fire Department: A Three Step Approach to Bring About Needed Change | Fire |
10/31/2000 | 00-3 | Managing The Teachers’ Contract: City Pays to Improve Hiring Flexibility, Implementation Now Key | Union Contract |
10/06/2000 | 00-2 | Hiring Flexibility Needed in BTU Contract: Internal Hiring Process Too Rigid, Remains Key Obstacle in School Reform | Union Contract |
05/17/2000 | 00-1 | Boston FY 2001 Budget: Challenges of Managing in a Time Of Higher Expectations. | City Finance |
06/02/1999 | 99-1 | Boston’s FY 2000 Budget: Grows Despite State Aid Shift | City Finance |
06/02/1999 | 99-2 | FY 2000 School Department Budget Financial Uncertainly Looms—BPS to Implement New Transition Programs | School Finance |
11/05/1998 | 98-4 | Boston’s Linkage Program: A New Approach To Managing Linkage Funds For Housing and Job Training | Linkage |
04/08/1998 | 98-3 | Raising The Bar For Education In Boston Stakes Are High for Students, Teachers and Taxpayers | Schools |
03/09/1998 | 98-2 | The Funding Of A Convention Center Financing is Feasible for Boston | Convention Center |
01/07/1998 | 98-1 | Don’t Handcuff Boston’s Police Commissioner | Police |
10/20/1997 | 97-4 | The Boston Convention and Exhibition Center: Financing Is Sufficiently Secure; City is More at Risk | Convention Center |
06/09/1997 | No.97-3 | FACT SHEET FY 1998 School Budget At A Glance | Schools |
06/09/1997 | 97-3 | The FY 1998 School Department Budget ~ Time for Multi-Year Investment To Show Results | School Finances |
03/25/1997 | 97-2 | The Ups and Downs of Boston’s Workforce | Employees |
01/23/1997 | 97-1 | Comparing Boston’s School Committee Structure | Schools |
07/30/1996 | 96-4 | Boston Medical Center/The Right Choice But The Real Work Is Just Beginning | Hospital |
06/13/1996 | 96-3 | FY 1997 BPS Budget: What does $468.9 million buy? | School Finance |
05/23/1996 | 96-2 | Boston FY 1997 Budget: Poised for Change? | City Finance |
02/26/1996 | 96-1 | City Post Large Increase In Workforce | Employees |
11/13/1995 | 95-5 | Boston School Budget: Fiscal Challenges This Year, Budget Changes Next Year | School Finance |
07/21/1995 | 95-4 | The City of Boston’s FY 1996 Budget | City Finance |
06/29/1995 | 95-3 | The New Boston Public Health Network Should be Approved | Hospital |
03/22/1995 | 95-2 | Test Your Knowledge of Boston | Facts |
03/14/1995 | 95-1 | City of Boston’s Workforce Increases by 297 in 1994 | Employees |
12/19/1994 | 94-8 | Salary Raise Ordinances Should be Amended | Salaries |
11/29/1994 | 94-7 | New Schools in Boston: Charter and Pilot Options | Schools |
10/31/1994 | 94-6 | Research Bureau Opposes Question Question 1: Regulating Spending On Ballot Question Campaigns | Election |
08/17/1994 | 94-5 | The Politics and Process of Pay Raises for City Council and Mayor | Salaries |
07/22/1994 | 94-4 | The City of Bostons FY 1995 Budget The Menino Administration Puts Its Imprint On City Government | City Finance |
03/25/1994 | 94-3 | City Budget Is Balanced, Structural Gap Remains | City Finance |
02/28/1994 | 94-2 | City of Bostons Workforce Continues To Decline | Employees |
02/09/1994 | 94-1 | The Impact of Boston City Hospital In Securing Bostons Financial Health - Conclusions From A Financial Assessment | Hospital |
10/27/1993 | 93-1 | Change, Yes -- Fundamental Change, No ~ 1993 Mayoral Candidates Response to Bostons Financial Situation | Election |
12/14/1992 | 92-4 | Boston Ends FY 1992 With A Surplus | City Finance |
06/04/1992 | 92-3 | Bostons FY 1993 Budget, Where The Money Comes From, Where The Money Goes | City Finance |
05/20/1992 | 92-2 | Boston Facts & Figures Test | Facts |
02/19/1992 | 92-1 | Bostons Work Force Declines in Each Of The Last Three Years | Employees |
11/06/1991 | 91-5 | City Slow Off The Block In Reducing Work Force | Employees |
08/01/1991 | 91-4 | Recent Local Aid Cuts Put Bostons Budget Out of Balance | City Finance |
07/25/1991 | 91-3 | Boston Personnel Update - A Look After Six Months of 1991 | Employees |
04/04/1991 | 91-2 | Bostons Budget Problem In FY 1992 | City Finance |
03/21/1991 | 91-1 | Bostons Work Force Declines For Second Consecutive Year | Employees |
10/31/1990 | 90-5 | The Impact of Question 3 on the City of Boston | Taxes |
09/06/1990 | 90-4 | Bureau Reaffirms Support for Appointed School Committee | Schools |
07/02/1990 | 90-3 | The Boston Facts & Figures Test | Facts |
05/04/1990 | 90-2 | Bostons Work Force Decreased in 1989: More Cuts To Come in 1990 | Employees |
02/17/1990 | 90-1 | Collective Bargaining Forces Difficult Choices for Boston | Union Contract - City Finance |
07/26/1989 | 89-4 | Bureau Supports Appointed School Committee | Schools |
05/09/1989 | 89-3 | Bostons Work force levels Off After Two Years of Rapid Growth | Employees |
04/06/1989 | 89-2 | The City of Boston and The Proposition 2 1/2 Limit(s) | Proposition 2 1/2 |
03/15/1989 | 89-1 | Boston Faces Tough Budget Challenge in 1990 | City Finance |
12/16/1988 | 88-6 | Management of Bostons Overtime | City Finance |
10/18/1988 | 88-5 | Bo$ton By The Numbers | Facts |
06/02/1988 | 88-4 | Time to Revise School Budget and Funding Strategy | School Finance |
03/14/1988 | 88-3 | City Must exercise Caution in Adding New Employees to Payroll | Employees |
02/08/1988 | 88-2 | The School Department Budget: A Moving Target | School Finance |
01/05/1988 | 88-1 | Managing Attendance Should Continue to be a High Priority | Employees |
10/21/1987 | 87-4 | Boston Moves to Improve School Governance and Accountability | Schools |
09/17/1987 | 87-3 | City Increased Work Force in FY 1987 | Employees |
06/24/1987 | 87-2 | The Facts and Figures of Bostons Government | Facts |
05/08/1987 | 87-1 | FY 1988 School Budget | School Finance |
12/19/1986 | 86-5 | The Spiraling School Budget | School Finance |
07/17/1986 | 86-4 | Boston Salary Structure Needs Periodic Review | Salaries |
06/12/1986 | 86-3 | Boston School Departments FY 1987 Preliminary Budget | School Finance |
06/04/1986 | 86-2 | | Employees |
03/13/1986 | 86-1 | Boston Personnel Changes In 1985 | Employees |
10/02/1985 | 85-3 | Boston Facts & Figures | Facts |
05/28/1985 | 85-2 | Scope Of Bostons Fiscal Problem (Part II) | City Finance |
04/23/1985 | 85-1 | Scope Of Bostons Fiscal Problem (Part I) | City Finance |
12/14/1984 | 84-10 | Bostons Personnel Reduction Program | Employees |
09/25/1984 | 84-9 | Four Stage Plan Needed To Address Long-Range Revenue Imbalances | City Finance |
08/02/1984 | 84-8 | Bostons First Billion Dollar Budget Faces Large Shortfall | City Finance |
07/30/1984 | 84-7 | Reexamining the Role, Compensation & Staffing of the Boston School Committee | School |
07/26/1984 | 84-6 | Flynn Administration Personnel Reductions After 6 Months | Employees |
05/17/1984 | 84-5 | The Boston School Budget for FY 1985: Debate Between Strengthening Programs & The Citys Ability to Pay | School Finance |
04/26/1984 | 84-4 | The Flynn Administration and First Quarter Personnel Changes: A Good First Step Better Reporting Needed | Employees |
03/22/1984 | 84-3 | City Council Needs Strong Central Staff | City Council |
02/17/1984 | 84-2 | Spending-Down Nonessential Reserves - An Update | City Finance |
01/12/1984 | 84-1 | A Deficit in the Making | City Finance |
09/16/1983 | 83-6 | Personnel Reductions Needed to Address Shortfalls | Employees |
08/30/1983 | 83-5 | A Fiscal Affairs Agenda For the Next Mayor | Election |
07/27/1983 | 83-4 | Boston Faces Estimated Shortfall This Year | City Finance |
04/29/1983 | 83-3 | Questions For The Candidates For Mayor, 1983 | Election |
03/29/1983 | 83-2 | The Boston City Budget At the Three Quarter Mark | City Finance |
03/11/1983 | 83-1 | Changes In Bostons Personnel Levels | Employees |
11/17/1982 | 82-9 | Getting Bostons Solid Waste Out of the Dumps | Public Works |
10/26/1982 | 82-8 | Down the Homestretch on Revaluation & Classification | Assessments |
09/02/1982 | 82-7 | Not Out of the Woods Yet - Financial Problems Coming in FY 1984 Require Budgets Cuts Now | City Finance |
07/16/1982 | 82-6 | The Mayors FY 1983 Budget Recommendations | City Finance |
05/14/1982 | 82-5 | The State of the Boston Public Schools Part 4 -- School Staffing | School Employees |
04/21/1982 | 82-4 | | Taxes |
02/26/1982 | 82-3 | Bostons Personnel Reduction Program: Good Efforts After One Year Should Be Maintained | Employees |
02/10/1982 | 82-2 | The State of Boston Public Schools A Pessimistic Diagnosis by the Numbers Part III -- School Facilities | Schools |
01/12/1982 | 82-1 | 1982 Tax Rate: $230.90 -- The Other Side of Proposition 2 1/2 -- A Cut of $4.80 | Taxes |
10/12/1981 | 81-12 | Boston Faces $30 Million Appropriation Deficit | City Finance |
09/17/1981 | 81-11 | The State of the Boston Public Schools Park II -- Pupil Enrollments | Schools |
09/16/1981 | 81-10 | Bostons 1981 Personnel Reduction Program A Second Look after Six Months | Employees |
09/01/1981 | 81-9 | The State of the Boston Public Schools Part I – Finances | Schools |
08/10/1981 | 81-8 | Recycling Surplus Schools | Schools |
07/28/1981 | 81-7 | What Can Be Done To Control School Sending | Schools |
07/17/1981 | 81-6 | Boston Ends FY1981 With Strong Cash Position | City Finance |
06/16/1981 | 81-5 | Bostons 1981 Personnel Reduction Program | Employees |
05/21/1981 | 81-4 | Bostons School System In Crisis: How Should It Be Restructured | Schools |
04/10/1981 | 81-3 | Time For Boston To Call In Its Markers From The State | City Finance |
02/16/1981 | 81-2 | School Absenteeism - Its Not just for Kids Anymore | School Employees |
01/28/1981 | 81-1 | Can Boston Service the First-Year Impact of Proposition 2 1/2? | City Finance/ Proposition 2 1/2 |
12/30/1980 | 101 | 1981 Tax Rate: $272.70 But On The Way Down | Taxes |
12/16/1980 | 100 | Time To Pay The Piper | City Finance |
11/25/1980 | 99 | Stronger Financial Control System Needed For Boston | School Finance |
10/27/1980 | 98 | Proposition 2 1/2: Impact on Boston | Proposition 2 1/2 |
10/07/1980 | 97 | City of Boston Employees -- How Many Are There? | Employees |
09/03/1980 | 96 | Mayor and School Committee Must Compromise On School Budget | School Finance |
05/12/1980 | 95 | State Rental of County Court Facilities: A Case of Injustice to Cities and Towns | City Finance |
05/01/1980 | 94 | Condominium Conversion in Boston: A Significant Tax Benefit to the City | Taxes |
12/28/1979 | 93 | Boston School Department Central Reorganization II: More People, Increased Costs During 17 Month Process | School Finance |
12/05/1979 | 92 | Personnel, Spending Must be Cut To Avoid Another City Budget Deficit | Employees |
10/25/1979 | 91 | 1980 Tax Rate: $252.90 For The Last Time | Taxes |
10/04/1979 | 90 | Boston Does It Again: Budget Overspent by $18.3 Million in FY 1979 | City Finance |
08/09/1979 | 89 | Boston School Department Central Reorganization: Promised Savings Not Yet Met; Personnel and Costs Increased | School Finance |
07/25/1979 | 88 | Questions for the Candidates | Election |
06/22/1979 | 87 | House and Senate Budgets: A $9 Tax Rate for Boston | Taxes |
05/08/1979 | 86 | Boston Water and Sewer Commission Underrated: Inherited Financial and Operational Problems Being Addressed | Water & Sewer |
04/27/1979 | 85 | Balance Sheet on the Citys Audit: No Change In The Bottom Line for Taxpayers | City Finance |
03/20/1979 | 84 | If It Takes Forever, The Court Wont Wait For You: Boston School Committee Again Postpones School Closings | Schools |
02/22/1979 | 83 | Nobody Does It Like You, Boston: Problems with the Budget Appropriation and Expenditure Control System | City Finance |
11/28/1978 | 82 | Bostons Sick Leave Program: The $16.3 Million Patient is in Serious Condition and Requires Constant Supervision | Employees |
10/17/1978 | 81 | 1979 Tax Rate Stays at $252.90 for Third Year | Taxes |
09/12/1978 | 80 | Bostons State Legislators: The Record for 1977-1978 | Election |
09/01/1978 | 78 | Its August First: Do You Know What Your Budget Is? | City Finance |
08/28/1978 | 79 | City Can Cut Tax Rate in FY 1979 by $4-5, Bureau States | Taxes |
07/14/1978 | 77 | Tax-Exempt Property a Boston Burden: State and Private Payments in Lieu of Taxes Needed | Tax Exempt Property |
05/12/1978 | 76 | Boston School Superintendent May Get Real Management Power: School Reorganization Plan Passes Committee, City Council | Schools |
04/27/1978 | 75 | Boston Taken for a Ride: Growing MBTA deficit Allocated Unfairly | City Finance |
03/21/1978 | 74 | Ignoring the Problem of Excess Schools: The Inadequacy of the Unified Facilities Plan | Schools |
03/07/1978 | 73 | City Payroll Trimmed by 1,118 in 1977 -- With a Little Help | Employees |
01/23/1978 | 72 | City Council Vote: Will the Charles Street Jail Issue Finally be Resolved? | County Corrections |
11/14/1977 | 71 | Facing Up to the Problem of Excess Schools: Why Nineteen Boston Elementary Schools Should be Closed Now | Schools |
11/07/1977 | 70 | Bureau Supports Strengthened Finance Commission | City Finance |
09/30/1977 | 69 | 1978 Tax Rate Stays at $252.90--Heres Why | Taxes |
09/12/1977 | 68 | City's Spending Reduction Program Falls Short of Goal | City Finance |
08/15/1977 | 67 | Watch-Dog Days Report | City Finance |
06/29/1977 | 66 | City Fiscal Year Ends with Good News, Bad News | City Finance |
05/19/1977 | 65 | Water and Sewer Services: A Financial Drain On Boston | Water & Sewer |
05/04/1977 | 64 | Theres No Such Thing As A Free Lunch: The Bostons School Lunch Program | Schools |
03/03/1977 | 63 | Compulsory and Binding Arbitration: A Costly Experiment | Union Contract |
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