July 16, 2025 | Boston’s Property Tax Classification Proposal | Property Taxes |
January 20, 2023 | Opportunities and Considerations as Boston looks to implement Participatory Budgeting for Residents | Participatory Budgeting |
December 7, 2021 | Considerations for proposed School Committee Governance | School Committee |
June 3, 2021 | Be careful what you wish for, Boston! Boston’s Financial Stability at Risk with Council Order | Charter Change/Budget Authority |
January 29, 2021 | Proposed Amendment Should Not Be Advanced Legal Grounds and Policy Impact Jeopardize Boston’s Financial Stability | Charter Change/Budget Authority |
January 26, 2021 | Yet another election in 2021 would not serve Boston well | Special Election |
September 8, 2020 | Collective Bargaining Agreements as policy tools | Collective Bargaining/Police |
August 6, 2020 | Research Bureau Opposes Change to Budget Responsibility of the Mayor | Charter Reform/Budgetary Powers |
July 28, 2020 | The struggle with Police OT | Police Overtime |
November 7, 2019 | Research Bureau testifies Inspector General Proposal is Flawed | Inspector General |
April 24, 2019 | Research Bureau testifies Fiscal discipline essential to fully fund pension system | Pensions/Finance |
April 22, 2019 |
What to watch for: City of Boston Fiscal Year 2020 Proposed Budget | Finance/Budget |
March 26, 2019 | Data-Driven Analysis Needed to Inform Development Policy | Development/IDP |
December 11, 2018 | Research Bureau Supports Appointed School Committee | School Committee |
August 2, 2018 | Research Bureau testifies Boston’s PILOT program is a success | Tax Exempt/PILOT |
May 17, 2017 | Research Bureau testifies to maintain full funding schedule for Boston’s pension system | Pensions/Finance |
April 24, 2017 | Research Bureau Supports Winthrop Sq Project With Conditions | Development |
March 27, 2017 | Research Bureau testifies in support of bringing MBTA Bus Maintenance in line with industry | Transportation |
April 25, 2016 | Research Bureau Testifies on FY17 Budget | Budget |
September 29, 2014 | Research Bureau Opposes Ordinance Amending Salary of City Councilors | |
December 2, 2013 | BMRB Testifies in Opposition to Funding the BPPA Contract | Collective Bargaining |
February 28, 2013 | BMRB Testifies in opposition of hybrid School Committee for Boston | School Committee |
April 23, 2012 | BMRB Testifies: City should take no policy action on spending that would increase its pension liability. | Pensions/Finance |
May 20, 2011 | BMRB Testifies in Support of TIF agreement with Vertex Pharmaceuticals and the I-Cubed application for the Fan Pier Economic Development Project. | Tax Policy |
April 7, 2011 | BMRB Urges Reform of the Massachusetts Pension System Through Approval of House bill 00035 | Pensions |
March 8, 2011 | BMRB supports legislative change that gives more flexibility to municipalities in managing health care cost | Health Insurance Reform |
December 15, 2010 | School Committee Should Approve School Closing/Merger Plan | School Closings |
August 2, 2010 | BMRB Supports Business Improvement District for Downtown Boston | BID |
March 22, 2010 | Research Bureau Opposes Adoption of Section 18A of Chapter 374 | Retiree Health Insurance |
January 15, 2010 | Education Reform Legislation Passed | Education |
January 11, 2010 | Research Bureau Urges Changes in Education Reform Bill to Strengthen Student Achievement | Education Reform |
December 22, 2009 | Research Bureau Urges House to Pass Education Reform | Education |
August 20, 2009 | BMRB Supports Local Option Excise Taxes With Conditions | Excise Taxes |
July 21, 2009 | BMRB Supports In-District Charter Schools | Schools |
June 25, 2009 | BMRB Supports Drug Testing For Public Safety Employees | Personnel |
December 3, 2008 | BMRB Urges adoption of measures to assist municipalities in managing more efficiently and cost effectively | Municipal Finances |
November 14, 2008 | BMRB Urges Police Commissioner discretion in determining the use of police detail, civilian flaggers or digital signs. | Police Department |
May 28, 2008 | BMRB Supports Approval of Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Agreement | Economic Development |
July 19, 2007 | BMRB Calls for Council to Reject Residential Dwelling Unit Ordinance | Rent Control |
April 10, 2007 | BMRB Comments on 4 Bills Before the Legislature's Joint Committee on Revenue | Finances |
March 21, 2007 | BMRB Supports BIll That Pormotes Quality & Affordable Municipal Health Insurance | Health Insurance |
July 11, 2006 | BMRB Supports House Bill That Encourages Econmic Development | Economic Development |
November 23, 2004 | BMRB Opposes Community Stablization Protection Act | Rent Control |
April 7, 2004 | BMRB Calls on Council to Reject Proposal for Supplemental Tax Assessment | Assessing |
December 30, 2003 | Classification FY04 | Assessing |
December 17, 2003 | BMRB Calls on Council to Support a Request for the Issuance of Tax-Exempt Refunding Bonds for Boston | Finance |
December 17, 2003 | BMRB Supports Appropriation of Free Cash, AKA Budgetary Fund Balance | Budget |
December 12, 2003 | BMRB Calls on City Council to Reject Tax Amnesty Program for Boston | Assessing |
September 15, 2003 | BMRB Supports Establishment of BID Before the Legislature | Economic Development |
November 21, 2002 | Classification FY03 | Assessing |
June 20, 2002 | BMRB Call on Council to Reject Right of Way Fee | Telecommunications |
February 20, 2002 | BMRB Supports Compensation Advisory Board Report | Salaries |
December 4, 2001 | Classification FY02 | Assessing |
July 26, 2001 | BMRB Calls for Implementation of O'Toole Commission Report Recommendations | Fire Department |
June 28, 2001 | BMRB Calls for Increase in Linkage Fees to be Connected to Management Improvements | Linkage |
June 6, 2001 | BMRB Calls on Legislature to Reject Changes to Linkage Legislation | Linkage |
July 19, 2000 | BMRB Calls for Changes to Linkage, Before the Legislature | Linkage |
May 23, 2000 | BMRB Proposes Changes to Linkage Legislation | Linkage |
November 8, 1999 | BMRB Offers Changes to Proposed Job & Living Wage Rules | Living Wage |
December 3, 1998 | BMRB Calls on City to Adhere to Linkage Process | Linkage |
November 30, 1998 | Classification FY99 | Assessing |
February 3, 1998 | BMRB Supports $9M Appropriation for Technology | Technology |