Community Preservation Committee

One seat reserved for Boston resident with finance and/or development experience

The Boston City Council has begun the process that will lead to its selection of four Boston residents to serve as At-Large members of the Community Preservation Committee (CPC).  The CPC will have the responsibility of evaluating and selecting proposals to receive Community Preservation Act (CPA) funding starting in FY18, the current fiscal year.  The CPC will first need to develop the procedures for the application of CPA funds. Of the four At-Large members, one member is designated to be a Boston resident with experience in “development, business, finance, or any combination thereof.” The deadline for submitting applications to serve is Thursday, November 9, 2017.

Community Preservation Committee

The full CPC will consist of nine members with five being members or representatives of boards or commissions identified in the enabling legislation and four appointed by the City Council.
Statutory Members (5) – member of:
1 Conservation Commission
1 Landmarks Commission
1 Parks and Recreation Commission
1 Planning & Development Agency
1 Housing Authority Representative
“At Large” Members (4)
1 Resident with experience in finance, business, development or combination thereof
1 Resident with expertise in housing, open space, historic preservation or any combination thereof
2 Residents involved in his/her local community

Members will be appointed to staggered three-year terms and all members must be residents of the City of Boston.  No member will be able to serve more than two consecutive terms.  The Chair of the CPC will be appointed by the other members.

The CPC’s annual work will include:

  • Reviewing CPA project applications and making final recommendations to the Mayor and City Council. The estimate of CPA annual funds is $20M.
  • Developing an annual CPA plan
  • Approving an annual administrative budget for the CPC

Boston residents interested in serving on the CPC will need to complete an application asking for basic information and a written statement of interest that includes responses to three questions.  City of Boston elected officials and Boston employees are not eligible to serve on the CPC.  The application is available on the City’s CPA website.  The deadline for submitting applications is Thursday, November 9, 2017.

This first CPC will establish a responsible structure and process that balances the interests of the Administration, nonprofit organizations and local residents in supporting worthy affordable housing, open space and historic preservation projects throughout the City.

A CPA/CPC timeline is available here.

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