Support Boston’s Students: 4 School Committee Openings

Application Deadlines: November 5 & November 24, 2021

Want to play a key role in decisions that can benefit thousands of students in Boston Public Schools? The Boston School Committee Nominating Panel is soliciting nominations for four seats whose terms expire in January. This opportunity allows Bostonians to become civically engaged on behalf of Boston Public School students and to make a difference in our community.

Impact BPS’ Future: The seven-member School Committee allows issues and concerns of the school community to be heard and democratically addressed in a manner which benefits not only thousands of Boston students but the community at large. The School Committee plays an essential role in Boston and has significant authority if it chooses to use it. The Mayor appoints School Committee members, but first a Citizens Nominating Panel comprised of parents, teachers, principals, and business and higher education representatives convenes to review applications and develop a short list of qualified nominees for the Mayor to choose from.

The law requires the Mayor to “strive to appoint individuals who reflect the ethnic, racial and socioeconomic diversity of the city of Boston and its public school population.” The process involves a careful review of candidates, their qualifications and the vision they have for Boston’s school system. Applicants are asked to provide written answers to policy questions related to issues confronting Boston Public Schools, followed by public interviews with the School Committee Nominating Panel. This process allows the Mayor to receive a list of applicants with well understood backgrounds, expertise and views on public education and allows the public to see those advocating on behalf of their children. While the school committee remains an appointed body, it is crucial that its nominating process remain transparent so that Boston residents can be assured about the qualifications and priorities of school committee applicants.

The deadlines to apply:

                                                                                  November 5th – for 2-year term
November 24th – for 4-year term
Interested city residents can apply here.

The School Committee Nominating Panel

The Nominating Panel consists of 13 members – four members are appointed by the Mayor and nine members are designees from:

  • 4 parents of BPS students from the following organizations: Boston Parenting Organizing Network, Special Needs Parents Advisory Council, Citywide Parent Council, and Bilingual Master Parents Advisory Council
  • 1 teacher from the Boston Teachers Union
  • 1 BPS headmaster/principal selected by Boston Association of School Admin. and Supervisors
  • A college president representing local higher education
  • Massachusetts Commissioner of Education or designee
  • 1 representative of the Boston business community from one of the following: Boston Municipal Research Bureau, Boston Private Industry Council, Boston Chamber of Commerce

The Nominating Panel presents to the Mayor three to five names for each vacant position by the first Monday of December.


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