Candidates for Boston School Committee Sought
Deadline for applications is November 9, 2015
The Boston School Committee Nominating Panel is now accepting applications for two seats on the seven-member School Committee for four-year terms that begin on January 4, 2016. The terms of Meg Campbell and Miren Uriarte will expire this January. Both members may reapply for a new term. Committee members serve staggered, four-year terms and play an important leadership role in improving public education in Boston. Those applying must be residents of the City of Boston.
Meg Campbell was appointed to the School Committee in January 2012. Miren Uriarte was appointed to the Committee in February 2015 to fill the remaining one-year term of Claudio Martinez. More
Nominating Panel
The Nominating Panel is composed of thirteen members with nine being designees of parent organizations, school unions, the business community, a college or university president and the Commissioner of Education. The remaining four members are appointed by the Mayor. The Nominating Panel must submit to the Mayor at least three names, but no more than five names, for each seat by December 7, and the Mayor must select one of the nominees in each group by January 4, 2016.
Importance of the Position
The next few years should be both challenging and rewarding as the School Committee works with Superintendent Chang to improve student achievement and effective teaching in the BPS’ 126 schools, develop a $1 billion operating budget for fiscal 2017, and consider policy and reform objectives in the upcoming negotiations for a new contract with the Boston Teachers Union. The Committee will also oversee the development of a ten-year master facilities plan now underway, the redesign of high schools, the initiative to improve the quality and diversity of teachers hired by the schools and a renewed compact with Commonwealth charter and parochial schools among other issues and initiatives.
How to Apply
Interested applicants can download the application form here or request a form by emailing
Applications must be received by 5:00 P.M. on Monday, November 9, 2015. The application asks for basic information about the candidate and written responses to a series of questions.